CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Bloopers

Can someone do one like Faylinn's post up in "Things that annoy you" (general section)...about walking into the darkened room and falling on their butt?
Inspired by my all time favorite Robot Chicken sketch.

Robert David Hall {Cuts into corpse. Confetti flies out}: What the F***? Who F***ING did that?!
Eric Szmanda: {Offscreen giggle}
Robert: I'm gonna get you for this, Szmanda!
I love bloopers, they are so much more fun to do them on an actual stage though. *cough* I'm a clutz *cough*

Play with Fire
Jorja: *walks around the corner*
Eric: *turns around to where chemical should blow up*
*nothing happens*
Jorja: *stops walking* Uhm?
Eric: *laughs* Well.. *taps chemical*
Director: Okay.. why didn't it explode?


Jorja: *is being attacked by psychotic rapist/suicidal murderer*
Billy: *looks in from window*
Psycho Dude: *falls over, bringing Jorja with him*
*Billy walks into darkened room with flashlight.

Billy *slip, thud* "yaowww"...uhoh
*he hears sounds beneath him*
Billy: Jorja? Sorry...
Jorja: Get off, I can't breathe...*he rolls off*
Billy: Guess that's not what was meant about Gris jumping Sara...

(inspired by the "what annoys you" thread)
Down the Drain...

Jorja: I'm not drunk, I just have inner child issues.
William: What?
Jorja: What? she does have inner child issues!!
William: Your messing up the scene.
Jorja: You... You totally just killed my inner child.
William: ....
UrielFalcon said:
Down the Drain...

Jorja: I'm not drunk, I just have inner child issues.
William: What?
Jorja: What? she does have inner child issues!!
William: Your messing up the scene.
Jorja: You... You totally just killed my inner child.
William: ....


That was hilarious! Uhm.. *cough* .. anyway,

BAH! I have a brain fart. I'll put some more bloopers up later..
Way To Go, Camera Scene

Billy: *while walking* One. Two. Three.
Jorja: Four. Five. Six. *trips*
Billy: *turns around* Did I win?
Jorja: You weren't supposed to turn yet!
Billy: Now you have dirt on your face.
Jorja: *clicks camera* MWA HAHAHA! I win!

Directer: Uhm.. CUT!
Take Two.

Billy: One. Two. Three.
Jorja: Four. Five. Six. Seven. *trips*
Billy: *turns around* what the?
Jorja: Okay, that root, HAS GOTTA GO!

Directer: Switch sides with Billy. Oh, right, CUT!
Take Three.

Billy: One. Two. Three.
Jorja: Four. Five.
Billy: *trips* wtf?
Jorja: What is with the root?!

Directer: Okay, take out the root. CUT!
Take Four.

*root is gone*

Billy: One. Two. Three.
Jorja: Uhm.. you sound annoyed, and people are going to notice. I think we should do that again.

Directer: GAHH! CUT!
Take Five.

Billy: One. Two. Three.
Jorja: Four. Five-
Billy: You're singing!
Jorja: So?
Billy: That's not the scene!
Jorja: So?

Directer: CUT! CUT! CUT!
Take Six.

Billy: One. Two. Three.
Jorja: Four. Five. Six. Seven.
Billy: Eight. Nine. *turns and clicks camera* HAHA! I WIN! I WIN!
Jorja: No fair! You cheated!
Billy: Did not, you're just a sore loser.

Directer: ..I quit.
One more WTG

I don't know. Most people want to die in their sleep,
I suppose. Never know that it's happening.
(Jorja is fighting to keep from laughing)
GRISSOM: Like a crime scene. Surprise, you're dead. I'd prefer to know in
advance that I was going to die. I'd like to be diagnosed with cancer,
actually. Have some time to prepare.
Jorja: Mmmphhh....bwahahahaha...I'm so sorry...
Billy: What? What's so funny?
Jorja: That shirt...what'd you do, get in a paint fight with someone? I mean...it's so loud, I wish I had earplugs!
Billy: Hey, blame wardrobe, not me. Oh wait, it's my shirt...
From the episode where they find the dead body in the chimney

Jorja: It's not "The Telltale Heart", it's "Murder in the Rue Morgue".
Catherine: Um...try "The Cask of the Amontillado".
Jorja: Oh, whatever, I can't tell one Poe story from another.
William (offset): Oh, the horror!
Director CUT!!