CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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I have another icon request please!! My current one is still awesome, but after seeing Monday's episode, I had an idea for an icon, so if somebody would be so kind :)
Please make it animated :)
1st pic
2nd pic
Then after those two pics, please put
He Was There For Eric (if you cant fit it then please tell me)

3rd pic
4th pic
Then after that please put
He Was There For Ryan
last pic
then please put
True Friends Forever(or just True Friends)
--- I know its kind of a lot one! But I would be so grateful! Thanks in advance!
RacK id gladly make u an icon once i get my program runing i had to remove it and now i have to download it again so ill try downloading it A.S.A.P so i can photo shop those pics for ya :D

Its been a while since i asked so im gona ask again can some1 please make me an ananimated avatar out of these 3 pics pic1 and pic3 pic2
I would really appriciate it :D
RaCk2ThOuSaNd6 said:
Can someone make me a cool avatar out of this pic?


You can cut out Calleigh and put something like "Head tilt" in it or if you find a funnier saying then use that!

Also can you do this one too?


Put "Daydreaming" in it?

I'm trying them right now...

Ok, i got some. I did 2 of each in case you didn't like one of them, or niether. Sory, but i'm not an expert.


2nd Version


2nd Version

Like i said, i'm not too great. But i like last one the most. :)

And i did some more guys! Personally, i didn't like my 'Grr' Delko one. But here are some more, and i think i'm getting better at this!


Sorry fo_poozle for using your slogan 'gun porn', but i couldn't think of much else to use.


I'm not a Ducaine girl, i'm a H and Yelina. But i couldn't let the cap go to waste.

And then these 2 are my personal favs...

eye sex

Well? What do y'all think?

Edited by cinegirl to stick to the allowed number of posting icons
Hey Hunter!
I like your icons, no need to tell them down! :)

But I have to remind you not to post more than three images on one post for those people with dial up - it would spend too much time for them to show the site.
So please edit your post by yourself this time, so you can decide which icons you want to show as an image :)
Thank you!
Man........I love all the icons on these pages soooooo much!!!I've been attempting some but am alittle nervous to put them on here-mine seem rubbish compared to other peoples....:S may do later tho

Great work everyone *goes on snaggin spree*
I got access to photoshop! (my dad's super-computer) So now I'll try a hand at some icons.
Hunter those icons were really great, I snagged the Gun Porn and Bam ones. :)
Beautiful everyone!
Aw shucks. Thanks guys...

I got access to photoshop! (my dad's super-computer) So now I'll try a hand at some icons.
Lu-cky! Then get going Lil, i want to see how good icons can be by a ametuer like you and me, but in PhotoShop! :) Good luck!
Hm, I think that nobody's reading my post! :D

So again: please do not post more than three images at once for those with slow Internet connection.
If you don't know how to edit, you can pm either me or Wyoming asking for help.

Besides this: I can't believe that these are your first icons, Still_RIP_Speed. Good work!
really sorry cinegirl....will edit my post!!!sorry again...and thanks guys :D (ps ALOT of thanks has to go to softcake who has been helping me with tutorials for my icons...big hand for softcake woooo hooo!!!)
Oh. Whoops. I'll remember that cinegirl!

WoW! *eyes bug out* :eek: Great job Still_RIP_Speed! I cna't beleive these are your firsts! Especially the last one! Keep it up, hope to see more...

Meanwhile, i just made a quickie of Horatio of him being soaked...


Hunter said:
RaCk2ThOuSaNd6 said:
Can someone make me a cool avatar out of this pic?


You can cut out Calleigh and put something like "Head tilt" in it or if you find a funnier saying then use that!

Also can you do this one too?


Put "Daydreaming" in it?

I'm trying them right now...

Ok, i got some. I did 2 of each in case you didn't like one of them, or niether. Sory, but i'm not an expert.


2nd Version


2nd Version

Like i said, i'm not too great. But i like last one the most. :)

Thank you SOOOOO MUCH!! I LOVE THEM!! You are the greatest!

Edited by Wyoming to take image tags out
Oh my God! Your actually using it! Your actually using MY icon i made for YOU. Oh WOW! This is a happy happy day for me! Yaaayyy! *hugs RaCk2ThOuSaNd6*

Your very very very welcome!
AGAIN RaCk2ThOuSaNd6, this is the second time I'm telling you this (once in the banners thread I believe). PLEASE do NOT quote the images, remove the image tags If you don't do this, it wastes the host's bandwith. You can pm myself or cinegirl if you need help with this, but if it persists I'm going to have to be more forceful, and I don't want to do that :D.

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