CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Bloopers

LoveCSI, just a little hint so you don't get in trouble with the Mods; You can click the 'Edit' button to edit your post (I.E. add more to the post or delete it entirely). ;)

Viva Las Vegas
(Hearing aid's low battery is buzzing so David goes over to the body to see what's wrong)
Dave: What the--?
(Someone in the alien suit giggles as they raise the arm up and whisper: "E.T. phone home!"
(Dave clutches his chest and falls on the ground and Sara stands up from underneath the table)
Sara: Gotcha! It's Nicky in there, Super Dave! Ha-ha! (Pauses and looks at Dave lying motionless on the floor) Super Dave?

Sorry about that one, but I can see it in my mind and it's cracking me up!
catherinesmyidol dont worry love it. and the video blooper i love the were nick did with tube and the scene were sara trying to dismandel the pipe drainage, is so funny and natural.
you all crack me up and you all make mad lone day turn to bright sunny sunshine.
i also love all the bloopers posted here. heyy!!
Wow guys, all of these just crack me up! lol!!

Me and my best friend Kitty have our real-life bloopers which are pretty funny too. I'm usually the one ending up on the blooper reel for the majority of the time lol. Well, here's my input: - btw, IC means In Character and OOC means, obviously, Out Of Character :D

(Jorja, George and Billy are doing a scene)
Jorja (IC): Warrick told me I was needed in here?
Billy (IC): Um, yeah.....
(George Cuts in)
George (IC): Sara, I love you....*grabs her and kisses her*
Billy (OOC): *Looks confused & flips through script* Wait...isn't that my line?
George (OOC): *Lets go of Jorja and looks embarassed* Sorry, that was my off-set line *blush*

Okay, so it was crap - but I'm a fan of a GE/JF off-set romance!! lol


"Viva Las Vegas"

Sara: You're so late. What happened to you?
Nick: I'm late?
Jorja: Did you even get that alarm clock I sent you?
George: Hey, you were fired too.

...Darn. It sounded better when I thought of it.

"Last Laugh"

Nick: Now if she tries to grab you, just use your free hand to hold he down, okay?
David (Phillips): Okay....
*DB reaches up and grabs George Eads' arm*
GE: *screams*
David (Berman): I'm related to the producer, you douche bag!
:lol: Jeez, I was laughing so hard at that one CSI3Snickers! :lol:

King Baby
Sara: I think they'll go as long as you let 'em.
Sofia: What, the boobs or the kids?
Greg: [Pops in the room] HA! You said boobs! [Runs out]
Sara: What the...
Thanks, catherinesmyidol!!! :D Boobs.... I can soo piture Greg saying that. :lol: :lol:

Grave Danger:

*CSIs pull Nick out of the ditch with the latch on his belt*
George: *spits out dust* God! Way to break a guy's spine!
Director: CUT! Oh, good job, George, now we're gonna have to do it over again.
George: Ugh. Can you use a real dummy THIS time?
Fare Game

*carmine puts bug in mouth*
Director: Cut
Carmine: ew! ew! *starts spitting* For a not-real bug, that sure was disgusting!

(Was it Carmine in the scene with the octopus tests?)
(scene of Carmine trying desperately to hold onto the octopus as it slips about in his hands)

Carmine is doing the test and the octopus squirts in his face

Can I put in a request for this ep? It's gotta be loaded with possibilities!

I know what'd be funny....after a 'cut' during filming of the A plot, Gary and Melina pull out balloons and start heaving them at each other.
Gary: Water balloon fight!

Is that enough spoiler space btw?
Um...this is the CSI: LV blooper thread...


I SWEAR I will act on these, scout's honor.
Blood Drops
(Grissom picks up the crossword puzzle as Warrick walks by)
Warrick: (Runs into break room and pulls the puzzle away from Grissom) Damn you! This is MY puzzle and YOU cannot have it! How dare he take my puzzle...
Let me revive this with some from

Blood Lust

The Victim

David: I'll place the viscera in a biohazard bag.

Eric (Off Camera): No [Bleep] Sherlock.

Marg (Off Camera): He didn't state the obvious.

Eric (Off Camera): Oh.

Director: CUT!

Photo and DNA

Billy: Say "cheese" *snaps photo* open wide please.

Eric (Off Camera): You rhymed.

Director: CUT!

Jorja (Off Camera): ERIC! That's your fourth cup of coffee!

Marg (Off Camera): No wonder he won't shut up.

