Criminal Minds

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Lyn, is there a significance to the UNSUB's name? :confused: If it's obvious, forgive my utter stupidity right now. :lol:

The writers should have known a bunch of crazy-ass fans could figure it out in about a week. :lol: Silly writers, you underestimate us. ;) (Well, not me specifically, since I didn't do much, but other people did an awesome job figuring out the clues. :D)

Yeah, I noticed that we seem to be sticking with the original cast, which I have to admit makes me happy. It kind of bugs me when someone just disappears after the first season or suddenly pops up like they've always been needed or something. :rolleyes: Of course, it's possible tha they're just not telling us about new characters yet. ;)

And I agree about the opening credits: put about twenty more dollars into that puppy and it'll be twice as good. :lol:
No... I'd just rather not know it, *lol* I'm actually not sure I'm looking forward to this conclusion ep. I know they'll get him, but it's been stretched out for so long I have mixed feelings about it.

I think they can afford at least fourty dollars, you know. I mean, Mandy's sold all of those Criminal Minds albums...
Ah yes, the CM album was a bestseller, wasn't it? :lol:

I'm excited to see the new season, even if the first episode could turn out to be a bit of a letdown after such a long wait. Of course, I'm hoping that we get some good character information that we're not expecting to make things more worthwhile. ;)

The futon critic has posted a description for the second episode **contains spoilers** "P911."
I'm in France, so we only could watch the first season of CM.
I'm impatient to watch the continuation of "The fisher king".
My favorite character is Spencer Reid. You?
Hi Cellomaniac! (You like cellos?)

I know what you mean - the UK has just started showing series one and series two feels very far away... :(

I think most of the people in this thread are Reid fans one way or another :D I know I am!
do you think we will be able to see the season2 on the cbs innertube here in europe?It would be so unfair if only american people can!
(Bear with me, I can't type properly due to a hand injury!)

I'm hoping so. Although Youtube sometimes has eps of things to watch online. I guess the European TV channels won't want us watching series two before they've finished showing series one, and that might cause problems for CBS if they've sold the show out then put new eps online?

Can someone check CBS in Europe and see the kinds of things they're currently showing?
A Reid fan in some way or another, Lyn? Does wanting to have wee little Gube babies count? :p

I hope you guys don't have to wait too very long to get season two. :)

Of course, I get the new season in less than 2 weeks, so I'm having a hard time feeling too very bad for you. ;)
Faylinn, are you trying to make ALL of the European fans hate you?

Wee little Gube babies.... *eyes glaze over*
Oh, don't be silly, Lyn. I want everyone to love me. But then, I can't help it if you guys don't get the show yet over there. ;)

Seriously though, is there no way to find out when the local channels will start airing the second season over there?
Faylinn said:
I get the new season in less than 2 weeks,
Same here- so excited! I just caught a brief CM promo tonight :D
...little pissy that CBS and CTV have cut the reruns the past few weeks though.... to be called 'North Mammon'
Lyn said:
This one? I've found a couple of pages on it, it seems to feature Richard Kind. I'm ever so slightly scared of him, I have to admit. *lol* Seems there were only eight episodes, but it definately is a precursor to CM.

One of the reasons why Unsub was cancelled was because it was pporly scheduled :(
*sigh* Not having my computer for a week has made Teh Fay very sad and slightly crazy. *twitch* :p

I'm glad I finally got this baby back in time for the premiere of CM. *does a little dance* I'm really looking forward to it. :D :D :D

And I'll definitely be back in here after the show to discuss the awesomeness that is season 2 (hopefully). :lol:
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