CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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Wonderful icons everyone. :eek: Keep up the great work! :D

I hope someone can help you out with your request ijustwannadance. :) -- I would but I don't have any animation programs. (If an animated icon is what you're looking for)

I do have a few that I made this afternoon though, they were quickies so I thought I'd share. :)


Great job, Geni! I snagged Cal's one. :D

fo_poozle, that is awesome! :eek: Since you're so kind and talented (and I'm not :p), would you please make me an animated icon in that style, with these pics and these texts? Or even a banner, if you think (which should go in the banners therad, I know, but since we're here... :p)

pic 1
pic 2
Got CaRWash?
pic 3
pic 4
pic 5
pic 6
pic 7
Got Love!

Thanks in advance. :)
ijustwannadance - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :)

Geni and Ashley, those icons are amazing!
Please keep them coming, I'm in a snagging mood! :p

( Lunsi perfect choice of pictures *stares* )
Ashley, I snagged #13 from your last batch, will credit if needed. Great job, I love them.

Great work everyone.
thanks everyone! and happy birthday ijustwannadance! i hope you have a wonderful day :)
ok, here teh icon _Calleigh_ i hope its ok, if you want anything changed let me know, and if you still want a banner with the same stuff, ill give that a try too.
:eek: Wow, Ashley, that's an amazing icon! *watches at own one, back to Ashley's* hmmmm, I think I also want a new one ;) *hint*

Oh, I just saw it: the icon size is too big, which will probably cause problems with the autoadmin - sorry for being the smarty-pants again :rolleyes:

Eta: thank you Hunter! :D
fo_poozle said:
ok, here teh icon _Calleigh_ i hope its ok, if you want anything changed let me know, and if you still want a banner with the same stuff, ill give that a try too

Ifyou have some spare time to waste on a banner, I'd love that. :) No pressure though, you've already been great enough with that gorgeous icon. :D
ok, i can make the banner, want the same pics?
and crap, my program is being wierd i can't get the file sizes to be smaller. i'll work on trying to change teh size too so it can work on here.
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