Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

By that time, Danny's headache had receded to a light throb. He pushed himself up and quickly moved to Lindsay, one of his hands gripping her shoulder while the other went under her head to stop her from hitting it against the wall or headboard. "Linds! Wake up," Danny called loudly.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay snapped her eyes open and immidiatly inhaled sharply. There were actually tears coming out of her eyes when she woke up. "I had a bad dream." she told him in almost a little girl's voice. Damn, she felt like one, Danny made her feel safe again though. He was there, alive and well, and that calmed her. She was glad to have him there or that nightmare would have carried on a lot longer than she wanted it to.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny smiled a bit to her, letting his grip loosen on her shoulder. His other hand soon brushed a few strands of hair away from her face. "That's okay.. Everyone gets them at one time or another," Danny replied with a calm, soft smile.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay's heart did a backflip when he pushed the strands of hair out of her face. She smiled up softly to him, wiping the tears away from her eyes. She looked up at him lovingly, gazing into his beautiful blue eyes. "Thanks Danny." she said as she swallowed hard, knowing now that she was blushing.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny smiled a bit to her, looking at her for a bit longer than needed. For some reason, all he wanted to do was to scoop her up and hug her to no end. Danny soon pulled back gently, sliding down against the wall again and letting out a little sigh. "You feel okay now?" he asked, looking back to her.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay gasped a bit when he pulled away. She almost whined to him when he did that, she wanted him to hug her in his arms, forever. But she had to deal with the possiblity that that would never happen. She thought back to earlier this morning, when he flirted with Sara. That had been a big blow to her hopes of some sort of a relationship. She sat up against the pillows and sighed. "Yeah." she lied. She looked down to the left of her, suddenly feeling depressed about the whole situation now. This whole sharing a room thing was just leading her on. She was seriously thinking of getting her own room, as much as she didn't want to.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Are.. Are we okay?" Danny then asked, turning a bit more as he looked up at her, his words faultering a bit. He thought back to earlier when all this seemed to start. Sure, Danny found Sara somewhat attractive, but someone was already interested in her, so he decided to lay off, and the effects it had on Lindsay was killing him from the inside out. It took all for Danny's willpower to stay seated on the floor instead of launching up to hold her.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay looked up at Danny and then back to the floor. She slid down on the bed and pulled the covers up to her chin. "Yeah." she said as she bit her lip to stop it from trembling. She squeazed her eyes shut, forcing out a tear. She didn't know how much longer she could handle this. She was just ready to cry her eyes out, but she couldn't, not with Danny in front of her. She couldn't look into his eyes when she answered him either. She couldn't lie to those eyes, she just couldn't.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny kept silent after that, looking up at Lindsay's form on the bed. His head tilted to the side some as he gazed at her, seeing the tear falling from her eyes. Oh Lindsay... he thought, getting up. He knew he shouldn't but he wanted to and couldn't stand seeing Lindsay like that. To hell with whatever Mac said about it, it's not like he cared that much about orders when who he liked had to do with it. Danny crawled onto the bed, wrapping her up in the covers and pulling Lindsay close to him, planting like kisses on her forhead and cheeks. "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.." he said softly between kisses.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Linsay at first wanted to cling to him and just cry into his arms. Well, she did cry, but she didn't cling to him. Instead, she pushed away from him and shook her head. "No, Danny, please, don't lead me on." she said as tears poured out of her eyes. "It hurts too much." she said, still shaking her head. "Please, don't make it something it's not." she said as she turned her back to him and hugged her pillow, crying into it. It hurt so much not to take that oppertunity, and just hug him close, but she couldn't. She couldn't deal with the ripple effect of that. Sure, it would be nice now, but later, when he found some other girl, like Sara, she would get the biggest blow.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny felt like his heart flatlined for a moment, his hold loosening when she pushed him away. "Lindsay.." he began, reaching out to her again. Danny soon realized that she was probably thinking he'd go off and be with Sara, frowning a bit. "Lindsay.. It wouldn't work with her even if I tried," he said in a soft tone, his hand resting on her shoulder for a moment. "And I won't try with her.. There's someone who already loves her and she likes that person as well."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay just flinched when he touched her. It didn't matter that he didn't like Sara, the fact was, that he didn't like her. Even though her crying calmed, she still didn't turn to him. If it wasn't Sara he liked, it could easily be any girl at a bar or on the train. The possibility of her having a relationship was practically zero to her. She just wished Danny would stop leading her on. If he didn't like her, that was fine, then let her get over him, but he had led her on since day one. He led her on by calling her Montana, stealing what seemed to be innocent glances from her, and going out on dates that were disguised as just frieends going out for a drink. THat was all gone to her, nothing was there anymore, it was just Lindsay and Danny, co-workers, and nothing more. She didn't know if she could just be friends with him, it just hurt her too much inside. "It hurts so bad." she murmured to herself.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny sighed weakly, his arms reaching out to wrap around her tightly again, pulling her back to him. "Lindsay, please.." he began in a pleading voice. "Please, just give me a chance." Danny kissed her cheek again from behind, keeping a strong hold on her. "Please.." He'd dropped many hints that he liked her, having purposely led her on up till now, but since coming to Vegas, that all backfired, he just wished he could make it up to her in some way and regain her trust and be in her good graces again.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay turned to him again. She looked up at him with a look that would melt any mans heart. There was so much pain and emotional exhaustion resting in her eyes that it could bring one to their knees. She sighed slowly and nodded. "Okay." she said as she snuggled into his arms and closed her eyes. She had been waiting so long for this moment, and now that she was finally living it, she wasn't sure if it was really happening. Her fantasy was becoming a reality. It did seem like he was sincere about what he said, and he was pleading heavily, so she would see. "Okay." she repeated as she snuggled into his arms.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny cradled Lindsay close to him, his lips finding her cheek once more. "Thank you.." he whispered softly, running one hand through Lindsay's shoulder-length hair and he held her. Danny was happy that Lindsay was going to give him a second chance, and like hell if he screwed it up. "Thank you.." he repeated again. Danny made sure to keep it relatively slow to repair and mend ties to her, then after that was done, he was probably going to find himself committing to her.
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