Criminal Minds

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I was GUTTED this Friday that CM had been moved back a week becuase of Most Haunted Live. I mean, i love MH but CRIMINAL MINDS?!?!

Oh, that sucks monkey. :( Was it this past episode or do you mean the finale?

I'm really excited for the finale too, Wolfe. :D

Maybe we should petition for more Shemar-nekkid time on CM, Fay? For the good of the fangirls.
More Shemar nekkid time would make Fay one very happy girl. :devil:

We don't generally see a lot of JJ, so it was nice to have her as a foil to Garcia's manic behaviour.
Exactly. I'm glad that they let us see JJ in a different situation than usual--I loved her interactions with Garcia. Have we ever seen them in the same scene before? I think the writers should put them together more often. :)

The only thing that I found iffy was the fact that Elle decided to interview Olivia in the middle of a busy room.
I know. :rolleyes: I thought the fact that they were doing the interviews in the middle of the room was stupid to begin with. I mean, I know these people are busy and all that, but they can't take five minutes to talk to the FBI? If they don't have time for that, when do they manage to sleep? :rolleyes: But you're right about Olivia being raped--Elle of all people should know that wasn't the way to handle the situation. Then again, maybe she was trying to see her get uncomfortable--she didn't really need Olivia to tell her that she'd been raped. *shrug*
No Fay - we're not that far ahead in the UK.

And as for the Elle thing - she still should have known better than to ask her in the middle of the room, even if she suspected Olivia had been raped. *fwaps Elle* Not good practise.
Argh! Only 2 1/2 hours until the season finale for me!! *squees*

I'm so damn shallow--I'm hoping that we'll get some gratuitous teh sexiness tonight to hold us over until next season. ;) :p :lol:

Heh. I need to go check and make sure that I have time on my tape to record this episode. :)
Ooh, poor monkeyrabbit. (*is totally not sad* ;)) I actually didn't watch it tonight, I'm going to have to sit down tomorrow with a big bowl of popcorn and a comfy pillow to watch it. :) (*grins wickedly* :devil:)

But yeah, the cliffhanger thing sucks. I saw the end because I was trying to switch out my tapes (had to get CSI:NY after all ;)), so now I'm going to be paranoid.

I am so never going to be able to figure out those clues...I'm a total dork. I envision myself spending coutless hours researching random bits of information on the internet...*headdesk*
Hm, well my guess about the book is that it's going to be a piece of medieval literature, and that Reid's mom will somehow be involved in trying to find it. In fact, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it's the one Reid gave her as a present. Can anyone remember what it was called?
Heh. We're supposed to figure it out, ThumpyG. ;)

But yeah, that stuff looked confusing. Like I said, I haven't seen the actual episode yet, but I caught the end so I saw the evidence. :confused: Maybe things will make more sense once I've seen the show--but that won't help me figure out what happened to, er, the person in grave peril at the end. Heh, no spoilers there. ;)
Okay let's see. To be an FBI profiler you have to be fairly intelligent, correct? The dude found Gideon's cabin. He found Hotchner's house. Do you think he knows where Elle's house is? Do you think that maybe she should go to a hotel to sleep?
Okay guys, now we're up to bat. So how are we going to do this? (Monkey - how far along are the UK eps?)

Quick thoughts on the finale - Fay, did you PAY the Minds Behind to put Shemar shirtless in this one?! Because HOT DANG the tattoos are teh HAWT. And the abs. And the arms. *nosebleed* CSI - take note. This is how men should be presented!

Although... anyone else find it cute he went on holiday with Elle? *waggles eyebrows*

Gideon & Hotch are domesticated cute. (Although Fay somehow arranged the added bonus of nakey!Hotch...) And Gideon's house is adorable! I want to live with him. He can cook for me every day and we can dance *_* Graa, it's so weird how different and yet how alike Gideon and Hotch are at times :D

Garcia still pwns me. Have you SEEN her RP character?! It looks like her, but skinner and wearing PVC?! (The ass, omg) She looked like an eighties throwback in this ep though, it cracked me up.

I wanted to hug Reid so bad. I don't think he's ever looked more like an awkward little boy as he did when he was visiting his mom. My heart broke for him. Honestly, they've created such an amazing character in Reid, I can't wait to see where he goes next season.

So what do we have? I count :
1) The baseball card
2) Reid's book - "Margery Kempe"
3) The European butterfly in the shadow box
4) The medieval manuscript briefly pictured?
5) Schubert's "The Trout Quintet"
6) The guy's weird hands and voice
7) The book code. (I think this is connected to the book Reid gave his mother.)

...Margery Kempe was an English mystic from King's Lynn. See?. There's also some discussion online that the book might be Chaucer's Cantebury Tales - Butterfly and Fox are mentioned in there? If someone is more literary than me, I'd be interested to find out.

I'm being careful about what counts as clues, because some of them seem to be there to get the team's attention, and some are actual clues.

So... let's go?

Edit : Spoiler tags are not working for me, for some reason. It occurs to me, however, that it's kinda hard to spoil this episode when we have no conclusion. I've left out the dramatic bits, so hopefully this post doesn't give too much away?
I have only seen up to 1x07 The Fox (have i really only seen 7 eps?! I'm deprived!!) So, really you guy will be seeing the conclusion to this ep before i get to the finale!

And from someone who hasn't seen the ep, it didn't seem like you gave anything away that i could understand

Although i'm curious about Morgan and Elle on holiday together (haha) and Reid with his mum (no dad or.. ?? Spoilers fishing! :) )

And you may be having trouble with Marjorie Kemp because the book, (i'm presuming here of course from the name) would be "Boke of Margerie Kempe", spelt slightly diffenently. She lived around the 15th Century(if i remember correctly..i'm not 100% sure of that one), was married with 14 children, at a point in her life she was "insane" until "Christ saved her". From then on she went on pilgrimages. Her book is thought to be one of the first English autobiography's.

I'm hoping that the book may be a big clue, otherwise there is a whole load of useless rambling from me!
It's hard to give spoilers away, because a good chunk of the episode is just personal stuff about the characters.

Reid's mother suffers from schizophrenia. She's in a sanatorium, so we don't see the rest of his family. He's visiting her, you see. He brings her the book, (which I have now found, and bought, because I am a dork)

I'm seriously thinking about setting up a Criminal Minds forum someplace. I love this show SO BAD.
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