Criminal Minds

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Go you for buying the book! That's commitment! We already own that book, so not much point in me buying it..just got to fish it out of the depths of the loft!

I'm really looking forward to this episode. I know i actually have a LOOOOONNG time to wait, but this is "just my cup of tea" :)

From the clues given do you think you'll be able to piece together a conclusion?

A CM forum...? *faints* :)
I bought that and Chaucer... and it cost me *drumroll* £1 for both of them. I paid 99p for MP, and 1p for Chaucer. People just don't appreciate literature these days! :lol:

Check your PM box.

From the clues we've been given? Right now, no. Not unless we can decipher that damned coded note, but that depends on finding the correct book, and the correct edition of said book.
WHOA!! £1! Is it just me that finds that absoloutly mental!? What a bargain!

Ah, seems complicated to me. I suppose we wouldn't want it to be too easy but if its too complicated abd the audience have no chance the enjoyments not there.

Well, the i bet the die hards will somehow manage to do it *cough*youguys*cough*
I can't get over the fact I paid 1p for the Chaucer book. I am so very, very amused XD

It is complicated, but they've done it in a way so that I think it can be solved if you have more than one person working on it. I like the idea that people have to come together to work this through.

So, here we go. As screencapped and manipulated by me.


That's the coded book message. Now to find the book...

Twice in one day you've made me run around my room! That screen cap go me incredibly excited!


(i am hopefully going to be able to view the finale soon - thank to Lyn)

And yes, i do like the idea that people working together will get it. Like a mini BAU. heehee.
monkeyrabbit said:

Twice in one day you've made me run around my room! That screen cap go me incredibly excited!


(i am hopefully going to be able to view the finale soon - thank to Lyn)

And yes, i do like the idea that people working together will get it. Like a mini BAU. heehee.

You're welcome! Seriously, if people are interested in a CM forum someplace, let me know. I'm not coding-savvy, but I know people who are, so I could maybe manage it. I love this show so bad, I'd like to have someplace for fans to gather and talk about stuff.
Well i know for one i wouldn't mind one, seen as its all i seem to talk about at the moment anyway!

and ThisIsMe - sucks you didn't see it!
monkeyrabbit said:
Well i know for one i wouldn't mind one, seen as its all i seem to talk about at the moment anyway!

and ThisIsMe - sucks you didn't see it!

I'm working on it XD Btw, for those of you who have a livejournal, there's discussions going on here. I'm quite good at finding things, but I'm thanking my lucky stars I can talk to people who know more about literature than me!
The clues also include the written notes, which I guess someone will have to rewatch the epi to find out. About the guy's weird hands, as soon as my mom saw them she practically shouted 'vampirism!'. Not sure if she's right or not, but if she is then the book might be Dracula. I think I'll rule out the butterfly and the baseball card as clues, just because they seem to have been chosen for their relevence to members of the team.
Oh I hated the ending. I don't like cliffhangers. Never have. Even when I watched primetime soaps I hated them. :lol: Now I have to wait till Sept./Oct to see what happened when the gun went off. :mad:
I can now say that if you take the 2nd edition of Tales of Canterbury it does not work if you use the number after the first full stop as the tale, and number before as the line and the number after as line.

It took me 3 hours to work out it doesn't work... haha! But i could make a couple of adjustments (using frontnotes and retraction) so i'm not done yet!

For those who might need it i have a link to the full transcipt of the first 2 editions of the Tales of Canterbury

(LORD i need help...i haven't even watched the episode!! :rolleyes:)
I thought last night's episode rocked! I have never seen the characters so laid back (towards the begining of the eppy).

And I could not get over the fact that Gideon was dancing and cooking. That was just hilarious.
IvoryRaven said:
The clues also include the written notes, which I guess someone will have to rewatch the epi to find out. About the guy's weird hands, as soon as my mom saw them she practically shouted 'vampirism!'. Not sure if she's right or not, but if she is then the book might be Dracula. I think I'll rule out the butterfly and the baseball card as clues, just because they seem to have been chosen for their relevence to members of the team.

Not so. The LJ discussion has them used to find the date and title of the book. We think the card is the date of the reprint, and the butterfly a clue to the title. :) Katpin - the cliffhanger is there so that the audience has to work through the clues :) Come and play the game with us - I'm learning loads here and it's a real brain-stretcher :)

Someone has suggested it might be the King James Bible, possibly the New Testament, can anyone check that out?
Someone has suggested it might be the King James Bible, possibly the New Testament, can anyone check that out?

I doubt this mainly because I'd think it'd be the page number, then chapter, then verse. My Bible doesn't coincide with the numbers.
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