CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

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HJr loses it :mad:

Horatio knew there was no talking to her when she got like this. Her temper rivaled his by degree's.
"Okay love, you win". "I'll book the flights tonight". "thank-you". "You're welcome love". "Mommy, mommy, Cody is so tiny, he looks like a doll". "I know sweetheart". "Uncle Eric and the lady nurse let me hold him", it was fun mommy" and Uncle Eric told the nurse he's see her later for their date". "Marisol, Shh! said Uncle Eric. "Why Uncle Eric, daddy says to mommy all the time you are a player", right daddy"? "Uncle Eric what is a player"? "you're to young to know Mari". "I am not young, i'm a big girl, mommy said so". "Thanks alot "H". "Out of the mouth's of babe's, said "H". "Okay Angel give mommy kisses". "I love you mommy". "I love you to Angel". Once they got back to the house Horatio asked Stella if Mac was home yet. "No, he's not, he called though and said he'd be hear shortly why"? "Calleigh wants to go home to Miami", tonight". "You can't let her "H" these people are very dangerous". "I know that Stella", but Calleigh's temper rivals mine and there is no changing her mind". "Which is why you need Mac". "Yes", I'll have him take "HJr", with him so Calleigh can find out how it affected him and at the same time Mac can talk Calleigh into staying", "I hope". Just at that moment Mac walked in the door. "H" , Stella, how are you love"? Better thanks. any information yet"? asked Stella. "Actually yes, three names in the book came to light, T.J. Gates, Michael Johnson, "He's the one in custody and Thomas Redden, he was the one HJr killed last night". "So if Michael is in jail and Thomas is dead that leaves us one, T.J. Gates". "That's right, he'll be the hardest to catch, he has people all over the city to protect him". "he's known as the # 1 Bookie in NY". "So, how's Calleigh doing"? "She's very angry, she want to see HJr tonight and I have to go book all our flights home". "Your kidding right"? said Mac.
"I wish I was, she's really angry that Horatio Jr was put through that kind of Trauma, her temper rivals mine and I wasn't about to anger her anymore then what she was". "What are you telling me "H"? "That I need your help to change her mind". "Fine, I'll take HJr with me tonight". Marisol came running into the room, Uncle Mac, look Uncle Mac no cast". "Wow, look at you Angel, great job". "thanks, Uncle Mac, I love you, kisses please". Once they had gotten dinner out of the way Mac told HJr to go get ready to see his mom. "I don't want to go out Uncle Mac, I've got homework". "You can do it when you get back home". "Home, this isn't my home, I'm safe in my home, I hate it here and I hate all of you". Running upstairs Horatio told Mac he'd talk to him. "Mac, said stella. "What is it"? "I really think this affected HJr. more then we thought". "Great observation Stella, you think"? "you don't have to get angry with me". *sighing* "I'm sorry love, it's just I'm tired and frusterated". "I know love and I'm sorry". Mac walked over and embraced his wife in his arms. "I love you Mac". "Me too Stella".

Horatio had finally gotten HJr. out of his room and down the stairs. "You ready son", said Uncle Mac. "I'm ready". "Do you want to say anything to your Aunt first or your dad"? "NO". "Okay then let's go". Once in the car HJr. started crying Mac knew it had alot to do with last night, but it also had to with the fact that when Calleigh found out what HJr. had said he was going to be in trouble. As they parked Mac told HJr. not to worry, that he wouldn't tell his mom what he had said. HJr. looked up at Mac and said, "Thank -you Uncle Mac and I'm sorry". "I know you are kiddo, let's go". Once they got to Calleigh's room HJr. started shivering. "Calm down son, it's going to be okay". When they stepped in Calleigh took one look and could tell HJr. was terrified. "Baby", "come here to mommy". That was all he needed to hear, he ran up on the bed and gripped his mom tightly in his arms. "I was so scared Mommy, I'm sorry, I know I'm not supposed to fire any guns, but I had to save Aunt Stella mommy, I had too". "I know baby, I know, and mommy isn't mad sweetheart, mommy was very frightened , frightened that you would be hurt by all this trauma".
"I can still see it mommy, the man bleeding on the floor, but I remembered to brace my legs apart and take aim with my arms straight and fire". "Shh! It's okay now HJr. It's all over sweetheart". Mac watched in silence as mother and child cried wrapped in each others embrace. A few minutes later HJr. was sound asleep in his mom's arms. "Calleigh"? said the nurse. "Yes", "you need to come feed Cody". "Okay I'll be right there". "Mac, can you take HJr. please while go feed Cody". "Sure", Mac picked HJr. up and craddled him in his arms. "God Calleigh he's gotten heavy". "Of course, boys do grow you know". Once Calleigh left Mac put HJr. in her bed. When Calleigh got back to the room Mac was cuddled up with HJr. in her bed sleeping. Calleigh walked up and whispered in Mac's ear. "Wake up Sleeping Prince". Mac stirred but stayed asleep. "Calleigh whispered again, "Wake up my Sleeping Prince" and she kissed his warm lips, he jolted out of sleep. "I'm sorry Mac, I didn't mean to startle you". "You didn't love", "getting up he took Calleigh into his arms and held her as he spoke. "Listen Calleigh, you can't go home". "Yes I can Mac"? "You can't stop me". "Calleigh do you have any idea how dangerous this guy is"? "He's the # 1 Bookie in NY, he wouldn't hesitaite to kill our families". "Please Calleigh, you need to change your mind". "I can't Mac, I can't be here anymore, my kids have been through hell, I'm tired of having to always worry about what will happen next". "It's just to much". "Calleigh look at me please"! Calleigh looked up and Mac softly looked into her sea green eyes and said "Then stay for us Calleigh, stay for you and I" and he kissed her with warmth, with tenderness and with longing. Once Mac broke the kiss Calleigh told him "I can't". "I'm sorry, I need to go home".
Someone's being followed :devil:

Mac returned home with HJr. "Go finish your homework son". "But what about appologies to everyone"? "You can do that later". "Horatio"! "a moment please". "How did it go" asked Horatio. "Not good, she's determined to go home". "I'm going to give it one more chance tonight, I promised to bring the book we were reading when she was pregnant and I'll talk to her again". "If she says no this time, you're going to have too take her home". "Okay then, I'll make the arrangements just in case". Stella was listening in the kitchen she knew she'd have to do something quick, she wasn't ready to have everyone go home, she loved having the kids and Calleigh around. "Mac I'm going to go out for a while to see Calleigh". "Stella not today, Calleigh was very angry when I left with HJr. she's not up for company at all". "But I haven't seen her since she's been in there". "I know love, I'll take you tomorrow". After dinner Mac picked up Calleigh's book and got ready to leave for the hospital. "Mac, good luck this time". "Thanks, I'm going to need it". "You'll keep an eye on Stella and the kids"? "Of course Mac, we will be fine". "Alright, I'll call you from the Hospital". Once Mac left Horatio went to help Stella with the dishes. "Are you okay love"? "I guess so", "I just don't want Calleigh and the kids to go home, we've all gotten so attached". "I know that love, but if Calleigh is nearing her breaking point again the best place for her is home". Let's not think about it now, said Stella. Horatio could see the tears spilling from her eyes. "Stella, don't cry love". "C'mon, Shh! "Please don't cry". Horatio turned her in his arms braced her against the counter and kissed her soft lips, "Dad", "I need you........ Horatio turned around quickly but not quickly enough because HJr. seen them locked in their embrace. "What is it son"? " Ahhh! "Why are you holding Aunt Stella"? "She's very upset son that we might be going home". "We're going home to Miami"? "I'm not sure yet son, it depends on mommy". "Now, what did you need my help with"? "My math Dad". "Okay, let's go then".

At the Hospital Mac headed over to calleigh's room but she wasn't there so he walked over to the Neo Unit and there she was holding Cody and singing softly to him. "Calleigh", "Oh look at him now, he's thriving". "I know, everytime I see him he seems to be stronger". "May I"? "Of course you can Mac". Calleigh handed him the baby and watched in amazement as Mac kissed his little fists. "God Calleigh, to hold such a treasure in your arms is truely heaven". "He relies on you so much for love and warmth". Passing the baby back to Calleigh she put him in the heated bed and said goodnight. Walking back to room Calleigh asked Mac if Horatio booked the tickets home. "Yes Calleigh he did, but we are still hoping you'll change your mind". "Stella was very upset, she loves having you and the kids in the house and to think you may be going home really upset her. "I know that Mac, do you think it doesn't upset me. "I miss my home, my friends, my PTA meetings, everything I no longer have because I've been here". "Please understand Mac I'm not being mean or selfish, I just need some space". "Okay Calleigh let's look at this another way". "What if you go home with the kids and something happens to you or one of them on the way over or while there". "Calleigh this guy is very dangerous, who's going to help you over there when Horatio is here"? "I have protection over there too, all of Miami-Dade finest". "Calleigh you're being difficult here". "No Mac you are being persistant"(laughing). "Is it working Calleigh"? "Not really". "So that means if I keep bugging you'll change your mind"? "Just read the book Mac". Mac read Calleigh a few chapters then he stopped and asked her again. "Will you stay Calleigh"? "Read". When he got to a love scene he stopped. "Mac, c'mon you're getting to the interesting part, don't stop now". "Are you going to stay Calleigh"? "Mac, read". "Are you staying"? "FINE", now finish the damn book". When Mac had gotten to last chapter Calleigh was sound asleep. He got up, covered her with her blanket, kissed her cheek and left. Driving home Mac seen bright headlights behind him, following him. As he sped up so did the other car, Mac realized they were trying to run him off the road. He called into NYPD for back up, speeding faster he seen the curve to his street coming up, all he could hope was that whoever was in that car didn't know about the turn. As he spun around the corner missing the curve, the other car didn't and flipped over onto it's side. Mac got out and ran over to the car dragging out the suspect. NYPD arrived at the scene and took the suspect in to custody. "Jesus Mac said Flack, you just can't get a break".
Once again Love conquer :rolleyes:s All

Once Mac got home from booking another one of J.T's goons he was ready for bed. As he headed upstairs Horatio came out of his room. "How did it go Mac"? "Are you okay"?, "Mac, answer me". "Yes, "H", everything is good, she'll stay for now". "What happened to you Mac"? "These guys are really dangerous, I just got tailed". "Did they hurt you"? "No, I actually flipped them over the curve on the street". "There in custody now". "Mac do you realize if you keep arresting these guys you're going to need a bigger holding tank". "Funny "H", "I'll see you in the morning". "Night".
Mac got undressed and flopped onto the bed bare and in his usual position. He kept praying that Stella would sleep and not wake up, he was so tired and he wasn't up for sex tonight or games. Just as he closed his eyes he felt his wife stroking his neck, his back, his shoulders. "Oh Christ Stella that feels great". "you're so tense Mac, relax, close your eyes, close your eyes and relax".
Stella could here his ohh! and AHHHs! as she massaged him down. Mac figured he wasn't as tired as he thought because his body was screaming play time, while his mind was saying sleep. He chose Playtime and turning over onto his back he ripped off Stella's nightgown and attacked her chest, neck and every part of her that screamed take me, he took her with wild unbridled passion. Then when she shook with her release he attacked her again and again until she was lifeless in his arms. "I love you Stella" and he passed out. Not wanting to move from her position she said "I love you too Mac".

At 4am Horatio was bad dream, he could see his family being drowned in a Lake. Waking up in a cold sweat he checked on his children, they were all safe. Still not able to shake the feeling that something was going to happen, he got dressed and went to see Calleigh. As he arrived at the hosptial he parked and ran down the hall into the Neo Unit, Cody was safe and sound asleep. He then ran down to check on Calleigh, she also was asleep. Walking over to her bedside he gentley woke her up. "Calleigh", "wake up love". "Horatio"? "What's that matter"? "your heart is beating 80 miles an hour". "I need you Calleigh", "Please hold me, hold me tight". Calleigh had never seen Horatio act like this in is years, she knew something really scared him for him to be here. Pulling him in beside her she embraced him into her soul until he could feel her heart within his, that was the bond he needed to survive this dream. "Tell me what happened Handsome", "please"? You were in a car with the kids all of them and I could see you all sinking under the water, screaming, yelling, calling me to help you. I was watching helplessly because I couldn't save you, couldn't save any of you". "Oh Calleigh", help me stop this vision, please love it's killing me inside". Calleigh knew what Horatio needed to forget, to stop the dream and she took him into her, as deep as he could go, they diappeared from the world around them, sinking in to each others souls emerging their hearts , beating in unison and love, freed of all the evil in the Universe, until the night became the day and the lovers slept.
Hiya Mel, a few more then this story is complete and it's on to the next. :)

In the morning Mac woke up the kids for school. As he went to wake up Horatio he could see had already left. Stella"? yelled Mac. "Yes"? "Is "H" down there with you"? "No why"? "He's not up here". "Could he be with Calleigh and Cody"? "I'll phone and see". Mac called the hospital and asked for Calleigh's room. "Hello", "Hi Calleigh is "H" there with you"? "Yes he is, he's down with Cody"? "Has he been there all night"? "Since 4am", he had a nightmare, a bad one, like he had years ago". "What about"? "He said the kids and I were in a car and we were drowning in the Lake and Horatio was watching us scream for help from the shore, but there was nothing he could do to reach us. "I haven't seen him so terrified as I did last night". "He really scared me, I didn't think I'd ever get him settled down". "Okay Calleigh", as long as he's with you". Once Mac hung up the phone with Calleigh he let Stella know what was happening. "He's fine Stella, he's with Calleigh and Cody". "Did he say why he left so early"? "Yeah, he had a nightmare that his family was drowning and yelling for help, but he couldn't get to them and had to watch them die". "Mac, you don't think it's some kind of warning", do you"? "I don't know love, But to be safe we'll keep the kids home from school today". With the kids home from school and Mac gone to NYPD Stella decided to do some baking to get her mind off the case. "Aunt Stella"? said HJr. "May we have some cookies and milk", I can help serve". "Sure love, just give me a few minutes and I'll have some nice warm ones fresh from the oven for you". "Thanks Aunt Stella". "Your welcome". As Horatio left the Hospital he stopped at NYPD.

"Hey Mac, anything yet"? "Not yet "H", you should go get some sleep, you look like hell". "I know, I feel like I've been there and back". Horatio suggested to Mac that they should bring up the guys from Holding and interrorgate them. "We tried that "H", "they wouldn't say anything". "Look Mac there has to be something we can do". "At this time there isn't "H", these guys aren't talking". Horatio left the office and headed home to see his kids. As he got close to the house he could see someone looking into the window. Slowly "H" walked up and tackled the guy to the ground, holding him there he asked him "what the hell he was up too". "Let go of me Lt.Caine". "Looking closer "H" could see it was one of the Rookies Mac had watching the house. "Sorry about that son". "But what are you doing looking in the window"? "I was waiting for Stella to pass out my Coffee". "Mike, where did you go? "Mike". "I'm right here Stella". "H" what are you doing with our Rookie"? "Sorry Stella, I thought he was one of J.T.s guys". "You need to relax, come on, I made some cookies for the kids, but you can have one, you look like you need it". "Thanks for the coffee Stella". "Your welcome Mike". Once inside Horatio checked on his children. "Dada", Horatio walked over and picked up Eric in his arms. "Hi son, Dada loves you". "Dada". Horatio carried his son into the kitchen and sat down. Deep in thought Stella didn't want to disturb him. "Horatio", Horatio"? "Yes Stella"? "Your coffee is getting cold". "Sorry love". "Dadadadadada, "Yes Eric I'm Dada". Stella gave Eric one of the cookies and sat him in his highchair. "Horatio are you sure your okay"? "Positive, it just seems funny that we can't crack this case, it's like we keep going in circles, like there's no opening". "That's what Mac said too". "He's just as confussed as you are". "There has to be a way to break this case". "Stella do you remember anything when you took Marisol to that abandoned house"? "Not really", "there was alot of confussion but nothing that stands out". "What a minute", "I remember a Well beside the house". "I know it didn't dwell water, but Michael kept watching it like he was protecting something". Horatio picked up the phone and called Mac. "We may have a lead", "stella remembers a Well near the house". "She said Michael kept looking at it". "Okay I'll take Flack with me and you grab Eric and meet us there". "Eric , yelled "H", let's go we have a lead". "Okay". "As Horatio pulled away with Eric, J.T. was watching from across the street.

"Mac", what did you find"? asked "H". "nothing yet and we've checked everywhere around and in the well". "Damn it Mac, we have to be missing something". "H", I found something". "What is it Eric"? I'm not sure, it's some kind of box with papers inside". Horatio and Mac opened the box and found all the notes on all the bookies in NY. "Let's get this back to trace and then we'll talk to Michael, maybe he'll have something to say now we have his box". On the way back to NYPD Horatio felt a stab in his heart, it almost made him black out. "H", you okay"? "No get to the house now, there is something wrong". "When they got to the house the door was wide open and everyone was gone. Horatio and Mac ran through room to room looking for the kids and Stella who were no where to be found. "Eric anything"? "Nothing "H". Mac made a call to NYPD and put out an all points bulletin on Stella and the kids. "Mac what if he has them, we'll never find them in time". "Calm down "H", you're no good to me if you lose it". "Listen"? said Eric. "If he has them we need to ask Michael where he would hide them". "Michael is the only Link to J.T.". They all headed to the NYPD to talk with Michael. "Michael, this is a chance for you to help yourself out". "All we need is to know where J.T. would take them". "I don't know", "he never told me any places, he just took me by blindfold, because he said I wasn't ready to be one of them yet. "How about scents or sounds"? "No, it was always quiet, no noises". "I'm sorry I can't help you". "What are we going to do "H"? "I'm not sure Eric". "You're the closes to Marisol, you two feel each other all the time", "try tapping into her Eric". "You are the only one she communicates with when she misses you". "Talk to her now Eric, you're our only hope". Eric felt really stupid, he and Marisol could only communicate when she called him not the other way around. Sitting in a chair Eric closed his eyes and concetrated on Marisol. The whole NYPD office was silent. "Nothing "H", "we've never done it this way", "she calls me". "Please Eric try once more". Eric tried calling her "Marisol", "Marisol", answer me Marisol, Uncle Eric needs you". "Marisol you answer me right now". "Uncle Eric", help us", hurry". "where are you Mari"? "My God "H" it worked". "Shhh!". "where are you Mari", tell me now". "It's empty Uncle Eric, wet and cold, loud ". "The Well", "H" they're at the Well". "We just came from there Eric". "Yeah about an hour ago". "We could have passed them". "We need to go back now". Rushing back to the Well, Eric found them first. "Mari, Oh God Mari, how are you all"? "Cold and wet Eric, get us out of here". "Where is J.T."? "I'm not sure, he dropped us down here and took off". "He said someone was coming back to kill us one by one". "Something isn't right here Eric, why would he leave them here alive". "You're right "H", "Oh God", Calleigh, he's after Calleigh". Horatio took off without Eric and Mac for back-up. He knew this was something he had to do on his own. He should have known J.T. would go after Calleigh, because he couldn't have Marisol, he blamed it on Calleigh for going into Labour and ruining all his plans.
Morning Mel, I think I've picked on the Caines enough for a while. It's time to lean on the Taylor's :D

Rushing into the Hospital Horatio went straight to the Neo Unit and found Calleigh the nurse and Cody being held hostage by J.T. Horatio looked into J.T's eyes and he could see the emptiness within them. He knew there would be no way he could talk him down, he was going to have too kill him. "J.T. Listen to me, you need to come out so we can talk about this". "There's nothing to talk about Lt.Caine". "You ruined all my plans, all I needed was to borrow your daughter for a while to find some papers". "But no, your wife had to go into labour and ruin everything. Now I have nothing Caine". Taking his gun J.T. pointed it at Calleigh's head. "An eye for an eye Caine, "I get nothing and now you have nothing". Just as J.T. was about to fire his gun, a shot was fired through the Neo Unit window and straight into J.T.'s head. Down he went, all that could be seen was the splatter of blood and Brain matter stuck on the walls. Turning around Horatio seen Eric with his gun aimed at the deciesed suspect and realized it was Eric who had kept him alive for another day.

*One year later*

Everything had cooled down in Miami/NY and The Caines headed home with their kids to Miami. Mac and Stella gave birth to another girl who they named Kenya Calleigh Taylor.

The Death of Danvale

It was raining heavily in Miami , the type of day you should stay inside and do nothing. But for the Caines it was another working day to keep the streets of Miami safe. Calleigh was up getting breakfast ready for her clan. The Caines had four children now and all had their own unique traits. There was Horatio Jr who was now 9 , Marisol who 's 8, Eric, who's 2 and the newest edition named Cody who is now 8 months. All the Caine children were loved and charrished by their huge Miami-Dade Family of CSI's. Just as Calleigh was eating breakfast the phone rang. "Hello"!, "Calleigh it's Mac. "Hey Mac how are you"? "Not good, I'd like to know if I could bring Stella and the kids over for a visit". "Sure", but if you're here who's keeping New York safe"? "Whoever they put in charge". "What ae you saying Mac"? "I've been suspended until my case comes up for "Danvale". "Danvale", "wasn't he released on Parole a few years ago". "That's right, we thought he was the one stalking Stella but it turned out to be Peyton". "I remember", "but what does that have to do with Danvale"? "He's dead Calleigh, shot through the head". "Do they know who did it"? "Yeah Calleigh they do", "ME".
I'm not evil :devil: Be good Mel and I'll send you the new Rrated scene of M/S :lol:

"This is a joke, right Mac"? "I wish it was Calleigh". They found Danvale with my DNA on him, how I don't know. "They've cleared me for now and the Chief thought it would be best to take a vacation until they catch the killer". "Do you have all the information on the case and the new evidence"? "Yes, Flack is going to forward new evidence and anything else they find on the case". "Okay", "so you want to work from here and figure out who's trying to frame you"? "That's right, Horatio informed me a while back that his team cleared him from being framed". "We did, so when can we expect you"? "In about 6 hours". "Okay we'll see you then". "Bye". Calleigh was very excited to be able to spend time with Stella again. The Taylor Clan was as big as theirs. They had Claire who was now 7, Mac Jr. known as Macster who was 3, Arthur who was almost 2 and their new baby Kenya who just turned 4 months. Picking up the phone Calleigh called Horatio. "Caine". "Hi handsome", guess who called to say hello"? "Let me see, Mac". "How did you know"? "I have the case folder infront of me Calleigh, he's being framed". "Flack sent it down that quickly"? asked Calleigh. "Yeah, he was on it as soon as he found out it was Mac being framed". "How does it look Handsome"? "Not good, someone has planted a mound of damaging information on his background, old cases, interrogation skills, everything in his life is being pulled apart". "What are we going to do"? asked Calleigh. "Everything we can love, everything we can". After Calleigh hung up with "H" she got the kids in the car and drove them to school. Then she dropped Eric off at Daycare and headed home with Cody. Once at home Calleigh set up the guest rooms for Mac, Stella and the kids, put Cody down for his nap and started two pans of Lasagna for their families. With a big yawn Calleigh was ready for a nap herself. She laid her head down on the pillow and fell asleep. She awoke with shiver's coming from all sides of her body, she felt her skin begin to heat, that feeling of floating in sexual bliss and as she opened her eyes Horatio was above her looking into her eyes. "Hello love", "Let me love you Calleigh". Calleigh knew she couldn't say no, she loved this side of Horatio, the side that showed passion and tenderness not only in his eyes but in his soul. "Yes my love", "love me forever". Horatio stroked her her body with softness until she moaned out the sweetest little sounds from her throat. Needing more of the pleasure from his kiss Calleigh grabbed his face and forced her tongue into his as they played and teased each other endlessly until neither could take anymore. Horatio pulled Calleigh on top of his body and allowed her to take her pleasure until she begged him to finish it. Flipping her over he gripped her hair and forced her to look at him, "I love you Calleigh, you are my world, my life , my everything and with that said Horatio poured into his wife's soul. "Handsome"? "Hmm!? "Thank you for coming home". "Anytime love".

Stella was getting everything packed up and ready to go. Mac was looking out the window thinking about how all this could have come about. Who would want to frame him, what logical reason would someone have for doing it. Stella couldn't take anymore of his silence. Ever since he got home all he's done is mope around the house. This wasn't the Mac Taylor she knew and loved. Walking over stella wrapped her arms around her husband and told him that it would all work out. "If anyone can do it Mac, it's Hotatio and his team. "I know love, it's just I've done nothing wrong and I feel like everyone will see me differntly from now on". "That would never happen Mac", all of NYPD knows that you are innocent". "Thanks Love". "You're welcome", now before we go let's go play good girl bad boy".
She's a naughty little minx :devil: Mac say's I have to stop writting hot wild scenes with him because it's driving him to attack me and "H" is a jealous devil :devil: *yumyum*

Horatio was waiting for the Taylor Clan to arrive at the Airport. Calleigh had stayed home with the kids due to Marisol being sent home from school with a fever. "H", yelled Stella. "Uncle "H" yelled the kids. Stella embraced Horatio, while the kids embraced his legs. "How's it going Mac"? "You know", "okay I guess". Horatio noticed that Mac was really feeling down but not wanting to approach the situation here he waited till they got home. "How's Calleigh and the kids"? asked Stella. "Good", Marisol was sent home with a fever, but besides that everything is good". Calleigh has made her famous Lasagna and Garlic bread". "Oh great said Mac, I'm starving". They all piled into the Hummer and headed home to reunite. "Aunti Calleigh we are here", yelled Claire. All the kids came running out of their rooms and hugged, talked and yelled above each other about what they've been up too". "Well, they'll be busy for a while said Stella as she embraced Calleigh. "How are you"? "Great and you"? "Could be better Calleigh, Mac's so depressed all the time". "Hi Mac", said Calleigh. Mac could feel the memories flooding back that he and Calleigh shared that last night in New York. "Hi Calleigh", as he embraced her in his arms he knew she felt it too. "I've got supper ready, I made Lasanga". Calleigh and Stella got the children seated first and then Horatio got out the wine for the Lasagna. "This is wonderful Calleigh", just heavenly", said Stella. "Thanks", "I have Chocolate Eclair's for dessert later".
Once Dinner was out of the way and the kids were playing games in the Den, Mac, Horatio, Calleigh and Stella sat down to discuss the details of the case. "I don't see how going over these details are going to help", said Calleigh. "We need a fresh start, take out all the old files and leave only the ones that deal with the evidence they found at today's crime scene". "Now keep the file that deals with Danvale's family", it could be someone who's looking for revenge". As for the rest of the files, put them away from this case". "Don't even look back on them". "Leave it to Calleigh to put everything into perspective", said Mac. "I hear you said "H", she has one hell of a gift for solving crimes". After going through all the files they came down to three possible suspects. Danvale's brother Peter, Danvale's girlfriend Mary and Danvale's 22 year old son Micky. "It's getting really late guy's and I'm so tired from Jetlag, how about we continue in the morning", said Stella. "I guess you're right Stella, said "H". "You guys go ahead I want to study the case a little more". "You sure love, said "H". "Possitive", said Calleigh. Mac couldn't sleep he kept tossing and turning, getting out of bed he walked in the living room and seen Calleigh wide awake looking out the window. "Here we go again" said Mac to hiself, more windows. "Calleigh"? "It's 3 in the morning, you should get some sleep". "I know and I will soon". "Is something bothering you"? "Yeah, a couple things in the files don't add up, it looks like someone has changed some details". "I think I'll run them to the Lab in the morning and do some tests on them". "Thanks for all your help Calleigh", "I'm so messed up right now, normally I'd be fine figuring it out, but when it comes to you being the one involved the tables turn". "I know that's how Horatio felt, helpless and alone". "But you have to remember you're not alone and I will figure out who's out to frame you". Mac walked over and looked out the window with Calleigh. "I think I understand why you like window's now". "It's the view, it's breath taking". "You're right, Goodnight Mac". "Goodnight Calleigh".
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