CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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Fantastic new icons Geni! I love the new style/coloring you use, awesome (btw, I added you to my flist, after ages of forgetting it *blushes* )

Ashley, already commented on your LJ, but again: THEY DON'T SUCK! :D There never can be enough Ryan :lol:

So no need to say that I love your new icon, too, Charlotte! Keep them coming! :)
Thanks to those who liked my icons. :D

cinegirl said
Fantastic new icons Geni! I love the new style/coloring you use, awesome

Thanks. :D I've been playing around with the colouring for a couple of weeks and I'm still getting the hang of it, so it's great that my icons aren't completely disasterous. :p

Ashley, I love your icons! Don't say you don't like them. :eek: Well, okay you might not, but we love them. :D You're one of my favorite icon makers!

Charlotte, your Wolfe icon is maginificent! Keep up the great work. :)
thanks guys :)
and Geni i love those especially the jake one <33
there needs to ben more jake icons out there.
I didn't go up far enough on the page it seems. Ash love the Ryan ones. I think they're great. Wish I could do stuff like that. LOL good job girl.

and a whole crap load more here
C'mon! Let's get some more Horatio ones! Hey fo poozle, if it'll make you feel better, find a pic of Horatio eyes and then do 'Eye Porn'. :lol: You always do the Whatever Porn avaters.

Oh, fo poozle? On your link thing, i snagged # 7. It's funny. Speed grabbing his ass with the caption 'Pain in the Ass?' :lol: Priceless.

And to Gill Grissom, do you mean snag as in screen capture? Or as something else?
:lol: lovely "crap" you produce, Ashley! (Do I have to slap your head again?? :D ;) )

GillianSGrissom, 'snag' means to save the pictures/icons/banners which are posted here (or somewhere else :D ) on your own computer (right mouse click on the pic, choose "save picture under..." and voilá ;) )
It's some kind of "stealing", "snitching" etc., but in a good way :D
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