CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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And Mac said "Let there be Cake" :devil:

Horatio and Mac had just got in the door when the phone rang. "Caine". "H", the trace on the bag belong's to Terrance, it's a match". "Okay Eric, go home and get some rest, I'll see you in the morning". "Where are the girl's"? asked Mac, everyone is gone". Horatio found a note that read, "Gone to the park with the kids see you at 6". , Love Calleigh. "There at the park". "I have an idea said Mac, how about we make the girls dinner"? "Mac, I'm not much of a cook", said "H". "That's okay, I'll show you what to do"? "You can peel the potatoe's and I'll teach you how to make Hearty Beef Stew" said Mac". Just as they got everything on simmer Calleigh, Stella and the kids walked in. "Hi dad, Hi dad", said the kids. "There's our troops", said Mac. "Dad we had fun at the park", "Mom pushed me on the swing really high", said Marisol. "And we played on the slide and Eric peed his pant's" dad, said Marisol again. "He did, "well come on champ daddy change you". "How did everything go today Mac"? asked Stella. "Not to bad, we found the place where he's been staying, and Ryan came back today". "He feels he's ready". "But you don't think he is"? "No, I don't, he was deeply disturbed by what he seen, you don't get over that after 3 days". "How's Hawkes"? , asked Calleigh. "Good I'd imagine, Alexx went over to visit him". "Really, said Calleigh, how Interesting". Calleigh knew how much Alexx liked Sheldon and Calleigh would tease her endlessly about him. "I'll have to call her later and see how he's doing".

Mac and Horatio served dinner to the kids and their wives. "Oh Mac it smells wonderful", said Stella. "Uncle Mac what's those long green things"?, asked Marisol. "There called Green Beans love". "I don't like beans Uncle Mac". "Well that's okay love, just pick them out". "Uncle Mac, I don't really like this at all, said Marisol. "That's okay love then don't eat it". "What would you like instead Marisol"?, said Daddy. "Can I have PB&J". "I don't think that's proper for supper Angel". "Please dad". Horatio looked over at Calleigh who shrugged her shoulder's. "Okay Angel, I'll make you PB&J". "No, I can do it Dad, I'm a big girl". Ever since Marisol was 2 years old, it was always peanut butter and jam on everything and the funny thing was she never out grew it. After dinner Caleigh and Stella bathed the babies, while the kids did the dishes. what started out as a chore turned into a bubble fight. "Stop it HJr., or I'm telling". HJr. was squirting the girls with soapy water. "STOP IT", HJr". Marisol and Claire became really angry and they took a pail from under the sink and filled it with soapy water while HJr. was clearing the rest of the table. When he came back in the girls threw the pail of water over his head. "And that's Payback, Clairetime, HJr.". said Claire. HJr. stood in shock, you little witches and he got the tap hose and turned it on spraying the girls. "AHAhahah", screams could be heard through the house. Horatio and Mac came in and slipped on the bubbles, down they went on their asses. "What is going on in here"? ,yelled "H". "HJr. started it Dad, he wet us with soapy water and we took a pail and dumped it over his head. Then he turned on the tap hose and that is that". "You are all grounded, go to your room's, said "H". "You can't ground me Uncle "H", I'm not your kid remember". Mac looked at his daughter and told her without words to move it and she did with no complaint. "You okay "H"? asked Mac. "Yeah", you"? "I think so, though I thought the days of falling on my ass were over".

Calleigh and Stella walked into the kitchen and seen their husbands with mops in their hands. "whatcha doing boy's, swabbing the decks"? Then calleigh started singing, "this is the way we mop the floor, mop the floor, mop the floor". Then stella joined in and the two of them sang it together. Horatio and Mac looked at each other and then at the hose in the sink. "Should we", they said. "yeah", let's". They turned on the hose and sprayed the gilrs until they stopped singing. Horatio and Mac noticed the girls shirts were see through and they were become aroused. "I've seen that look before Horatio Caine, wipe it off, the kids are up". "You to Mac Taylor, this is no time to play Payback Taylor Style". Now the guy's knew the kids were playing in the Den, so they thought what the hell, and they picked up their wives and carried them to the bedroom's for some Taylor/Caine time. A few hour's later they got the kids to bed and Mac and Horatio read them stories. Once they were finished they kissed their kids goodnight. Back in the Living room Stella and Calleigh were talking about what to do with the kids in the morning. "I think maybe swimming for a change would be nice", said Stella. "Yeah, that sounds great". "I'm going to give Alexx a call and see how Sheldon is doing". "Hey Alexx, how are you"? (Fine Calleigh and you?) "Good, I just called to see if Sheldon was feeling better after your visit today"? (who told you) "Told me what"? (that I went and seen Sheldon) "No one".*laughing*. (Listen Calleigh give that white honky a smack for me and tell him I'll deal with him in the morning) Calleigh started howling, she loved it when Alexx got angry because she got to enjoy her ghetto talk. "Okay, so he's fine right"? asked Calleigh. "Yeah he is great, though that scar is going to be nasty", "poor boy is going to have to carry that memory with him all his life now". "Awe, Alexx maybe you can help him get over it".*laughing*. "Listen girl, you're on my hit list now, I'll talk to you tomorrow". "Bye Alexx".

Once Calleigh was off the phone she went into the kitchen to make coffee for them all. While in there she seen someone staring from the street. At first she thought nothing of it but the longer he stared the more nervous she became. Putting her head down she called for Horatio. "What is it love"? as he was coming towards the kitchen. "Stay there and just listen to me". "I think Terrance is outside across the street, someone keeps staring through into the window. Horatio turned and went to get Mac. The two of them walked out the door quietly, as Mac approched the suspect, Horatio grabbed him from the back. "FREEZE", said "H", "Don't move". "Lt.Caine", I'm with F.B.I. Agent Parks sent me to keep an eye on your family". Mac reached into his pocket and pulled out his I.D. "he's good "H". Horatio released him and asked him why Parks would think his family needed protecting. "He just thought it best till Terrance was caught". "Okay , please let Parks know that I thank him, but it's not nessasary". "Sure I'll do that". Once the Agent left Horatio informed Mac that something more was going on". "Horatio is everything okay"? asked Calleigh. "Yes love, Agent Parks sent one of his guys over to protect us, but I told him it wasn't nessasary". "I've mad some nice Coffee Cake if anyone would like some with their coffee". After discussing the case in further detail everyone went to bed. As Stella waited for Mac to come out of the washroom he had some coffee cake with him. "Are you still hungry Mac"? asked Stella. Mac had that look in his eye again. "Oh no"! said Stella, Mac"! what are you up too with that cake"? "Mac"? "behave". Mac leaned over Stella and put pieces of cake starting from her neck all the way down to her thigh's. "Stella, I"m going to eat you one bite at a time". Mac took his tongue and traced it around the cake before eating it". Then he took the next bite and the next until he became greedy and gobbled the cake from deep with in, she screamed into the pillow as Mac kept going and going until she screamed into the pillow again and then fially he crawled up flipped her over ontop and let her go wild until he was ready and they soared together into ecstacy. After they laid in each others arms Mac fed Stella some left over cake.
aw man those kids never stop making trouble!
and mac fell on his bum again!!!:lol::lol::lol:
they are all naughty naughty !!
ROFL at the whole thing, the kids and the adults :) Is there any icing left over? That can be very fun :devil:
Thank's Mel. I keep reading over and can't help laughing myself. You don't realize how funny it is until you reread it. This will be my only post for Crossover till about 7pm Canadian time. Have to work :(. But you have a great day. :lol:

In the morning Calleigh was getting into her swim suit. She had bought a new one, bright pink with black. Looking at herself in the mirror she had to admit not bad after 4 kids. Horatio walked in to say good-bye and seen his wife. "Jesus Calleigh", my God, you are the sexiest woman alive". "And you're bias because I'm your wife". "You think so"? "I know so"? "Mac, called Horatio come in here a minute, Calleigh is having problems accepting that she is a sexy woman", what do you think"? Mac stared in total ecstacy, she had sexy long gorgeous legs and her muscle tone was perfect. "God she looked like something out of The swimsuit issue." "Wow, said Mac. "You look totally hot Calleigh, the men are going to go insane on that beach". Horatio forgot about that and began to think. "Auh, Calleigh maybe you should wear the wrap with that swim suit love I wouldn't want you to get burnt". "Don't be silly Handsome, I'll wear it till I get to the beach and then I'll take it off". "I really think you should wear it on the beach too", said "H". Mac knew he needed to rattle Horatio's chain so he told Calleigh, "Your husband is jealous Calleigh, of all the guy's that are going to be lusting over you". "Don't be silly handsome you know I love you and mt wedding band proves that". "I owe you for that one Taylor", said "H". Once the Clan left for the beach Mac and Horatio waited for Eric and Ryan to arrive.

When Eric and Ryan arrived Horatio split them into groups again. Only this time Mac had Eric and Horatio had Ryan. "You and Eric take the Nursing homes and Ryan and I will take the Senior Center's, said "H". "We'll check in every hour", "Good luck guy's". "You to "H". As Mac and Eric headed to the first Nursing Home, they spoke with several elderly patients about Terrance and if they had seen him, before they left they informed the senior's to be careful when going out and to try and go in pairs. Meanwhile Horatio and Ryan weren't having any luck either, 3 Senior's Center's and not one person could match Terrance Blake. Horatio informed the senior's to be careful and travel in pairs. By the afternoon they got a break in the case. Two elderly senior's said they seen a man matching that description down by the pier. Horatio and Ryan called over to Mac and Eric to meet them there. Once they all arrived they headed over to the pier and searched the area for an hour. After finding no sign of Terrance they headed back to the Lab. "H", said Eric. "What are we going to have to do too catch this guy"? I'm not sure Eric, I'm not sure".

After they had lunch at the Lab, they headed out again, searching the places they had already been incase Terrance decided to back track. Eric and Mac got lucky. An elderly couple told them that there was a guy hanging around the senior's bingo hall. Eric and Mac took off running as they rounded the corner they seen Terrance trying to coax an elderly lady into his car. Just as terrance was ready to make the grab he seen Eric and Ryan running towards him. Leaving the woman behind he took off in his car. "Eric did you get the plate number"? "Yeah, the last 3 digit's of a Black Monte carlo", that should be enough for a hit from COTIS". Mac called "H" and told him to meet back at the Lab. Once they got back too the Lab eric ran the plate through COTIS in less the 5 minutes it came up with a hit. "The car is registered to Mr.&Mrs.Craven at 1331 North Shore Apartments". "Okay let's go". As they all got to the address they ran upstairs to apartment 401 and found the door open. As they walked inside they could smell the stench of death. "Ryan, stay outside, go to the Hummer and call Miami-Dade to send out Officers to secure the scene, then call Alexx". Mac and Eric did there hardest to keep their lunch down. "Christ "H", I don't think I can handle this anymore, it's too much for us to handle", said Eric. "What would you suggest Eric that I let this animal keep killing", as the bodies in Miami pile up". As the Officer's walked in to secure the scene, 3 of them vomited over the carpet. "Get the hell out of here, said Mac, before you compremise the crime scene". The Officer's left the area as Alexx walked in. "For God sakes said Alexx, how many more bodies before the bastard is caught"? "If you all don't mind turning away while I check for the foreign object please". Once they had turned their backs Alexx searched for the item in the female. "He did it again "H", same shape, same size but different color sphere", said Alexx.
It's small, I just got home. :)

Calleigh, Stella and the kids returned from the beach. While Calleigh started supper, Stella put down Cody and Kenya for their naps while the older kids went into the Den to play. "Mom can we have a snack"? asked HJr. "Give me a minute love and I'll get you all some cookies and milk". "Thanks Mom". Once Calleigh had the kids settled with thier snack she went back to preparing supper. Once again as she looked out the window she seen Terrance Blake standing there, just staring at her. She remembered him from the picture Horatio had showed her. As Stella came walking into the kitchen Calleigh told her to look across the street and tell her what she seen. "Parked cars, the street, kids walking by". "You don't see him", said Calleigh. "See who Calleigh"? "Terrance Blake, I'm telling you Stella, I seen him". "then maybe you should call Horatio and let him know". Calleigh picked up the phone and called "H". "Caine"! "Handsome it's Calleigh", "Hi love what's the matter"? "I think Terrance was outside standing across the street". "I know it was himHoratio", "I remember the picture". "Okay love calm down we'll be right home". Horatio informed Mac about what Calleigh had seen and the two of them headed home.

Once they arrived Horatio asked Calleigh where it was Terrance was standing. "Right there, in front of that car". "He stared straight through me, it was like looking at nothing". Horatio and Mac walked around outside and the backyard, but nothing or no one was in sight. "what do you think "H"? asked Mac. "I'm not sure", "I think we should take shift's tonight in case he returns". "I agree", said Mac. After the girls went to bed Horatio took the first shift. Sitting in the kitchen he kept watch for any sign's of trouble, then at 3 am Mac came out to take the next shift. "See you in the mornig Mac". "Okay "H". A short time later Stella came in to join Mac. "Hi my sexy man". "Hi love, come sit on my lap". Stella walked over and sat on her husbands lap and cuddled up to his neck. "I love you Mac", said Stella. "I love you too my love". Mac couldn't help himself everytime he was near his wife she drove him into wanting her. Mac couldn't resist anymore and took his hand and slid it slowly up her leg and under her gown. As she leaned back against him he stroked her deeper as she began to move in his lap. "Mac", she panted. "Shhh! love, just let it happen". Stella closed her eyes and allowed Mac's touch to take her over the edge again and again as he whispered "Lift your gown love". Stella tried to do it, but her nerves were so on edge that she just shook in his arms. Mac raised her and pulled it up as he sat her back down on his lap and took her into him as they made love over and over again until she was spent and laid limp in his arms. Mac held Stella while she slept quiet and peaceful in his embrace, then once morning light came Mac carried her back to bed and loved her twice more before falling asleep.
TheEnd :(

In the morning Horatio asked Calleigh what her plans were for today. "What do you and Stella have planned"? "Nothing today". "The kids are back to Daycamp so we'll most likely just relax for the day". "Listen Calleigh if you nervous or scared today I want you to call me at the Office immediatly". "I will Handsome". "Stella, you have a good day too". "thanks "H", see ya". After Mac kissed Stella good-bye him and Horatio headed out. "Do you think we need to be concerned"? said Mac. "I'm not sure, I'll post two unmarked units at the house to be safe". Once they got back to the Lab, Ryan informed them that Eric found something in the spheres. Heading down to the evidence Lab Eric showed them. "Look, we let the sphere sit over night and when we checked the evidence this morning it had popped open with shards of glass inside". "This guy is really sick "H", that's how he's slicing them inside, by using the sphere's. There is a timer on each one". "I've sent them to trace to see if there are any prints on them". "H" and Mac looked at the sphere in wonder, never had they seen anything like it. "Eric check his background , see if you can find out where he worked". "I'm on it "H". If what I'm thinking is right , he's some kind of inventor", which means he could very well use two names", one his own and the other one could be his alias". "So you think if we can find the alias, we'll be able to catch him at his work". "That's right", said "H".

Eric informed Horatio that there was a Tom Fornes matching Terrance's description at Inventor's Group Ltd. "Okay, Eric you grab Ryan and follow Mac and I ". Once they got to Inventor's Group Ltd. they went inside. As they looked around they seen Terrance concentrating on a sphere. "Look "H", whispered Eric, he's making a new one". "I see that". "Okay Eric you and Ryan cover the back and Mac and I will take the front". "Please be careful this guy is armed and we know he's dangerous". As they were in position Horatio called Terrance FREEZE". Terrance knew he was trapped and hd no choice but to give up. As they arrested him he said, " I'll be back you know, revenge will be mine, you'll see". When they got back to the Miami-dade P.D. Horatio phoned Calleigh to let her know it was over.

*2 weeks later*

Mac, Hawkes and the family headed back to NY. Almost everything was back to normal. Up until Alexx recieved a call that her husband had been murdered in NY and Horatio, Calleigh, the kids and Alexx have to go too NY to find his killer.

*Look for some hot scenes and Rrated between Alexx and Hawkes* :devil: :devil:
awww it sounds good, and she'll need the comforting. *waits anxiously* Oooh can Alexx's kids run around with the Taylor-Caine clan? rofl

*also gets visions of one or more Taylor-Caine kid ships happening way in the future and eventual marrying and...hehehehe*
Of course the kids will join in, lots of Hijinx in this one and lots of Rrated headed your way :devil: :devil:. That makes 10 rugrats running around the Taylor home. :lol: I have to make the names up for Alexx's kids because I've never heard their names mentioned.

It was a hot night in Miami when Mac called Horatio. "Hello"? "H" it's Mac". "How you doing Mac"? "Not good "H", I have some bad news for you". "What is it"? "It concern's your Alexx Woods". "What concern"? "We found her husbands body outside Grand Central Station tonight", "he's been murdered". "Multiple stab wound to the chest". "I thought it would be best if she heard it from you and Calleigh". "Thank's Mac", Are you investigating"? "Of course, Why you coming down to help"? "Of course, I know Calleigh misses Stella and the kids". "I'll most likely bring Alexx, as she'll want to be involved throughout the case". "That's fine "H", good luck, and be gentle when telling her". "We will". "See you soon Mac". After "H" hung up the phone, he woke up Calleigh and told her what had happened. "Oh no, poor Alexx". "We need to tell her Handsome". I know but we can't get a sitter this late for our kids". "Then you go Handsome and if she needs me she'll call". "Okay love, if you like you can start packing". "Why"? "We need to go too NY to find his killer".

Horatio headed over to Alexx's home, he knew she'd be in bed, but this was something that needed to be done in person. Once he arrived at her place he took a deep breath and got out of the Hummer. Walking up to her door he rang the bell. Alexx answered the door half asleep. "Horatio"? "what are you doing here"? "Alexx we need to talk can I come in"? "Of course". "Alexx I need to tell you I have some bad news for you". "What is it "H". "Alexx, I'm afraid your husband has been killed tonight in NY". Shock appeared in Alexx's eyes followed by tears. "Horatio", are you sure"? "Yes love, Mac called me tonight and let me know". "Oh my God", said Alexx. "Calleigh the kids and I are going to NY in the morning, we thought you and the kids might like to come". "Are you looking into the case"? asked Alexx. "Yes Mac and I will be working together". "I'll pack Horatio and see you in the morning". "Alexx, are you going to be okay"? "Horatio, I'll be fine(sobs quietly). Horatio embraced Alexx in his arms and held her tight while she cried.
In the morning everyone was packed up and ready to go. Calleigh felt so bad for Alexx because of all her pain. Calleigh knew if it was Horatio she'd never survive. He was her lifeline and without him she couldn't breathe. So she could well imgine what Alexx was going through. On the plane Alexx and Calleigh talked about who she thought may want to hurt her deceased husband. "Who do you think would want to hurt him Alexx"? "I'm not sure Calleigh"? "I wish I knew more, most of the time he was very secretive about his comings and goings". "Could he have been involved in something"? "I don't think so"? "But then again, maybe". "Oh Calleigh I just don't know". Calleigh held Alexx while she started to cry again. "Shhh! just relax Alexx, shhhh! said Calleigh.

Once they landed in NY Hawkes and Danny were there to pick them up. "Hey Danny, Hawkes, how are you"? said Calleigh. "Great Calleigh", said Danny. "Mac would have picked you up but he had to work on some case and asked us to do it". Hawkes and Alexx were looking at each other and Hawkes could see the pain and tears. He walked up to Alexx and without saying anything he just embraced her tightly in his arms. "It's okay, it's going to be okay, he whispered in her ear. Not wanting to let go of what he was feeling for Alexx, he knew this wasn't the time, not while she was grieving. "Are these your children asked Hawkes. "Yes, this is Anika she's 8 and Jaemal is 9". "Well how about we get you to Mac and Stella's home so you can rest". Once they arrived at Mac's home the Taylor Clan kids stormed the Caine Clan kids, as they all started yelling above each other to be heard. HJr. introduced the Taylor kids to Alexx's children. "Okay guy's yelled Stella above the reunion, take it into the Den, there are snacks in there". When the kids had left Stella and Calleigh embraced each other. "God I've missed this Calleigh", said Stella. "Oh, me too". "Alexx how you doing love"? asked Stella. "I'm doing better, I'd like to see my husbands body though". "Danny, Hawkes take Alexx over to the Morgue to see her husband please". "Sure Stella", siad Danny. "See ya Danny", said Calleigh. Once they left Stella and Calleigh caught up on each others lives.

"God Calleigh, she must be going through hell". "She is, all the way here she just cried". "I can't imagine going through that", "If I lost Horatio, I know It would be impossible to keep living". "Let's just hope she can get through this after she sees her husband. Alexx had arrived at the Morgue to see her husbands body, one look and she knew it was him. Now that reality had set in, she completely broke down. Hawkes told everyone to leave. Alexx, it's okay, come here". Hawkes just held her and craddled her as he spoke. "Alexx listen to me". "We will find who did this, I promise". All Hawkes could think, was how he was going to fight these feelings, of wanting her during her trying time. "Come on Alexx I'll take you back to Mac's". Once they arrived back at Mac's Alexx had fallen asleep due to emotional stress and jetlag. Hawkes picked her up in his arms and had Stella tell him what room to put her in. As he layed her down on the bed she woke up. "Dennis"! she called. Not thinking logically she pulled Hawkes down on top of her and kissed him wildly and passionately through her salty tears, and as Hawkes had her break the kiss she was sound asleep again. As he covered her up he said, "Christ"! "I need to get the hell out of here now".
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