CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Bloopers

Ooh I have another!

Grave Danger
[Grissom is sitting on the box Nick is in, just before they get him out]
Grissom: Poncho! Put your hand on my... LINE?
Ooh! I got one!

(Grave Danger after they get Nick out of the box)
Grissom: Alright...*falls in box and lid closes* Uh...help?
*no answer*
Grissom: Please? Anybody?
*lights on set turn out*
Grissom: Oh come on, guys!
Grave Danger
[Grissom places tape in tape player and turns it on]
[Greg begins singing the lyrics while the others stare at him]
Greg: What?! It's a good song!
Grave Danger
[Grissom places tape in tape player and turns it on]
[Greg begins singing the lyrics while the others stare at him]
Greg: What?! It's a good song!

Ha, I got one like this one!

*Turn tape recorder on and Grissom's voice is heard singing the Abc's. Everyone turns and looks at Grissom*
Grissom: Um...I can explain.
Scene In Big Middle Where They have the Dummy on Greg:
Jorja: *about to Pull the Dummie off Greg*
Directer: LUNCH BREAK!
Jorja and Billy: *go to Lunch Leaving the Dummie on Eric*
Eric: Hey guys, Come on, This thing is Heavy...*Lights Turn off*....I think I'm gonna be here awhile.
Eppie with a bug

Billy: *drops bug* Oops

Marg: *screams*

Billy: *jumps and accidently lands on the last spider of it's species* [BEEEEEEP]

Director: CUT!

PETA Members: *tackle Billy*


Director: On break.

Marg: How can they be ON BREAK?!?!?!?
Oooh I thought of one from that Episode where Grissom pushs the Coffee holder.....Thingy...out of ecklie's hand

William: *Knocks Coffee Put out of Marc Vann's hand...coffee pot hits wall but doesn't break* Wtf...
Marc: Wasn't it supose to break...
William: *Goes over and looks at Coffee pot* Its not glass...its hard Plastic..Someone must have switched them....
Marc: But who?
William: *Cell phone rings which has a who are you ring tone*
That sucked didn't it?

i love this one soooo much i laugh so much!! this thread is awesome!! sooo hilarious!! i can picture them all!
Grave Danger
Grissom: I want my guys back. [Pauses] And a sandwhich.

(For my next one you really need an imagination)
Swap Meet
Sara: Look at you, Mr. Bigshot. I did not know your hair could do that.
Greg's HAIR: [Somehow his hair forms a mouth] You talkin' to me? Are YOU talkin' to me?

:lol: I am so immature sometimes...
:D a sandwhich :D
Griss: I want my guys back. (pauses) And a girlfriend.
Ecklie: (breaks into song)You cant always get what you want. But if you try sometimes you get what you want.
Sara: *gags and falls to the ground*
Griss: I think you killed her with your voice.

Ok, that was my lil bro at the end, hes 9. Kinda stupid. And he is a HAL student. (Highly able learner) And he thought it was hell student :)D). Getting off track, but one last word about HAL, when I was in it last year (they stop the program at my age) my teacher was getting pissed and she yelled (in front of the class) " Now. Jennifer, Megan, Sam, Adeline, go to HELL!" and everybody gasped. :)

one more:

Sara: (to Hodges) You know, gray hair can be very attractive.
Hodges: Really? Well, Sara's can be awful hot.
Grissom: Is that so?
Hodges: Um, no sir?
Griss: Good. That's what I thought.

Ok, that was quite odd.
No Humans Involved


Louise: *walking* The shooter emptied...*steps on bullet casing* [BEEP]

Director: CUT!

Intro 2

Plummer: I got family to go bury *turns around and trips*

Paul: *laughing*

Director: CUT!


George: Hoo...*slips on feces*

Carter and Gary: *laguhing heads off*

Director: CUT!

George: Help...

Excessive force

Gary: You think the cops used excessive force here?

Carter: ...LINE!

Man (off camera): *whispers* 'Well if they did it's mitigating circumstances'.

Carter: Mitigating?

Man (off camera): *whispers* Yeah.

Carter: Okay

Director: CUT!



Eric: Condom wrap...*drops tweezers*

Director: CUT!

Trip's Dorm

Eric: *accidently drops brush* [BEEP]

Director: CUT!

Jorja: Eric, what is it with you dropping things today?

Marg (off camera): Yeah, I know.

Exploding Toilet

Jorja: *walking in water* Excus...

Eric: *trips into Jorja causing her to fall*

Director: CUT!

Jorja: Eric, get your face out of my a-

Director: TAKE 3!

No Exact Cause of Death

Jorja: Two college kids die of mysterious circumstances.

Marc (off camera): *imitating Mitch Pileggi* I'll put Scully and Mulder on the case.

Marg (off camera): *whistles The X-Files theme*

Director: CUT!

I am taking requests for any episode from season 1-5 starting with Friends and Lovers.


Please keep in mind that in order to get all ten episodes in, you'll have to give me around 2 weeks to sort out my life and the CSI requests.
Sorry about the double post, but this thread's dying.



Man: *accidently hits guard as he pulls into the Rittle estate*

Guard: [BEEP]

Director: CUT! I don't like hearing the F-bomb.


David: *looks wrong way and gets dirt into eyes* MY EYES!

Director: CUT!

The Bullet

David: It's okay

Sasha: *opens hand*

Marg: *looks at bullet* HOLY [BEEP]!

Director: CUT! Marg, you just go bug-eyed, no cursing.

William: (off-camera): Bugs?

Taurus 9

Procter: My guess is that this is from a Taurus 9. Its a cheap Beretta knock-off. You may not get them much in Nevada, but we get them all the time down here. Which makes me think he wasn't fleeing Miami...Vegas...Vegas...[BLEEP]

Director: CUT!

Bullet in the Back

William: *Huffs* Pinball.

Marg (off-camera): *sings Pinball Wizard by The Who*

Director: CUT! Marg, you can sing later.

Finding the Gun

Adam: Nice shoes.

Rory: *slips off bridge* [BEEP]

Procter (off-camera): F-bomb.

Direcotr: CUT!

Again, I can take 10 requests.
