Criminal Minds

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Wednesday, April 12, is a new episode:

Gideon, Hotchner and their team head to Mexico to aid in the investigation of a serial killer who preys on the elderly.
Mexico, huh!?! I wonder if anyone from the team speaks spanish... does anyone know? I'm not asking just because they are going to Mexico but I think it's cool when you learn that a character can speak another language.
I'm betting Reid does. But I'd love it if they surprised us and had Morgan or Elle do it.

Am I the only one who'd like to see Elle... developed more? I've been rewatching the whole series and I'm still uncertain why they actually need her. I get the feeling they needed x number of women on the cast, rather than having defined characters. >_<

Hello all, it's been a while since I've posted in here. *hugs everyone* I didn't even comment about the last episode, but suffice it to say that Reid getting some action is good and Reid in a hoodie is even better. ;)

This week's episode was really good, although I'm a bit confused as to why the guy developed that particular M.O. and why he dressed up as a woman before he started using the social worker ruse to gain access to the womens' houses. If he was supposed to be a transvestite, that's one thing, but the way that they described the killings, it was like he used the disguise just to get into the womens' houses... :confused:

Are we assuming that the dead woman in his house is his mother or his wife? That was creepy, but I knew it was a dead body as soon as it showed the back of the head in the chair after he smashed the mirror. Wouldn't they have been able to smell it when they came in the house? I thought Elle was going to follow her nose to find the body. *shrug* Anywho...
I wonder if anyone from the team speaks spanish
I'm betting Reid does. But I'd love it if they surprised us and had Morgan or Elle do it.
:p I guess we found out about that one. ;) But why did it have to be so surprising to the cops in Mexico that one of the Americans spoke Spanish? And when that cop in the blue shirt said something about Elle and she said that her mother or father was Cuban, it was like a total revelation or something. Yeah, there are Latino people in the U.S.--go figure! :rolleyes: Although I must say that it was nice to see someone other than Reid know how to do something.
Am I the only one who'd like to see Elle... developed more?
I think this episode had a little bit of development for her--I suppose the writers are giving each of the characters an episode. First Hotch, now Elle. I'm waiting for the Morgan-episode. :devil:

Am I the only one who spent half of the episode pointing at the cop in the blue shirt going, 'him! it's totally him!' because he looked sort of...shifty? I wonder if they planned that or if it just turned out that way?

I'm not sure how I feel about the ending of the episode...on one hand, as a sexually abused woman myself, I can see why the woman would castrate the guy. On the other hand, when they were telling their stories to the cops, they should have said that their mothers were the murder victims. If they talked about being raped by the same guy, you know that they realized the connection as the murders occured.

Was I the only one who got a little pissed when they rounded up the transvestites and brought them in? I was hoping that one of the members of the team would rip that skeezy-blue-shirt-guy a new one for that. What the profilers said was obvious--this guy may gain access to womens' homes by dressing as a woman. That should have been handled better--it wasn't necessary to the plot to have the police misunderstand. It is an insult to the intelligence of the police that they 'thought' it meant they should bring in men who dressed as women. :mad: I guess it was meant to illustrate that alternate lifestyles are frowned upon in that society. *shrug*

So there are no women in the police in Mexico? Is that a real thing, or were they just exaggerating things for the show (like to show why women wouldn't want to go to the police if they were raped)? If there aren't any women in the police force, why? If it's because women are considered 'weak' or whatever, why was the Attorney General (or whatever she was) a woman? I was confused about that whole thing. :confused:

Another thing that irked me a bit was when the women were finally telling their stories to the police about when they were raped. I know all the cops were men, but it seemed like there were an awful lot of guys there at the time--and why in the hell was Morgan sitting on a desk, looming over that poor woman while she was talking? I would have been intimidated even if I was talking about the weather, much less detailing what happened when a guy raped me. Morgan should have been sitting in a chair, looking straight at her, not down at her.

Kudos for including El Dia de los Muertos, but it wasn't really necessary to the plot--I was hoping that it would be somehow important to the 'how' or 'why' of the show, but it didn't turn out that way. Or did I perhaps miss something?

And another unnecessary thing was the fact that the son was gay--I know it showed the fact that homosexuality is frowned upon in that society, but it didn't turn out to be terribly important to the plot...Sure it proved that the son was innocent if the profile was to be believed, but still...

Oh yeah, how could I have forgotten Reid's hair? It looked so funny slicked back like that, maybe because I've gotten used to the geeky faux-comb-over. :lol: Are they trying to tone down his geekiness or something? I noticed that he'd reverted back to the old hair-do for a minute when they got out of the car, but this new hairstyle is confusing me a bit. Don't get me wrong, I thought it was really cute ;), but on the other hand I hope they aren't slowly morphing him into a geek-free genius. He should get better at social interaction, but he should not, under any circumstance, suddenly become cool. *stubborn frown* I have spoken! ;) :p :lol:

I think my mom has a little crush on Morgan. ;) But that's okay, because I have a BIG crush on him. :p :lol:

Am I the only one who gets a little bit weirded out by Mandy (Gideon)? Whenever he's sitting there with those impossible wrinkles in his forehead, staring off into space, I'm like '*shudder* doesn't anyone else think that's weird?' Random people nearby should really react more to that--at least give him a strange look, people! I'd scoot away from him a little bit and avert my eyes. ;) :p

I felt so bad for Hotch at the beginning. On the one hand, I wish his wife was more sympathetic (she should have known that he was hardly home before they got married), but on the other hand I thought it was really sad that they couldn't have any quality time together. And when her sister told him that he was a great profiler, I felt sad for him. I wish she hadn't been so blunt about him not being a good husband or father. :(

Well, I think that's all for now...I'm sure I'll come up with something else later. ;) :D
Fantastic post Faylinn... you hit everything right on the head.

About why the women didn't come forward about their mothers being murdered - I assumed it was because they just didn't trust the police as far as they could throw them.

The dead woman in the chair was his mother - and she was pretty dessicated, by the looks of it. I'd imagine the smell would have long gone, since it seems there was little, if any tissue left on her. I agree about them not explaining why he dresses up in women's clothes - or why he's bringing trophies back for his mum.

Tell your mum I totally see where she's coming from with the Morgan thing - are they putting him in tighter and tighter shirts, or is that just my wistful imagination? Reid looks adorable with the new 'do. And *breathes* I really really really like Hotch. (Why does is baby have auburn hair? I could have sworn his missus was a brunette at some point...) I spent the whole episode wanting to hug him.

My mother thinks Gideon is psychic. I keep telling her that would sort of ruin the point of the show, but she maintains that his wrinkly-forehead moments are him reading other people's minds.
Loved the moment when Spencer talks about Day of the Dead and the officer said something like he sounds like he's reading from a book and Morgan's like 'always sounds like that' and then Spencer comes up and is like "actually, I was reading that time. I picked up this brochure at the airport and...." :lol:
I loved this episode! It was great! And I knew someone from the team would end up speaking Spanish, I just knew it. But it was funny when Elle, Gideon, and the Spanish Police guy were in the car and Elle asked him something in Spanish and he was going to reply but Gideon was like 'In english please'.
I really really liked Elle in this episode. It was a perfect example of how you can "get" a character in a short space of time through good writing. She totally earned my respect - not just her skills, but the way she handled herself. Even though she's working in this very male-orientated environment, she handled herself with dignity and I got the impression that by the end of it, she'd earned the respect of the officers they'd been working with.
About why the women didn't come forward about their mothers being murdered - I assumed it was because they just didn't trust the police as far as they could throw them.
That's what I thought as well, but when they finally came forward about being raped, I would have thought they'd tell about their mothers as well. Then again, maybe they wanted to make sure that the man would pay and didn't trust that the police would punish him enough. It's such a sad situation. :(
The dead woman in the chair was his mother - and she was pretty dessicated, by the looks of it. I'd imagine the smell would have long gone, since it seems there was little, if any tissue left on her.
Well, I figured it was his mother based on the fact that she had gray hair, but they never said how old the guy was, so I didn't know for sure...*shrug* But as for the smell, I thought that even an old skeleton would have a smell to it--I've never been near one so I can't say from experience...
...are they putting him in tighter and tighter shirts, or is that just my wistful imagination?
Oh it's not just you--they have definitely been putting him in tight shirts--very much like Danny on CSI:NY--they both started out very professional looking with button-up shirts, and now it's all about teh sexiness. :lol: They sure know how to make us squee don't they? :lol:
Reid looks adorable with the new 'do.
Yes, I think he looks rather adorable with his hair slicked back. >_< It was kind of like they all decided behind his back that he needed a change and tackled him on the plane where he couldn't resist--Morgan held his skinny ass down and Elle and JJ slicked it back. :lol:
And *breathes* I really really really like Hotch. (Why does is baby have auburn hair? I could have sworn his missus was a brunette at some point...) I spent the whole episode wanting to hug him.
Maybe it's the Milkman's baby. :p :lol: But really, that baby was adorable. *squees* ;) I wanted to hug him and let him snuggle into my bossom and cry...:eek: Oops, did I just type that? :p :lol:
My mother thinks Gideon is psychic. I keep telling her that would sort of ruin the point of the show, but she maintains that his wrinkly-forehead moments are him reading other people's minds.
Maybe he's trying to levitate things. Or activate his x-ray vision. Or maybe he's just turning into my grandfather, who always looks like he's more than slightly lost. :lol:
Morgan's like 'always sounds like that' and then Spencer comes up and is like "actually, I was reading that time. I picked up this brochure at the airport and...." :lol:
:lol: Yeah, I wasn't surprised that he knew about it, but then when he said that he was actually reading that time and not just reciting, I had to chuckle. :p
I really really liked Elle in this episode. It was a perfect example of how you can "get" a character in a short space of time through good writing. She totally earned my respect - not just her skills, but the way she handled herself. Even though she's working in this very male-orientated environment, she handled herself with dignity and I got the impression that by the end of it, she'd earned the respect of the officers they'd been working with.
Yeah, I really liked her too. When she was speaking Spanish I was like, 'yay, I'm glad it doesn't sound like she's doing it phonetically'--that would have made me roll my eyes. But when the woman was talking about not wanting to come forward about the rape and she kind of got this look on her face, I was hoping that she'd take the woman aside and tell her that she knows what it's like to be abused and that she wants to put the guy away. *shrug* I also liked that she'd earned the respect of the police officers--she didn't go in there trying to show that she was good enough, she just did her job as usual and proved that she earned her spot on the team.

Now if only the writers of that episode would give CSI:NY a hand with Lindsay's character...
Old skellies are my speciality, and they don't smell. Saying that, the ones I've dealt with were very dessicated. It's the bits that rot that smell. It could be the place is so hot and muggy generally that it would be difficult to distinguish? Especially after a long time.

Keep Hotch away from your bosom. I have a feeling it'd be more than he could handle XD I get the feeling Hotch is a no-touch type of guy. He probably took lessons from Horatio on impregnating ladies using only sunglasses. Or it's DEFINATELY the milkman's.

Now see, I was totally refraining from making NY comparisons there, and you went and ruined it. XDXD
Actually, Elle speaking Spanish was quite hot. Compared to Garcia and Reid, who just made it painful. :D
Oh! I'd forgotten about Garcia speaking Spanish to Morgan over the speaker-phone! :lol: That was great. *has to stop typing for a minute to finish giggling*

Comparisons to NY must be made--they are back-to-back, after all. ;) (*is still crossing fingers for a crossover*)

Hotch could totally handle my bosom. :devil: And beyond that...well, I'm not sure your fragile mind could cope with the very idea. ;) :p

Hmm...old skeletons=don't stink. Must remember that for future reference. Er, not that I'm sure I'll need to know, but it never hurts to file random bits of information back for another day (or "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" of course :p).

It would be interesting if they started to show little thought-clouds drifting over Gideon's head so we could really see what he's thinking. It might be a bit distracting though if he's thinking about the Boobahs or Teletubbies or something while Reid rattles on about something he read in a book. :p :lol:
Oh man. Doesn't this show rock? I just found it recently and have been trying to track down all the old episodes. The show is so gritty and real. Plus Mandy is amazing. this page is reporting that Criminal Minds has been picked up for next year! Cool news.
(Hey hugetvguy! Welcome to the madhouse!)

Okay Faylinn, you made me spray my monitor AGAIN. Gideon thinking about Boobahs and Teletubbies. Oh my god. I'm having all kinds of odd thoughts about his private life now.

Hotch wouldn't know what to do with your bosom if you paid him. and I'm English - you're going to have a REALLY hard time out-dirtying my mind.

NY and Criminal Minds aren't back to back here, so you'll have to forgive my ignorance. They show it with Miami in the UK. Those Criminal Minds guys are probably leeching all of the writing mojo.

I e-mailed MGG, btw. I don't know if anyone else has, but it was about ten days ago. I imagine the poor dear is rather busy :D
*huggles hugetvguy* Any guy who loves Criminal Minds is cool in my book. ;) If I knew how to help you out with the old episodes, I would, but alas I am not at all tech-savvy. Maybe they'll play re-runs after the season is over since they've picked it up for a second season. Yay, by the way. I'm so glad that they kept it--CM is definitely one of my favorite shows. :D

Oh, poor Lyn--I get to enjoy Morgan and Danny back to back in their tight shirts. :devil: I don't really watch Miami, so I'd be tuning into your station just for CM. But the CM writers do rock, so perhaps they are responsible for Miami's sub-par season.'s something to think about. ;) :lol: But I'll forgive your ignorance because I love you. *huggles* :lol:

I think Hotch would know exactly what to do, and if not I wouldn't mind showing him. :devil: And you may be English, but I'm American, so I'd say we're pretty evenly matched. :lol: *shakes Lyn's hand* If we work together, perhaps we can corrupt the others. Mua-ha-ha-haaaaaa. :lol: ;)

Oh, you e-mailed Gube? Well, I've never given it a try, but I imagine it would be more likely to get a response than Carmine at the moment. ;) :lol: I hope he writes you back--he seems very humble about his popularity and to really care about his fans. You've been to his website, haven't you? It's so funny. :lol:


*sigh* I love that picture (and I think I've posted it about 30 times in here :p)--he's so damn cheesy it's adorable! ;)
Faylinn said:
*huggles hugetvguy* Any guy who loves Criminal Minds is cool in my book. ;) If I knew how to help you out with the old episodes, I would, but alas I am not at all tech-savvy. Maybe they'll play re-runs after the season is over since they've picked it up for a second season. Yay, by the way. I'm so glad that they kept it--CM is definitely one of my favorite shows. :D

Are they selling eps online yet, like they are with CSI? Otherwise, I'd google it, or wait for the DVD. Which I will be preordering, for definate.

Oh, poor Lyn--I get to enjoy Morgan and Danny back to back in their tight shirts. :devil: I don't really watch Miami, so I'd be tuning into your station just for CM. But the CM writers do rock, so perhaps they are responsible for Miami's sub-par season.'s something to think about. ;) :lol: But I'll forgive your ignorance because I love you. *huggles* :lol:

Aww, I love you too. And I don't mind Miami at all, but the channel has a fantastic Miami ad running which involves some really cheesy Horatio poses and "Ode to Joy". I die every time it comes on. They're running a Criminal Minds one too, but it's not quite as cheese-tastic and involces the Sugababes' Freak Like Me. Lots of surly Hotch, which would surely get your hormones going.

I think Hotch would know exactly what to do, and if not I wouldn't mind showing him. :devil: And you may be English, but I'm American, so I'd say we're pretty evenly matched. :lol: *shakes Lyn's hand* If we work together, perhaps we can corrupt the others. Mua-ha-ha-haaaaaa. :lol: ;)

According to certain threads in the NY section, we already have :devil: - although I admit that the idea of Hotch and anyone's bosom makes me break out into a cold sweat. I know he fathered that baby somehow...

Oh, you e-mailed Gube? Well, I've never given it a try, but I imagine it would be more likely to get a response than Carmine at the moment. ;) :lol: I hope he writes you back--he seems very humble about his popularity and to really care about his fans. You've been to his website, haven't you? It's so funny. :lol:


*sigh* I love that picture (and I think I've posted it about 30 times in here :p)--he's so damn cheesy it's adorable! ;)

His website was the reason I mailed him :D It' just adorable, and totally him. I've never seen another site like it, for an actor - you really get an idea of him and what he's like.

And Gube pictures. *_* I spent a happy time yesterday ogling his model pictures. He's way too pretty!
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