CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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Thanks everyone :) Eric, anyone?


Eric 4
Eric 5
Eric 6
Eric 7
Eric 8

Ugh. That last one is really bad :lol:
DragonflyDreamer, i love your eric icons! especially #s 4 & 5, and your Calleigh icons were awesome too. :)
speedmonkey2, youre icons are so pretty! i love the colors.
awesome icons DragonflyDreamer! i love the coloring on the 3rd alexx one, and al the calleigh's are amazing but i think #10 is my fave, and the erics are amazing too love the real men wear pink one <333
bird_of_flame awesome as always. live the frank one :lol:
and katie your are always gorgeous! its great to see some icons from you again!
Thanks for the cap. :) (Do you by any chance remember the font that you used in the avater to say 'bitch please'? Sorry, i'm asking for alot.)

Whoa, DragonFly, those are GREAT! (and funny!) I love the 'real men wear pink' one, and #5! That made me laugh out loud. The smile on his face with the capion CLICK is great. #6 looks great, and #7 is just...kinda scary yet cool looking. :lol: Snatched them all! They're great!
This is probably a long shot but did anyone ever make an animated icon of Horatio waving at the camcorder guy in Spring Break when the team snuck up on them? It'd make such a great icon and I absolutely loved that scene. :D
Thanks Lil. :)

Oh i remember that one. But i'm sure if you post the links to the caps you want in it, someone could make one for you. :)

Welcome to the forum Cova! Got a name? :D I'm Lora, hope you enjoy it here in Miami. :)
Hunter said:
Thanks Lil. :)

Oh i remember that one. But i'm sure if you post the links to the caps you want in it, someone could make one for you. :)

Welcome to the forum Cova! Got a name? :D I'm Lora, hope you enjoy it here in Miami. :)

Mmm, might be a little hard since I don't have the clip on hand, and I'd rip it from my DVD but I can't remember how to crunch down the file size so it wouldn't take forever to download for whoever'd be brave to make it for me. :lol:

My name's Christine, Lora nice to meetcha. :)
Christine? I like that name. has 'Christ' in it. :lol:

Here i'll help you out. Here's the link to the page containing the Spring Break caps.

Spring Break

Now that's the first page out of 30. Now all you have ot do is kind the caps of Horatio and the video-cam, and post the links to the caps on here! Is that good? :)
Hunter said:
Christine? I like that name. has 'Christ' in it. :lol:

Here i'll help you out. Here's the link to the page containing the Spring Break caps.

Spring Break

Now that's the first page out of 30. Now all you have ot do is kind the caps of Horatio and the video-cam, and post the links to the caps on here! Is that good? :)

Hmm...that didn't help much, only one pic from the scene I mentioned. Maybe I'll hold off till tomorrow to rip the clip from my DVD and then if anyone is willing they can take a crack at it, if not oh well.

Thanks for your help. ;)

Hehe, my name means "Fair Christian". :D
Oh too bad. I've heard a couple people have one of the screen cap taking gizmos. GrissomFreak is one of them. She took some caps of House. :p Head on over the the General/TV section, then go to the House thread, you'll see her there. :)

I don't know what mine means, but i'm a christian. :lol:


I have no clue what that font was...and I tried to remember it to make the banner but theres quite a few and I really didn't feel like going through all of them...sorry hunter. :(

and your valera icon? sooooo cute. i love her.
Aww, Valera the blonde! Love it Hunter! And I love the "make a wish" icon Kit4na; he looks so adorable there.

This morning I chose an episode at random and made a bunch of icons from it. Today was season 2 “Hard Time”, and I present to you twelve icons.


The rest are here: Follow Me…
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