CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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It was Saturday morning and the chances of Calleigh sleeping in were not going to happen. Marisol started yelling, "Mommy, my throat hurts". Calleigh felt her daughter's head and realized she was burning up with fever. Running back into their room she woke up "H". "Handsome wake up, Marsiol is burning up with fever, we need to get her to the doctor". Horatio jumped out of bed and ran into Marisol's room. "It's okay Angel, Daddy's here". "So hot daddy, my throat hurts". "Okay Angel, Calleigh call Dr. Ross and see if he can make a house call, I don't really want to have too take Marisol out". Calleigh called the Dr. Ross and he said he could be there within the hour. "He's on his way". "Sweetheart you want something to drink"? "Some water Mama". Calleigh walked into the kitchen to get the water as Mac walked out. "Everything okay Calleigh"? "Yeah, Marisol has a fever and sore throat we're waiting on the doctor". "Okay if you need my help let me know". "I will Mac". When the Doctor arrived he gave Marisol a shot of Penicilin and a perscription for more. "She has a severe case of Strep Throat, you need to keep the other children apart from her for 48 hours by that time the antibiotics will have started working". "Thank you Dr. Ross". "You're welcome Mrs. Caine. After breakfast Calleigh kept the other kids in the Den. Marisol was feeling all alone and started crying when Mac walked by. "What's the matter Angel"? "I'm all alone Uncle Mac, no one can play with me". "How about I tell you a story". "Yes please, please ,please". Mac told Marisol the story of "The little Mermaid", Marisol loved it when Uncle Mac told her stories because he'd change the names of the character's to her and her cousins. Marisol had fallen asleep and Mac was covering her up as Calleigh watched. Turning around Mac seen her. "Shh! she's asleep", said Mac. Walking over to Calleigh he asked her if she missed the way he read to her when she was bed ridden. "Yeah, I miss it all the time". Looking in each other's eyes they both realized they were missing each other like crazy. It was obvious to both of them that New York wasn't enough.

Horatio and Stella headed over to Miami-dade Lab to have the files checked for trace and prints as per Calleigh's request. "H", called Ryan. "What is it"? "The chief of NY Police is here to see you". "He's in your office". "Okay", "Take Stella to the breakroom until I return". "H" headed over to his office. "Chief", said "H". "You must be Horatio Caine". "That's right, what can I do for you Chief"? "I need your help with Det. Mac. Taylor". "What kind of help Sir". "I need you to find out quickly who's trying to frame him", NYPD CSI's are falling apart without him there". "We need him back". "I can asure you Chief we are doing everything we can to clear him". "I understand that, but you need to work faster, someone has it in for him big time". "Okay, I'll be sure to keep you posted". With that said Horatio knew his time was limited and they would have to work faster to clear Mac's name. Once Stella and Horatio processed the evidence they found three sets of prints. One belonging to the Chief, one set belonging to Mac and one set of Unknown. Stella and Horatio ran the prints through COTIS and they came up Officer Mary Kennon, Danvale's girlfriend had just become their prime suspect.

When Horatio and Stella got home they could smell Calleigh's home cooking. "Oh "H" I smell Pepper Steak, Potatoes, Dumpling's, "You are such a lucky guy". "That's what I keep telling myself". Stella seen "H" staring at her. "Is something wrong"? "No, just thinking about that night in NY when we chased that criminal through the streets and you fell in that puddle". "Thanks alot for reminding me". "Sorry Stella it's just all your curls were soaking wet and you looked like a drowned poodle". Stella slapped his chest in a playful jester. "Now don't do that Stella, or payback is mine". Stella tried to hit him again ,laughing he grabbed her and pulled her into his chest and kissed her. Just an innocent kiss but a kiss all the same. Walking into the house Horatio heard the kids shouting over a game. "Hey", that's enough of that or you will all go to your rooms". "Sorry Dad, we got carried away with the game". "That's fine just keep it down". "Calleigh , we're home love". "In the kitchen", yelled Calleigh. "Did you find out anything"? "Actually yes, The Chief of NY came to see me today and you were right about the files". "We found out that Mary Kennon is a Police Officer in NY and her prints were the ones we found all over the evidence". "Are you telling us that Danvale's girlfriend is a cop"? "Yes", Flack is out looking for her now to bring her in for questioning". "Wow, sounds like you had a very productive day". "Where is Mac Calleigh"? "He's reading to Marisol". "Do you need help love"? "No thanks, I'm fine, dinner will be ready in 5". "Okay". Mac came out of Marisol's room and asked Horatio what went down. After Horatio finished explaining what they had found Calleigh called them to dinner.

"Mommy, mommy, called Marisol. "Excuse me,please". Calleigh went to see what Marisol wanted. "What is it love'? "Can I come out now Mom"? "Well I guess it wouldn't hurt, it's been close enough to two days". "Thanks mommy". "Claire, Mom said I can come out and play now". "Yeah", said Claire jumping down from the table. "I missed you Marisol". "Me too Claire". As the kids ran off the phone rang. "Hello, said Calleigh. "Calleigh it's Ryan is "H" there"? "Yeah, just a minute". "Phone Handsome, it's Ryan". "Thanks love". "H", Flack called and it's not good". "Why Ryan"? "They found Mary, "H". "And"? said "H". "She's dead". "How ryan"? "Flack said she was found with her throat slit". "Great", "thanks Ryan". "What is it "H"? "Flack found Mary", she's been killed with her throat slit". "Good God, thank God you are here Mac, this is one you can't be blamed for". "I know that Calleigh but now we're back to the begining". "Well then we go through everything again and see if we missed something". "The Mac Taylor I know doesn't give up". With dinner out the way Calleigh and Mac went through the files again while Horatio and Stella got the kids ready for bed. "Mom. yelled HJr. we're ready for our kiss please". "Okay hun I'll be right there". Getting up Calleigh took Mac"s face between her hands and told him it would be okay". "I'll be right back". "Mac come say goodnight to the kids please", said Stella. After everyone went over the files twice and came up with nothing they all decided to go too bed and start again in the morning. All except for Calleigh she was determined to find something tonight even if it killed her. She decided to try the old files even though it was against her better judgement. after 3 folders she found it plain as day. "Family Man Kills 4 Injures 2. Father of 4 children killed his wife and 2 of the 4 boys in cold blood turning the gun on himself. There it was two boys, Danvale had a twin who had survived that night. One was put in foster care the other given to a good home. "That's it", yelled Calleigh, "I got it, I got it, wake up". Everyone came running out. Calleigh what is it love"? asked "H". Danvale isn't dead, he's alive". "What are you talking about Calleigh"? "Danvale had a twin, a brother. It was Danvale who killed his brother and made everyone think it was him, that's how he framed you Mac. "He used his twin". "My God Calleigh, how"? "It's all in this article, Danvale and his twin were the only two survivor's from the night their father murdered the family". " That's why Danvale went insane and did the same to his family". "He's never forgotten" "We need to get this information to Flack and they need to search for Danvale, he's out there somewhere looking for revenge". "Okay Calleigh I'll take the stuff to the Lab and fax it off". "before you do that Handsome, you make copies of all the evidence and papers before you fax them". "Make sure you bring one copy back here". "Okay love". "Hold up "H" said Stella, I'll go with you". after they left Mac breathed a sigh of relief. But this case was far from over and Danvale had just started his revenge.
"Mac are you okay"? "Thank-you calleigh, thank -you so much". "Oh Mac please don't cry", Calleigh ran over and embraced Mac in her arms. "shhh! "It's okay Mac, it's almost over. All we have to do is catch Danvale, you're in the clear Mac". "Mac, look at me please, You are clear, do you understand love", it's over". Mac and Calleigh stared at each other and without warning they relit the flame from that special night in NY. Stella and Horatio got back home and all was quiet. "I'll make some coffee". "That would be nice Stella, I'll go check on everyone". Horatio found everyone sound asleep, even Calleigh had finally slept after staying up two nights straight to solve the case for Mac and solve it she did. Calleigh never ceased to amaze him with her ability to solve cases. Walking up to her he bent down and kissed her ear as he said I love you". Calleigh gave a little moan and turned over and went back to sleep. "How are they all"? asked Stella. "Sleeping soundly, even Mac". "Thank God for Calleigh, said Stella, I don't think any of us would have caught that". "I know, she has this knack at solving and figuring out evidence and cases, she's saved me twice now". "So what do you think Danvale's next move will be"? "I'm not sure Stella, it depends who's next on his list". "Horatio, what if he comes after me". "I was the one he shot, and I was the one that put him away". Horatio got up and walked over to Stella. "Listen love, I won't let him hurt you ever". "And I don't think Mac will either". Stella stood up and walked over to the window, looking out she said, I hope you're right "H". Horatio walked over and embraced Stella in his arms as he said, "I am love, "I am".

Calleigh loved Sunday mornings in Miami and she was in a great mood today. "I think I'll do lots of baking". She got out her reciepe book and scaned through the pages while everyone slept. Once she found a couple of fancy dishes she started to prepare breakfast for the Clans. She made Strawberry pancakes with Happy faces for the kids, bacon and eggs, two types scrambled and sunny side, sausage, waffles, toast, fresh fruit, coffee, tea and freshed squeezed orange juice. As soon as everyone smelled the food cooking they started getting up. Horatio could hear Stella and Mac talking in the room about Danvale. Then he heard Mac say, "Calleigh's cooking again, smells like heaven in here". Horatio laughed, he knew how Mac felt, Calleigh's cooking was like a piece of heaven, that was one of many reasons why he married her. Heading into the baby's room Horatio changed and dressed Eric and Cody. Horatio couldn't believe how Cody had grown, he weighed 20 lbs now and was every bit as handsome as his Dad. Taking the kids into the kitchen he sat Eric in his highchair and Cody in his seat. "Morning love" said Horatio as he kissed his wife. "Morning Handsome". "Are the older kids up yet"? "Yeah they're playing in the Den"? "God Calleigh, it smells like heaven", said Mac. Calleigh laughed, "Have a seat, it will be ready in a minute". Everyone enjoyed Calleigh's breakfast, there was nothing left by the time it was finished. "Horatio", said Calleigh. "I'd like to take the kids to the park today", I think it will be a great Sunday outing for them". "Sounds great love I'll get them ready". "Mac, Stella you're coming too, let's go". As everyone left the table Mac stopped by Calleigh's side and told her thank-you again for breakfast. "You're welcome, and thank-you for enjoying it". Once everyone was ready they headed out for the park. "This is lovely, said Calleigh. "Look at all the beautiful colors". All the kids ran ahead to get too the activity sets. "Stella, you okay", asked Calleigh. "Fine Calleigh, just a little nervous". "Oh I forgot you may not feel comfortable out here". "Horatio", "Why don't you take Stella home she's not feeling well and Macs with the kids or I'd ask him". "Sure love, I'll see you at home".

Once Stella and Horatio left Calleigh caught up to the kids and Mac. "Where's Stella", asked Mac. "She was feeling really scared so Horatio took her home". "I hope she's okay". "I know how frightening it can be when someone is out to get you". "I hear you love, how about we go push the kids on the swings"? "Sounds great, let's go". Holding hands they walked over to the kids. Back at the house Horatio sat Stella down on the couch and got her some water. "Are you sure you're okay love, you are aweful pale". "I'm fine, just a little shaken up". "You know love you can't live your life in fear, you have to just take a deep breath and hope to hell that you survive another day". "Also Stella if he really wants you, love, he's going to get you and no amount of hiding out is going to stop him". "I know that "H", but I'm tired of having to base my life around Criminals". "I mean look at us, we catch bad guys, we file reports and at the end of the day we bring our work home with us". "It's like a never ending cycle". "That's true, but if we don't like our lives we can change them". "Stella what I'm trying to tell you is that even though things frighten you, you can't let it stop you from living life". "Oh Mac we need to get going". "What time is it"? "3:25 pm". "Wow, okay let's go". Mac and Calleigh gathered up the kids and headed home.
Yup, you are so right :D

Just as Calleigh and Mac opened the door shots rang out. "Get down", yelled Mac. Calleigh pulled all the kids under her until the shooting stopped. "Are you okay Calleigh"? "Fine". "How about the kids". Calleigh seen the kids were scared and crying, all but HJr. Calleigh turned him over and seen blood coming from his chest. "Oh my God"! "No,no,no, "Horatio". Hearing Calleigh's scream Horatio and Stella ran outside. "HJr. "C'mon baby hold on, hold on HJr." "What the hell happened Calleigh"? "shot's rang out, we duct and when we checked on the kids HJr. wasn't moving". "Oh God Horatio I can't lose our son". "Please tell me this isn't happening again". Just then the Ambulance pulled up to the house and they loaded HJr. into the Ambulance with his Dad. Miami-Dade rescue to Control. "We have a eight year old boy with trauma to the left side of chest, No known Allergies. Stable at this time, requesting to have Doctor's and Trauma room ready". As they pulled up they rushed HJr. into the Trauma room and all Horatio could do was watch". Calleigh and Mac came in behind, as Calleigh ran into Horatio's arms. "God, why are baby, why does this keep happening"? Shhh! It's okay love, it's going to be okay". After 3hrs of waiting the Doctor came out with information. "Lt. Caine"? "Yes", right here". "I'm Dr. Hanna, Your son is in good condition the bullit missed all his vital organs". "He's in recovery and asking for his Mom". "Mrs. Caine, if you'd come with me please I'll take you to recovery". "Horatio, I'm going to go call Stella". "I'll be right back". "H" didn't want to wait to his son, he ran down to recovery anyways with Calleigh. "Mom", said "HJr". "Yes son"? "It hurts to get shot". "I know love, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you". "You did Mom, if it wasn't for you covering me like that I would have died" and when I grow up, I'm going to be a bullistic's expert just like you". "Why sweetheart"? "Because the streets of Miami need to made safe, and I'm the one to do it". Calleigh wasn't sure how to react, on one side she was happy her son wanted to be like her. But another side of her didn't want this, didn't want the worry of a phone call night after night. Calleigh looked at her son and said "I'm proud of you Horatio Jr. whatever you decide I'll be proud". Horatio was standing there, he could see the pain in his wife's eyes and without warning she ran out the door and right into Mac's arms (Ouff). "Calleigh"! What's the matter love"? with no reply or explanation Mac just let Calleigh cry.
"You ready to tell me what's wrong"? "Horatio Jr. wants to be a bullistic's expert when he grows up, and I don't want him to be". "Well that 's wonderful Calleigh, you should be proud he wants to be like you". "I know you're right, but I'm just not ready for him to be making decission's on his own life right now". "He's only 8 Mac, he should be thinking about sports and games, not about bullits and guns". "Listen Calleigh, alot can happen in the next 10 years". "He could change his mind and become somthing else". "I guess you're right Mac". "Thanks for listening". What Calleigh didn't realize is that HJr. wouldn't change his mind and he does indeed become like his Mom, but that's a future story. Horatio came out and asked Calleigh if she was okay. "I'm fine Handsome", are you going to stay with him tonight or should I"? "You go home love, I'll stay with him tonight". "Okay", I'll bring you by something later to eat". "I love you Handsome". "I love you too sweetheart". As much as Horatio understood Calleigh's concern, he was damn proud of his son for wanting to be like his mother and he knew he'd have his new line of CSI's ready to go in ten or twelve years. When Calleigh got in the door Marisol ran into her arm's. "Mommy is HJr. okay"? "Yes love, he's fine". "I'll take you to see him tomorrow okay"? "Okay Mom", "are you okay, you look funny mom". Mac turned Calleigh to look ay her and she was pasty white. "Calleigh"? are you okay"? before she could answer she passed out in Mac's arm's. "Mac, what's the matter with her", asked Stella. "I'm not sure love, let's get her to bed". Stella sat by her bedside for 2 hours before Calleigh finally stirred. "Calleigh, Calleigh, you okay"? asked Stella. "Yeah, I'm fine, What happened"? "You passed out". "Calleigh is there a chance you might be pregnant again"? "No, definetly not". "It's more and likely stress, or lack of sleep". Calleigh got up out of bed and went to check on her children. "Hi mom, how you feeling now"? asked Marisol. "Fine love", "why aren't you in bed yet"? school tomorrow. "Aunt Stella and I cleaned the house and did the dishes and before I went to bed I wanted to make sure you were okay". "Thank you love, I'm fine. "How about you give me a kiss and off to bed you go". Once Marisol was down for the night calleigh got a hot plate and packed it up for Horatio. "Calleigh you can't be serious about going out tonight, you passed out, you shouldn't be going anywhere". "Horatio needs to eat and so does HJr.". "then let me take it down to him and you get some rest". "Listen Stella I'm not having you go out there tonight, Danvale is obviously waiting in the shadows for you". "Calleigh if Mac finds out I let you go he's going to kill me and Horatio is going to kill him because we are not supposed to let you out tonight". "Who told him"? "Told him what Calleigh"? "Who told Horatio I passed out"? "Your daughter, she told him when he called to see how you were". "Great", "I'm going anyways I'll see you later Stella, and Calleigh stormed out the door.
"What the hell was that about"? asked Mac. "Just Calleigh being Calleigh". "God she's a fiesty little thing". "But not as fiesty as my little Minx". "Mac stop you animal, this isn't our home". "True but we're alone and it's payback time, Taylor Style". Stella laughed, and for the next two hours her and Mac played until they slept. Calleigh arrived at the Hospital and went down to Horatio Jr.'s room. "Hi my two favorite men, how are you feeling Hjr."? "Better Mom, what did you bring"? "Homestyle chicken, potatoes, veggies, gravy, dinner rolls and Apple Pie for dessert". "Wow, thanks Mom". "While HJr. ate his supper Horatio asked Calleigh how she got out of the house. "I walked Handsome". "Calleigh you need rest, you can't keep passing out". "That's the first time in month's "H", I'm fine". "If it happens again love, I'm going to tie you too the bed", "Understood". "Yes, I understand". Horatio could see the hurt in Calleigh's eyes as he had been strict with her, but he had no choice, Calliegh needed to remain free of stress because he wasn't about to lose his wife. "Come here love". Calleigh walked over and allowed Horatio to embrace her in his warmth. "I love you sweetheart and I'm not ready to live my life without you in it". "You need to listen to the Doctor and to us, when we tell you to rest, it means rest". "As he told you Calleigh your stress level is high and you're sleep deprived". "I know Handsome", "Calleigh you are slowly killing your body, you need to stop", if not for yourself or for me then do it for the kids". "How would they survive if they lost their mother". "I'm sorry Handsome". "Shhh! "I know love, Shhh!.
Eric helps out :)

Eric walked in on Calleigh and "H". "Hey HJr., how you feeling kiddo"? asked Uncle Eric. "Better", what's that behind your back Uncle Eric"? "I don't know"? "Could be a hand held game maybe". "Whoa", Cool Uncle Eric, NFL 2007, thank you". "You're welcome and now Mom and Dad are going to go home while Uncle Eric stays with you tonight". "Really"? "Cool, Uncle Eric we can play all night". "Are you sure Eric"? asked "H". "I'm possitive, you take Calleigh home and make her rest". "I will Eric". Walking over to there son Horatio and Calleigh gave him a kiss goodnight. "Love you son". "Love you to Dad". Once Calleigh and "H" left Eric and Horatio Jr. played NFL 2007.
Calleigh and Horatio got home and Horatio forced Calleigh into bed. "Let's go love". "I'll bring you some tea". "I'm not at all tired Handsome", "how about I lay on the couch". "No", "Into bed now Calleigh". "You can't make me, I'm a grown woman". "Calleigh do not test me tonight". "Look "H", I'm not in the mood to argue with you". "That's it Calleigh". Horatio stormed over picked Calleigh up and carried her to bed. He tossed her onto the matress and started undressing her. The problem was they were both getting hot and bothered, they had never done anything like this to each other. Pulling off her undergarments he stared at her in her natural beauty. Calleigh could feel the energy driving them forward, and for the first time they made wild passionate love without reservation, without control and without restrictions. Once they were done Horatio leaned over Calleigh and told her "Now you will sleep my love". And sure enough Calleigh fell asleep in her husbands arms.
I figured it was time to bring H/C out of their shell :devil:

In the morning Horatio let Calleigh sleep. "Morning "H", said Mac. "How's HJr"? "Good, when we left. Eric stayed with him last night so I could bring Calleigh home to get some sleep. "H" is there something wrong with Calleigh"? "Something we should all be concerned about"? "Not really, Calleigh is suffering from severe stress and sleep deprive which is causing her to pass out when she becomes upset". "Is it dangerous"? "It can be if she doesn't learn to relax and slow things down, she can seriously harm her body and her system". "Jesus "H", I had no idea". "Either did we, until we went to the Doctor because we thought she was carrying again". "Is there anything we can do to help"? "The best thing is to make sure she doesn't over stress". "Which is why when she ask's to cook I let her, because it's a stress reliever for her". "It keeps her calm". "Thanks for letting me know "H", and I'll let Stella know". "Do you want a hand with breakfast"? asked Mac. "Sure that would be great". Mac and Horatio made toast and got down boxes of cereal for the kids. "H", said Mac. "Don't forget the fresh fruit". "That's right". Once all the kids were sitting at the table eating Horatio took Calleigh some breakfast. "Good morning love". "Good morning indeed". "Did you sleep well"? "Yeah and had memories of last night". "That was fun, wasn't it love". "I can't believe you did that thing you did to my body". "Either can I, I never knew we had that kind of animal play in us", said "H". "If you be a good girl, and stay in bed maybe we will play again tonight". "Come on Handsome, I promise to rest but I'd really like to bake today". "That's fine love, you can bake, but you also need to rest when you feel tired". "I will Handsome". Kissing his wife he left her to eat. "Daddy, daddy, said Eric. "What is it son"? "mama, want mama". "She is the bedroom big boy", go see her". Li'l Eric got down off his booster chair and went to see his mommy. "Mama, mama, mama, yelled Eric running into Calleigh's room. "Hi sweetheart", "what are you doing"? "uppy mama". Calleigh lifted her son up onto the bed. "There you go love". "Oast mama, some oast". "Sure love there you go, good toast"? "oast mama, ank-u". "You're welcome love". Horatio walked back in the room to see how Calleigh was doing with breakfast. "Hey pal, are you helping mommy eat"? "Oast dada, oast, and Eric tried to feed his daddy the toast. "H" pretended to take a bite and said "Yummy" and Eric giggled. Horatio came closer to his son and said "YUM,yum" and Eric laughed again, that deep girgling laugh. "Daddy get your tummy". And Horatio grabbed Eric and blew on his tummy as Eric giggled and giggled. "Dada, no mor", dada, laughing". "I love you Eric". "UV u to dada".
Once breakfast was done and "H" had spent time with his children he headed over to the hospital to check on HJr. "Hey, there's my handsome man". "Hi Dad, this game is so cool, you wanna play"? "I think I have time for a game", "w
Where's your Uncle, chasing nurses again"? "How did you know Dad"? "Because your Uncle is a player". HJr. laughed because he knew his Dad was right". "Okay son, ready, set, let's go". Horatio and Horatio jr. played for almost an hour before "H" got called to the Office. "Okay son, I love you and I'll see you tonight". "Love you too Dad". As "H" headed out he found Eric at the nurses station with a nurse pinned against the wall. "Eric"?, Eric jumped 3 feet in the air. "H", when did you get here"? "About an hour ago". "I'm leaving now, if you could keep an eye on Eric and quit playing tag with the nurses I'd appritiate it". "Sorry "H". "I'll see you tonight Carol". "You better Eric". Horatio shook his head and left. Once he got Miami-Dade "H" checked his messages. There was one on the pile that caught his attention. As he looked at it he figured it had to be a mistake, why the hell would Agent Parks be contacting him again". "H" picked up the phone and dialed the number. "Agent Park's Office may I help you"? "Yes, is Agent Park's available please". "Not at the moment, would you like to leave a message"? "No thank-you I'll call back". Horatio wondered what the hell was going on now.
Thanks :D End story on with the New

Calleigh got dressed and out of bed, she noticed how quiet it was. Looking around all the rooms were empty. As she walked into the kitchen she found a note. "Calleigh, we took the kids to see HJr., we'll be back before dinner. Love M/S. Now that Calleigh knew where the kids were she got out her baking pans to make her special Pinapple Upside Down Cake and some special cupcakes for the kids. Just as she was getting everything into the oven the phone rang. "Hello"? "Yes', is Lt.Caine there please". "No he's not may I take a message"? "Could you please tell him that Agent Parks has need to speak with him". "Sure, I'll do that". When Calleigh got off the phone she called Horatio. "Caine"? "Handsome, Agent Parks called for you". "What does he want", "Horatio what's going on"? Calleigh calm down please". "When did he call"? "Just a few minutes ago". "Okay, Listen love I want you to take some deep breaths and relax". "Better love"? "Yes, a little". "You get some rest and I'll try Parks again". As Horatio hung up the phone Agent Parks was standing outside his door. "Agent Parks", said horatio in a drawn out voice. "What can I do for you"? "It's what I can do for you Horatio". "I understand you are looking for Danvale". "That's right". "We have a location for you". "For you to do this you must want something in return", said Caine. "That's right", We are looking for a fugitive, he's been in Miami for several weeks now, we lost tabs him shortly after his arrival". "You help me find him and I give you Danvale", Do we have a deal"? "Deal". After they shook on it Horatio went to pick up Mac to take him where Danvale was hiding out. "How did you find out where he was "H"? "I had to make a deal with the Devil for this information". "What the hell "H", with who"? "Agent Parks". "He helped me find Danvale and I have to help him capture his fugitive". "Who's the fugitive "H"? "Terrance Drake". "Who is he"? "He's a muderer and serial rapist, he prays on Eldery Women". "He seduces them and then he rapes and kills them in cold blood". "Jesus "H", you did this for me"? "It's what family does". "We get Danvale off the streets and then I go get Terrance for the FBI". "No "H". "WE go get Terrance for the FBI".

Horatio and Mac arrived at the address they were given by Agent Parks. As they exited the Hummer they quietly walked up to the door. Looking inside they seen Danvale sitting on a chair eating. "How do you want to approach this "H"? "I'll take the front, you take the side". "On my count One, Two, Three. Horatio and Mac smashed in the door and covered Danvale from the front and the side, he knew he had no way to escape. Taking his gun, he aimed it at his head, but before he could shoot, Horatio shot the gun out of his hand and said "Not today Son, not today". After they placed Danvale back under arrest they headed home to explain to Calleigh what Agent Parks wanted from him. "Hey sweetheart". "we're home, how are you love"? "something smells great". "I'm fine, I'm glad you're home, and it's my Pineapple Upsidedown cake. "Oh Calleigh, you are amazing", said Mac. "That's just your stomach talking", said Calleigh. "Did you get in touch with Agent Parks"? "Actually yes", "he informed us where Danvale was hanging out and we captured him". "He informed you"? said Calleigh. "Okay, what does he want in return"? "Listen Love". "Never mind Horatio Caine, tell me what he wanted"? "He needs Mac and I to find a fugitive for him". "For Goodness sakes "H", when are you ever going to take a break". "You complain to me too rest and relax". "Yet you just keep going and going like the Energizer Bunny". "Calleigh, please understand". "Oh I understand, It's okay for you but not for me". "Listen pls....." "Stuff it "H". And Calleigh stormed off to the bedroom and slammed the door. Mac tried hard not to laugh. "Something funny Taylor"? asked "H". "Yeah, your wife reminded me of HJr.". Horatio thought about it and realized Mac was right, Calleigh did sound like HJr. and the two of them laughed.
At the Hospital Stella was still waiting for Mac to come back and pick up her and the kids. She noticed the clock said 4 pm and with frustration and anger she ended up having to call a cab. When she got back to the house she was livid. "Mac Taylor", where are you , you, you, you know"? "Oh God Stella I'm sorry love, I forgot all about coming back". "You forgot, you left me with 7 kids Mac, 7, can I not rely on you for anything"? "Now Stella", "Don't you now Stella me". Putting down the babies Stella approched Mac as Horatio and Calleigh came out of the room. "I have never in all my life felt so helpless, I had Cody and Kenya in each arm your little trouble maker Macster running around with Eric and then there was Claire and Marisol who thought the teddy bears in the gift store were more important then watching their siblings. "Stella love, I'm really sorry". "Whatever Mac Taylor". "No more cases that's it, from now and for the next two weeks we are on nothing but vacation". "About that Love". "Mac". "Listen I ..". "Mac Taylor don't you dare". "Stella I have too, Horatio's Agent Parks was the one who found Danvale for us and in return we have to find his fugitive". Silence could be heard throught the room, even the kids were watching to see what Aunt Stella would do next. Stella turned to Calleigh and asked her if she needed help with dinner. "Sure come on", said Calleigh. "I think she's given you the silent treatment", said "H". If looks could kill Horatio would be laying on the floor. Funny "H".
For the first time since the Taylor's and Caines united there was nothing but dead silence. No one was saying anything even the kids were behaving themselves tonight. "Could you pass the potatoes please, asked Mac. Horatio passed the potatoes to Mac. With dinner at a stand still Stella got the kids ready for bed with Calleigh. Out in the Living room the men were talking. "How long do you think they'll be angry with us"? said Mac. "I'm not sure", with Calleigh it's kind of touch and go". "You're lucky then, Stella can hold a grudge for weeks". "Jesus Mac, what are you going to do"? "Give her sex", that usually works, hot wicked sweaty sex", she loves that". "Maybe I should try that with Calleigh". "hold it "H", are you telling me you and your wife don't play games"? "Sure we do", sometimes". "Like what"? "Come on Mac that's personal". "We're family "H" nothing is personal". "Okay I just figured we could trade secrets, I'll give you some of my games and you give me some of yours". "I'll pass Mac, but thanks". "So when do we have to start on that case"? "In the morning". "I guess we should get some sleep". "Who's with HJr. tonight"? "Eric again, he likes to play patient". "Lucky guy said Mac". "You got that right", said "H". "Goodnight Mac". "Night "H".
When Horatio got into the bedroom Calleigh was sound asleep. Quietly he undressed and got into bed. Pulling her towards him, he nestled himself in her hair. God every time he got near her he swore he heard Angels singing. "I love you Calleigh". He knew he wouldn't get a reply, not because she was angry, just because she was tired. Over in the next room Stella still hadn't cooled off. "Come on Stella, I'm really sorry". "But "H" helped me catch the guy it's only fare I help him back". Mac couldn't believe how strong headed Stella was being. Taking his hand he caressed it up and down her leg, he could feel her body tense up as he took his hand further to were she needed it most and no longer being able to fight her anger she let go and felt only love, the love of her husbands touch and warnth. Turning and looking into his eyes, "I'm sorry Mac", I love you". Shhh!, it's okay love I'm sorry more".
In the morning Calleigh was up getting breakfast ready for the kids. "Let's go guy's you're going to be late for Day Camp". Mac and Stella had enrolled their kids too seeing how they were going to be here for a while. "Caleigh do you need help with anything"? asked Stella. "Not really, you could make sure they all have their swimming stuff that would be great". "Is Horatio picking up HJr. to bring him home today"? "No, Eric is bringing him later, after the kids leave so I can get him settled". "Do you think he'll be upset because he can't go to Daycamp with the kids"? "I don't think so". "He was never much for Daycamp". After the bus came to pick up the kids Stella and Calleigh cleaned the house, while Cody and Kenya played in the Playpen. "Hi mom, I'm home". "Hi sweetheart, how you feeling"? "Good", "Hi Aunt Stella". "Hey HJr.". "Where's Dad mom"? "He's working on a case with Uncle Mac". "Thanks for bringing him home Eric". "No problem Calleigh, glad I could help". "I'll see you later HJr. I have to help your Dad and Uncle Mac". "See ya Uncle Eric". "Shall we get you into bed and I'll bring you some lunch"? "Sure Mom, did you bake today"? "No love, but we have cupcakes left from yesterday". "Sounds great Mom". Once Calleigh got HJr down, she worked on getting him lunch".
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