CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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i went ahead and fooled around with our icons too can yoiu tell i'm bored ha?
and thanks for the compliments i'm glad you got yourself some icons ;)
My gawd fo_poozle it's so damn gorgeous! :) And as you can see, I really like this one. Thanks again for all the wonderful icons. :)

7 hrs 35 minutes
Thanks for the compliments on my icons. :D

Oh Ashley, those icons are superb! :eek: You always do such a wonderful job.

I brought some over, with the pics that cainesugar handed over, and a few others...Just because I can. :p


TraceLab Horatio

Horatio2 Calleigh

(Couple of pics courtesy of MiamiStyle screencaps)
thanks Geni!
wow, ok i love that first h one, how you have the letters disappearing into the water. thats awesome. and the calleigh one is beautiful!
Oh god I'm so torn now...Geni those were so beautiful. I loved the water one, and the first H gun one...going nuts here... :)
Calleigh and Speedy were also amazing! I hope Hunter sees the "Wee!" one, she loved that scene!
Thanks for the amazing icons, again.

6 hrs 41 minutes
^ Sure, go ahead. :)

cainesugar, glad you liked the icons. :D And Ashley, thanks for the compliments! I really like that font as well.
I made some icons. They are not that good, but some of them are at least cute ^_^

6 Ryan and 1 Warrick, with 12 cats.


Just a warning...some were saved as JPG, and some as PNG. They won't load at the same time...just give them a minute.
Geni, Ashley WOW! :eek:

Your icons are so extremely fantastic, I have to snag some - when I decided which ones, I'll let you know :lol:

CSI_Slasher these are so cuuute! Ryan in combination with some cats - awwww

Raging4Ryan I'm working on it! ;)
Hey all, just wondering if anyone could do anything with this. I just thought it was beautiful, so here ya go. *contemplates need for photoshop...*

those are awesome CSI_Slasher! #4 on theryan set is hilarious ha.
SpeedDemon your are great too i love the 1st emily one and that second rory one, you used one of my absolute fave rory pics <3
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