Criminal Minds

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Wow that really sums up the characters! You guys did an awsome job.

They are playing a repeat of CM tonight at 9 pm. In the US, as far as I know. But it is the one where there is a serial rapist/killer in San Diego and the police can't catch him until the BAU comes to help.
WolfeSanders said:
Wow that really sums up the characters! You guys did an awsome job.

They are playing a repeat of CM tonight at 9 pm. In the US, as far as I know. But it is the one where there is a serial rapist/killer in San Diego and the police can't catch him until the BAU comes to help.

Bah, we're fed up of repeats. We needs more CM! Seriously, I'm becoming as passionate about this show as I am about CSI.
Have you all heard about the finale?
Faylinn that is a lovely selection of pictures, however there are a few too many images for one post. If you wish to post more than 2 or 3 images please provide a URL link to the rest. Many thanks :)
:eek: Heh. Got it, Tinkerbell, thanks. ;)

Good summaries, Lyn. :D

I haven't heard about the finale, but let's see...So far we've had 20 episodes, so that leaves us with 2 more (since there are only 22 episodes for the season, unlike the 23 for shows like CSI:NY ;)). The next episode will be a new one. I found the names of the last two for the season on and the futon critic:

2.21 "Secrets and Lies"

From "The BAU works with the CIA to identify a mole within that organization whose leaks are putting operatives at risk."

From the futon critic: "The CIA takes over the FBI field office when Gideon and the team are called in to profile a CIA mole...The mole is leaking classified information from within the CIA, putting the lives of several operatives at risk. During the team's investigation, the CIA takes over the Behavioral Analysis Unit offices and computers in order to prevent any further security leaks. Working under these extreme circumstances, Gideon, Hotchner and the rest of the team must work swiftly to expose the mole before more lives are put in danger."

A mole? :rolleyes: Heh, is Miami having an influence on CM now? ;) :p

2.22 "The Fisher King, Part 1"

From "While on their vacations, each of the team receives a clue from a psychopathic killer challenging them to save his next victim."

From the futon critic: "Gideon, Hotchner and their team become pawns in the fantasy game of a psychopathic killer who challenges them to unravel a series of clues and riddles in order to save his next victim...Charles Haid ("Third Watch") guest stars as the killer...After each receiving mysterious items while on their respective vacations, Gideon, Hotchner and the rest of the team reconvene at the BAU offices in order to put all of the interlocking clues and messages together in the hopes of solving the case."

So I guess that means that the first episode of Season 2 will be "The Fisher King: Part 2"--unless it's the sort of storyline that they'll drag out, like the blue paint killer from CSI Vegas. *shrug* I guess we'll see. I'm not sure I'm going to like being left with a cliffhanger at the end of the season. *pouts*
The Fisher King is a special ep -

We won't find out the unsub in this ep - instead, all of the clues will be given to the viewer and it's up to US to work it out :) The first ep of Series 2 will be the reveal of the answer :)
This is actually beginning to be my favourite thread on these boards!

I'm in the UK so we have just seen the ep with the families being killed before their vacations...but i can't wait for the rest of the series!!

It will be interesting to see that finale..and see the viewers reaction to it. Personally, i love the idea!
monkeyrabbit said:
This is actually beginning to be my favourite thread on these boards!

I'm in the UK so we have just seen the ep with the families being killed before their vacations...but i can't wait for the rest of the series!!

It will be interesting to see that finale..and see the viewers reaction to it. Personally, i love the idea!

That's my favourite ep! It creeps me out no end. (I'm in the UK too) And we try to spread the CM love on here :)
Ah, so now i just feel lame with no money to download episodes!! haha.

That episode - it was such a good ending!

I'll quiet happily be spreading's all i seem to talk about TV-wise now anyway!!
I've only watched CM a couple of times on LivingTV and I love it. The way they manage to figure out why someone kills somebody is so great.
*evil laughter* :devil: The CM fans will achieve world domination!!! :lol:

;) Anyway, it's good to know that there are so many people interested in the show. :D It's definitely one of my two favorite shows right now (with CSI:NY being the other one), but CM is giving NY a run for it's money, because it never disappoints. Every episode of CM is so great. Even if the storyline is similar to other shows (because let's face it, crime shows often use the same sorts of stories :p), I still get sucked into it each week. ;) Another thing I love is the fact that the unsub isn't usually obvious from the beginning of the episode. I'm looking forward to the last two episodes, but I'm sad that the season is almost over. :( But the finale should keep us busy for a while as we try to figure out the clues. :) I'll definitely be looking forward to Season 2. (And I hope that it stays popular so that we can get Season 3 and Season 4 and... :p)

I hope that Garcia is made a main character in Season 2. She's in every episode (that I can think of off the top of my head) and she's such a great part of the show that she really deserves to be in the main credits. :D :D :D :D
I totally agree with you Fay - I'm never disappointed with a CM episode. It's been consistently awesome throughout the series, and I can't wait for series two. (props to Garcia!)

Let's not get sad about the series ending though - I vote we all meet up back here right afterwards and we'll work through the finale together :)
Oh, we'll definitely have to work through the finale--that's going to be a blast! We'll see how much we learned from watching the show. ;)

Besides, I won't be too sad because I have the whole season on tape to watch over and over until the new season starts--I could watch an episode every Wednesday night so that my schedule doesn't get messed up. ;) :lol:
I'll be sitting reading through all of your amazing logic..or lack of. Muahaha. Although part of me expects them to throw us a COMPLETE curveball so we think we've figured it out, when really we're still be like "WOW! Even though its been a couple of months i DID NOT see that coming!"

I'm uber-pumped that we get a season 2 of CM..Living had better pick it up!

PS..I love the bad perm!
I think there's more fun to be had in over-analysing the episode, rather than solving it XD We demand outlandish theories!

I'm quite looking forward to it now.

But why only 22 episodes? Why not 24, like CSI? Boo!
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