Criminal Minds

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I know! I thought that there were going to be 23 episodes, so when I saw that the finale was called "The Fisher King, Pt 1" I thought it meant that the finale was going to be in two parts. :rolleyes: Ah well, I guess they're hoping to keep people interested until Season 2 starts so that we'll come back (as if I wouldn't ;)).

I think it's weird that different shows have different numbers of episodes per season. CM has 22, CSI:NY and Vegas have 24 (I think) and if I'm not mistaken CSI:Miami has 25! It's ker-azy.

I wonder how many episodes they would have aired if CM had been canceled? (I shudder at the thought!) Maybe they've already filmed the "Fisher King, pt 2" so that, if the show had been canceled, they could have ended it with that storyline...*shrug*

I hope that all of the actors stay with the show for season 2. (And I also hope that they don't start changing things a la CSI:NY season 2--CM is fine just the way it is!) Although, if they wanted to make better opening credits, including Garcia, I wouldn't complain! :lol:

Ah yes, outlandish theories are the best! :p Although they probably won't be any more outlandish than some CSI episodes. :p I don't know that we'll really be able to solve the case, but it'll be fun to try! :p
Faylinn said:
I know! I thought that there were going to be 23 episodes, so when I saw that the finale was called "The Fisher King, Pt 1" I thought it meant that the finale was going to be in two parts. :rolleyes: Ah well, I guess they're hoping to keep people interested until Season 2 starts so that we'll come back (as if I wouldn't ;)).

I think it's weird that different shows have different numbers of episodes per season. CM has 22, CSI:NY and Vegas have 24 (I think) and if I'm not mistaken CSI:Miami has 25! It's ker-azy.

I wonder how many episodes they would have aired if CM had been canceled? (I shudder at the thought!) Maybe they've already filmed the "Fisher King, pt 2" so that, if the show had been canceled, they could have ended it with that storyline...*shrug*

I hope that all of the actors stay with the show for season 2. (And I also hope that they don't start changing things a la CSI:NY season 2--CM is fine just the way it is!) Although, if they wanted to make better opening credits, including Garcia, I wouldn't complain! :lol:

Ah yes, outlandish theories are the best! :p Although they probably won't be any more outlandish than some CSI episodes. :p I don't know that we'll really be able to solve the case, but it'll be fun to try! :p

It's even more fun when you have lots of silly Criminal Minds fans to help you along. Woot woot!

Ironic though, the show which could probably use 25 eps best is the one that has 22. Oh well... as long as they give me more Garcia next series, I'm happy. Maybe we'll meet Gideon's son next, too?

Only yes, please, no crappy developments a la NY, please. We like things as they are. Unless they want to, you know, add another good lookin' agent to the mix.
Er, is Gideon's son half-Boobah? I mean, if he is I don't want to stare at him and seem rude--it's best to know ahead of time. ;)

*chants* Gimme more Garcia! Gimme more Garcia!

You just know that they're going to mess with the show somehow, but here's hoping that it doesn't suddenly look like CSI:Miami. ;) Something tells me that orange is just not Mandy's color (I see him as a purple Boobah myself ;)). I'm not sure how I'd feel about them adding another character just yet, but at the moment I trust the writers to do things right if they do. :p Let's just cross our fingers that none of the current actors decide to leave. *clings to the actors* Don't leave me!! ;) :lol:
Purple Boobah, omg. Yes, I can see that. How on earth though, do you go about even starting to imagine a half boobah, please?

If Garcia moves up to main character, it might mean a secondary character is introduced. I trust the writers though, they've dealt with things really nicely so far. Dealt with crimes, rather than lots of personal stuff, so we might see more of say, Morgan's or Reid's backgrounds next season.

I don't think any of them would leave, unless they got a seriously good offer. I'm sure we would have heard something if one of them was thinking about it, because they'd be using it for sweeps advantage. Blowing them up, shooting them or something, I believe is the standard way of doing it...
Heh. Here's a picture of a boobah next to a half-boobah. :lol: Then again, maybe it would look more like this. :lol::lol::lol: His son is an orange half-boobah, apparently. ;)

Like you say, they could introduce a new secondary character, but I wonder what their job would be? I can't think of a position that they'd need, unless they start having someone with forensic knowledge come along, or a person with a totally different specialty than the rest of the group...or a psychic, that would be handy. :p

I see what you mean about an actor leaving, but at the same time I wonder if they could decide while the show's on it's summer break?
Faylinn said:
Heh. Here's a picture of a boobah next to a half-boobah. :lol: Then again, maybe it would look more like this. :lol::lol::lol: His son is an orange half-boobah, apparently. ;)

Like you say, they could introduce a new secondary character, but I wonder what their job would be? I can't think of a position that they'd need, unless they start having someone with forensic knowledge come along, or a person with a totally different specialty than the rest of the group...or a psychic, that would be handy. :p

I see what you mean about an actor leaving, but at the same time I wonder if they could decide while the show's on it's summer break?

I am traumatised for LIFE. My god.

They could bring in a psychic! Then they'd know if people wanted to leave. No wait...
:devil: Mua-ha-ha-ha! I've managed to traumatize Lyn! Woot! ;) :lol:

Er, if they had a psychic they probably wouldn't need the rest of the team to figure out who the unsub is. :p So maybe they'd have a speed-knitter or something--after all, someone has to make sweaters for the team while they're on the plane. ;)
:p Heh. I think the worst part is that the top of Gideon's son's head didn't fit on the picture and so it's all cut off. :rolleyes: Way to screw it up, Fay. ;) :lol:

Oh, and by the way, I never responded to your post, monkeyrabbit (which is an interesting concept, by the way...which half is the rabbit? :devil: Should I make a piccy? ;))

I'll be sitting reading through all of your amazing logic..or lack of.
*shifty eyes* Whatcha sayin', huh? I think I'll display amazing logic, myself--I'm sure you meant Lyn when you said 'lack of,' because you surely couldn't have been talking about me. ;) :p :lol:

part of me expects them to throw us a COMPLETE curveball
*sigh* I expect so too. I can't imagine that they'd make it easy enough for everyone to figure it out, but maybe the wisest CM fans can uncover the truth. ;) So we've got a good chance, I think. :p :lol:

PS..I love the bad perm!
Heh. Only the deepest love for the Gube could make me adore that horrid I obviously lurrrrrve it. ;) :p

I'm so excited for the second season, even though we've still got a few episodes left in this one. :) I'm still wondering if they're going to keep the current US timeslot--it comes on right before CSI:NY. I hope so, because I love having my two favorite shows back to back. :D

My amazing logic is just fine thank you! *sulks*

And I think a speed-knitter would be the way to go. Obviously someone has to keep The Gube in sweater vests. I mean honestly. The boy is a former model and they've got him in sweater vests. Can't we have a nerd that doesn't like the dreaded garment for once?! Dress him like a model, and really make him different!

I totally had a serious and valid point about series two, and I've totally forgotten it in the depths of my sulk. No... wait, I've got it.
Do you think they might do something a la CSI and have two cases per ep? Split them between Hotch and Gideon. Because the team is pretty flipping large, and it always amuses me when they have them all in one room and they all have to say something. One line each XD always amuses me when they have them all in one room and they all have to say something. One line each.
Heh. I love it when they start finishing each other's thoughts. :p As long as Gideon's talking and Morgan doesn't suddenly shout "Boobahs!" I think we'll be ok. ;) :lol:

My amazing logic is just fine thank you! *sulks*
Oh, don't sulk--you know we love you. ;) *huggles*

Do you think they might do something a la CSI and have two cases per ep?
That would be interesting, but only if they did it every so often and not in all of the episodes.

someone has to keep The Gube in sweater vests.
It really is just a shame, isn't it? Maybe they'll have an episode where he'll be forced to go undercover at a male model convention and do the catwalk in his skivvies. :devil: Yummy. ;)

By the way, I was watching this show on the TV Guide channel today about the Top 10 TV Hunks and Babes, and Shemar Moore (Derek Morgan on Criminal Minds) was the number 7 hunk. :D He really should have been higher, and there was a noticeable lack of The Gube on the list, but seeing Shemar on there was better than nothing--and he was higher than Gary Dourdan, which just makes me giggle. :p
Faylinn said:
Oh, and by the way, I never responded to your post, monkeyrabbit (which is an interesting concept, by the way...which half is the rabbit? :devil: Should I make a piccy? ;))

Ha! I'll leave which half to the imagination! ;)

About the two cases in an episode..i don't think i would personally enjoy that as much. For a one-off maybe, but i kind of think it would ruin part of what i love about CM.

But..then i am strange because i actually like a lot of the sweater vests. Although i would vote for that hoody everytime (that's even, sadly, my msn icon!!)

I love how CM has taken over my TV life, apart from CSI NY and Mythbuster (ooh yeh!) it's all i watch, and the one i get the most exctied about.

I'm definatly for Garcia in the credits! I LOVE THE WOMAN!!

Go go Garcia,
Go go Garcia.

....hmmm, i seem to be a tab excited to find other (seemingly *cough* insane *cough*) CM fans...!

EDIT: Go Shemar for sexy list! My mother will be happy!
Hey - if you have a hoodie icon, you had better fetch it over here! We love us some hoodie goodness :D

Faylinn and I are a little rabid about CM, admittedly. But we're pretty harmless. We just want to spread the CM love!

Also Fay - Shemar is higher because he utilises the pimp hat, like Carmine does. It's a secret hunkadunk technique.
I'm hunting around TRYING to find the person i need to credit for the hoody icon..then i shall post it!

edit: I'm hunting around TRYING to find the person i need to credit for the hoody icon..then i shall post it!

EDIT: Here it is .. the credit i have is Bunny Icons , i can't find the poster. If you are on this board i do apologise, i'm still hunting for it.

Now, you have probably already seen this, but i still LOVE it!
About the two cases in an episode..i don't think i would personally enjoy that as much. For a one-off maybe, but i kind of think it would ruin part of what i love about CM.
I totally agree, and I hope the CM writers don't feel pressured to squeeze into the CSI mold, because I absolutely love the show as-is. :)

...i actually like a lot of the sweater vests.
Heh, I like them too, but the hoodie would kick the sweater vest's ass in a fight. :p

Bring on the hoodie icon! If I had screencaps, I'd make one myself...Which reminds me, I have a few pictures from CM, but I haven't been able to find anyone who makes screencaps of all of the episodes...anybody know where I can find them?

I'm definatly for Garcia in the credits! I LOVE THE WOMAN!!
WOOT!! *chants* Gimme more Garcia! Gimme more Garcia! ;)

Faylinn and I are a little rabid about CM, admittedly. But we're pretty harmless. We just want to spread the CM love!
Yep yep yep! We loves us some CM. ;)

Also Fay - Shemar is higher because he utilises the pimp hat, like Carmine does. It's a secret hunkadunk technique.
*blows kisses at the pimp hat* Whatever the hunkadunks are doing, it's working! ;) :lol: The pimp hat is much better than Gary Dourdan's trucker hats. :p
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