Criminal Minds

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Bring on the hoodie icon! If I had screencaps, I'd make one myself...Which reminds me, I have a few pictures from CM, but I haven't been able to find anyone who makes screencaps of all of the episodes...anybody know where I can find them?

I've edited my last post to show the hoodie love.

And they don't have all the episodes but is a best screencaps site i have found. It has the hoodie caps at least!
Ooh, thanx Lyn and monkeyrabbit! *huggles* I'm going to have to make a special folder in my Photobucket account for piccys. :lol
Just read the info about the finale and premiere. Definately sounds like a very cool idea!!

Also, thanks for the screencap links Lyn and monkeyrabbit!! :)
The more i think about the finale the more i like it! Oooh, excitment.

Umm..just re-watched the episode with the DA's daughter missing..on one of the phonecalls i got really confused. Does Reid actually have a form of autism, or was it just playing up his social akwardness (such as they played up Hotch imo)... i have a feeling i've missed something key!!
:confused: Er, are you talking about the phonecall where the guy was insulting each member of the BAU team? If so, I think the guy was just being an arse-hole because they were interfering in his crazy kidnapping plan...

Anyway, I don't think you've missed anything, unless I've missed it too--in which case we're both clueless and now I'm paranoid... :p
It seems as though CTV is airing the new episode tonight. They usually do reruns tonight and then the new one Wednesday, the same as CBS.

ETA: Won't say too much since the US hasn't seen the episode yet, but it was a good episode! and Garcia was hillarious as usual! :D
New eppy! Woot! :p

Er, haven't seen it yet because I was babysitting my 2 year old niece at the time, but I want to check it out a.s.a.p. From the bits and pieces that I saw, it was awesome. :)

Oh, and ThisIsMe, when isn't Garcia hilarious? ;) :lol:
New ep? I must watch it! I think the play gets well in the right begining, and then lost to unique culture backgrund, kind involved with politics, but now it turns back to the common society; I preper social cases with living environment, coz if it primarily focus on unique culture, of which people couldn't understand completely of they have no idea of it...
Faylinn said:
Oh, and ThisIsMe, when isn't Garcia hilarious? ;) :lol:
Very good point! :lol: :D

even though I partially suspected the head CIA dude from the get go.
I loved last night's ep of CM. Felt bad for Gideon though. I really didn't want to think it was his friend involved in all of that. Can't wait for next week but hate that it;s the finale.
I finally watched the episode. :D

1.) Reid looked so uber-hot in this episode. *drools* His new hairstyle is a definite improvement over the faux-comb-over. ;) Oh, and that shirt he was wearing?'s like they came and asked me how to make his skinny ass hot and I told them "put him in a purplish paisley-type print and we're gold, baby!" :lol: I love a man who can pull that off. *faints* Hoodies are teh sexiness, but that shirt was just yummy...I mean, my eyes zoned in on it immediately. I'm going to have to hunt down a screencap of that soon. ;)
2.) Garcia is such a trip. :lol: When she was trying to get Prince William's phone number? Priceless! :lol: I love her so much. :D
3.) Hotch told Garcia that he loved her and then said her name like he was waiting for her reaction. :p I thought she was going to be like, "Why Hotch, I'm speechless!" ;) I'm a bit confused though, did she even hear what he said, or was she just taken aback that someone had hacked in?
4.) I wonder what list Garcia was on? ;)
5.) Heh. I want a computer that can get me visual footage inside Morgan's house. :devil:
6.) Mandy was thinking about Boobahs the whole episode, Lyn!! :lol: He must have been thinking about taking a vacation in Boobah-land. ;)
7.) I knew that Sanchez or whatever her name was wasn't going to shoot the guy--as soon as Gideon sent her out with Morgan, I knew it was because of what he'd told her earlier about there coming a time when she wouldn't be able to follow orders. Heh, I'm smarter than the CIA leader guy. :p
8.) I knew the dead guy was just trying to communicate with Gideon. That video had everything they needed to know in it if they'd only realized sooner. (Like I did. *cough* I'm totally smarter...maybe they should give me a job. ;))--the family they were looking for was in the background, and the ship-references and the talk about 'keeping things safe' was so obvious. :rolleyes: I love that Garcia and JJ figured it out for them. ;) Why didn't Hotch tell JJ that he loved her too? :p
9.) Loved it when Reid dragged that chick out of her chair and took all of about 3 seconds to zero in on the container the family was in. ;)
10.) Putting them in a container that hadn't passed through customs yet? Pure genius! I wonder if that's how Reid found it so quickly--he realized what the dead guy had done and zoned in on the 'boxes' that hadn't yet passed through customs.
11.) Fay thinks somebody is going to show up at Morgan's house for a bootycall in the near future. :p Er, someone other than me, I mean. :devil: ;)
12.) The music in this episode reminded me of the show "Carnivale" for some reason...
13.) I'm looking forward to the finale, but I'm also sad that the season is coming to an end. :( On the up side, don't we get to see Shemar Moore without a shirt on? :devil:
This last episode of CM was amazing. I didn't get to see all of it, which made me really sad, but for the most part, I loved it.

I thought it was hilarious when Garcia and JJ were in the CIA computer room place and then Garcia said something along the lines of "Do you know what we can do in here" no answer from JJ and then Garcia said "We can look up Princess Diana's death" and JJ rolled her eyes.

Poor Garcia! She never even got to see the file, because she accidently messed it up.

The season finale looks SO good. Wednesday, May 10, 9PM ET/PT

"The Fisher King, Part One"

Gideon, Hotchner and their team become pawns in the fantasy game of a psychopathic killer who challenges them to unravel a series of clues and riddles in order to save his next victim. TV14-LV

Maybe we should petition for more Shemar-nekkid time on CM, Fay? For the good of the fangirls. (We learnt he has a doggy though - how cute?!) I agree that Gideon was in Boobah land, he spent most of the episode frowning at people with that elastic face of his. SMILE, Mandy, SMILE!

Garcia killed me in this episode. She and JJ make such an awesomely funny team! We don't generally see a lot of JJ, so it was nice to have her as a foil to Garcia's manic behaviour. And Garcia's obviously on a hacking list - she's forever doing it!

Hotch pwned though. He didn't even say that much in this ep, but when he told Garcia that he loved her, I fell out of my chair. It was awesome.

The only thing that I found iffy was the fact that Elle decided to interview Olivia in the middle of a busy room. It made no sense. Why not get her alone and talk to her there? If she was raped, the last thing she'd want to do is confess it in front of her (mainly male) collegues.
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