CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Bloopers

i would like to request
dog eat dog where nick was talking in the phone while staring at sara. do something funni and cute
that's all i have to say...
CSI3Snickers said:

Grave Danger:

*CSIs pull Nick out of the ditch with the latch on his belt*
George: *spits out dust* God! Way to break a guy's spine!
Director: CUT! Oh, good job, George, now we're gonna have to do it over again.
George: Ugh. Can you use a real dummy THIS time?

:lol: :lol: Oh my God that one had me rollin' :D
Whoa, going to bump this thread because there are hilarious bloopers posted here! I'm really in the mood for LHB bloopers so bloopers in this post are all from that episode.

"Lady Heather's Box"
(William and Melinda are walking up the stairs when she slips on her skirt and slides down the stairs)
William: (Surpressing laughter) Are you okay?
Melinda: (Laying at the bottom of the stairs) ....Ow...


William: You can always say stop.
Melinda: So ca--(hiccups)
(William and crew burst out laughing)
Melinda: It's not (hiccup) funny!


Melinda: What's the magic word?
Paul (from off-screen, in a deep voice): This is the police! Come out with your hands up!
(Everyone but Paul laughs)
Paul: I take it that wasn't the right line...

(I didn't realize that actress's name was the same as mine lol)

I got a couple ones I hope are funny...well they probably aren't technically bloopers per se but they go best here...

Billy: Oh no...
George: It's...
Paul: It's awful!
Gary D: Fangirl attack!
Eric: Security! *sees they're all otherwise occupied* Nevermind...Run!
*They take off accross the stage with a gaggle of fangirls right behind them*

*Billy's slightly bruised, his clothes disheveled and his face has lipstick on it*
George: What happened?
Billy: Ambush...*Collapses*
Gary: They just don't quit, do they?
Billy: I don't mind being kissed...it's the fact they'd have us do the whole show naked if we didn't stop them.
George and Gary *nod* Uh huh
George: I don't think they ever leave the gutter
Billy: They don't...you seen some of the drool threads?
Gary and George: *nod* Uh huh.
Well, I just sat here and read all 5 pages, because all the bloopers are absolutely amazing. I love reading, watching, and well, expieriencing bloopers. :p

*Jorja runs out of the room away from the guy with a piece of clay*
*Jorja puts her arms up and bangs them on the window*
*The glass window falls and lands outside*
William: HAHAHAHA!
Jorja: I was just attacked, why are you laughing?!
William: Hehe.. clutz.


*Jorja goes to swab the guy that almost bites her*
Jorja: Could you open your mouth please?
*old guy bites Jorja's hand*
Jorja: OWCH! [BLEEP]
Old Guy: That Q-tip tastes disgusting. What did you do with it?
Jorja: Ow! My Hand! Billy, kiss it better!
Oh my gosh, thanks. This thread was headed to the scrap heap for sure! I'll work on making more up.
lol, I love this thread now. Hmm.. let me think about some more bloopers, cause I loove them. :p

Crate n Burial
Jorja: Get a picture of the security pad, someone touches it before it's dusted, I break their ... their ... their ... their umm... their arm?
Director: No.. not quite.


Crate n Burial
*Jorja goes to put piece of paper in frame of picture*
*The paper for some unexplained, unknown reason won't go in, she forces the paper to go in, and the painting drops*
Jorja: Ooh.. that can't be good. *laughs*


Another one from Crate n Burial
*George walks into the room*
*George walks up behind Jorja*
*George trips, falls onto Jorja, Jorja falls to the ground, with George*
Director: I think we CUT there.


Yeah.. I'm having fun with Crate n Burial, MWA HAHA, yet again
Jorja: Hey Grissom, could you come tape me up?
*Billy and Marg turn and watch as Jorja goes to walk back into the room, but she falls onto the ground*
Billy: *laughs*.. or rather, help you up.


Crate n Burial: Tape Me Up Scene
*Billy puts duct tape on Jorja's wrists*
*Billy smiles*
*Car door falls and squashes Billy*
Jorja: *laughs*
Billy: [BLEEP]
Director: CUT!


Crate n Burial: Tape Me Up Scene
Jorja: ..which makes me wonder who would put an unconscious person in the front seat of a car. *sits back in the chair* Look at my-
*chair falls over*
Jorja: [BLEEEEP]


woo! I had fun there!
^ :lol: Those are so funny! Wow, Jorja curses like a sailor doesn't she?

Anyways, want to request bloopers for Greg's head-dress scene (can't remember what episode it is)
[when Catherine is talking to Lindsay]
Catherine: What's next?
Lindsay: ..
Catherine: *coughs* stripping *coughs*
Lindsay: Being a hooker?
Lindsay: wtf?
Director: uhm. cut.


Nesting Dolls
Sara: ..when my mother, killed my father, I found out that it wasn't..
*turns away*
Billy: You're supposed to cry now..
Jorja: I know.. but the tears ain't coming out. [BLEEP]
billy and marg walk into a crime scene
Marg expertly puts latex gloves on. Billy however can't get them on.
Billy: Hang on i can't get my hand in
Marg: you didn't have much trouble before ;-)