CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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amazing icons Eriss i love all the miami and the dinozzo <3 ones and the hodges.
Kit4na wonderful job too, i love the 'cross my heart' one its so pretty...i wish they'd just bring yelina back.
and ilh214 beautiful as always, i need to just leave the h icons to you ladies cuz they're fantastic.
Oh my, I was scrolling through all of the posts I've missed over the past few days; it's all so pretty! You guys are all awesome, just awesome. :D

If I get home from shcool early tomorrow, I'll post some that I've made.
hey kiddies guess what? *what stef?* i have more icons! :)

Someone wanted an icon made of this pic on another thread, so I made them this icon, I just thought I show you guys. Its pretty plain.

I love my new laptop, it has so many options!
Heres more, just some simple ones.


Sad Ryan
Ok so I have those icons I promised. Some I like some I don't. As usual. Anyways....


[22] No Man's Land Icons
[6] Grizzly Murder Icons
[1] Emily Procter Wall
[2] Emily Procter Icons
[1] Jennifer Morrison Icon
[3] Carrie Underwood Icons
[2] Carrie Underwood banners
[1] Alexx Woods Banner

The Rest can be found in my LJ. Just click on my banner in my siggy!!
Here's a Horatio animated one. I'd just about decided not to post in the fan art anymore. LOL I'm really not that good. lol but, I did this one & well.............I really liked the way it turned out so hope ya do too. BTW great icons everyone. They're all sooooooooo gorgeous.

Oh, such great icons here! Awesome work everybody, and look: Katie is back! I've missed your icons! *is happy*

Now: *ties Sharon up to the Art Forum* You better stay with us and keep on posting your icons and wps and everything, you're doing great!! Otherwise I'll start to chase you, and this wouldn't end in a good way! :devil: ;)
awesome icons Kit4na,katpin31791 and ILuvJonathanTogo they're all fantastic!
katie amaing as always its great to see more from you :)
i love your icons speedmonkey2! and ILuvJT, i like the one with cal and erics hands. I love your H icon katpin31791, please don't go away! and Kit4na gorgeous as always...:)
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