Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara didn't know what to say to that, so she didn't. She just buried her head further against his chest and let the sob she had been holding back finally emerge. As soon as that sob found freedom, all her pent up emotions seemed to roll over her like a wave and she didn't have a chance of holding them back as she cried and trembled in his arms.
"What am I gonna do Grissom?"
She whimpered.
"I-I'm scared I'll go off the rails...when Daniel told me she was coming back, the memory of every slap, every beating she stood by and watched me take just came back to me. I...I know it sounds awful 'cause she's my mom and all but...I can't forgive her..."
She whispered. Growing up, Sara had tried to lead herself into believing that Laura killed her dad to protect her all those years ago, but she knew the truth. Her dad and mom had gotten into a fight as usual, her dad had pulled a gun on her and her mom had grabbed the nearest thing - a knife. It was to protect herself and nobody else. She hadn't even thought about Sara, who'd been on the receiving end of her father's beating just minutes before he turned on Laura.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay snuggled up close to him. She rested her forehead on his chest, and wrapped an arm around him. She was still sniffling a bit and her eyes were still full of tears, but she was honestly okay now. She was actualy quite surprized that Danny was asking her for another chance. She always thought that it would be her begging him for some sort of a relationship. "I've wanted this for so long." Lindsay whispered.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Mac grinned when he answered the door and saw her there. "Uh...thanks. But I know it was more than that" he said with a laugh. "Couldn't live without me, could you?" He wanted to grab her and kiss her good and hard but restrained himself for the moment.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella smiled up at him and shook her head. "Nope." she said as she handed him his badge and phone. "But something tells me you missed me Mac." she told him.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Yep...I can't fool you, that's for sure" he replied, still smiling. "Let's just say I was getting lonely without you."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella smiled back. "Did you get something to eat yet Mac? I'm hungry, and I wouldn't mind going out if you get my hint." she said with a wink.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"sounds good" He replied, taking the hint. "Just let me put something nice on for you and I'll be ready." *although I'd really like to...oh, quit it, Taylor, you're not even dating yet* "I wonder what's good around here..." he thought aloud.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom rocked her gently in his arms, rubbing her back gently and soothing her. "Shh it's ok baby" He whispered softly. There and then he made a mental vow to himself never to anyone hurt his angel again. It still made him sick that someone could do that to a child, his own daughter too! No, she would be safe now, he would protect her with every fibre of his being.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Why does she have to come back?!"
Sara whimpered, holding tightly to Grissom for fear that if she let go, her past that was slowly creeping up on her would drag her back into it's dark pit. She'd attempted suicide as an eight year old, before most kids knew what the word suicide meant. By the time she was 15 she'd tried too many times to even remember. It was true that Sara Sidle had had a troubled life, and her adult life hadn't exactly being the sparkling "American dream" either. She didn't have a social life, her life was in her work - which was ironic considering she worked with the dead most of the time - and she had identified what other problems she had after being forced to a PEAP councellor. She had a problem with authority - which was understandable really, considering her childhood, with every adult in her life letting her down at some point - she was self-destructive - alcohol, depression, attempted suicide...those words were anything but foreign to her - and she chose men who were emotionally unavailable. Grissom was a prime example. He had been so far out of her grasp and by pursuing him she was risking alot, as he would be too, getting into a relationship with one of his charges. The councellor had analyzed everything about her and some - most - of the things she'd said had been true. She'd admitted that she never thought she'd get Grissom, which made her confront the question as to why, if she never thought she'd get him, she still continued to chase him. The shrink had quite rightly concluded that she looked for "validation in inappapropriate places" and really she was subconsciously setting herself up for heartbreak by pursuing him if she never thought she'd end up winning him over.
Then again, here she was in his arms, with him telling her he loved her and calling her "baby". She wasn't sure if it was all one of her dreams again.

((Maybe I over-analyze some things...:rolleyes:))
Re: Crime Of Passion

"I'll see if I can't find some brochures on the way to the bathroom, I brought all my stuff, I figued you'd want some help with the case, besides, it's Vegas, I've never been to Vegas. So I brought along a few nice dresses for you." she said with a wink. "I'm also gonna get a room." she said as she turned to leave.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Reaching behind him, Grissom pulled down the blanket from over the back of the sofa and wrapped it around her shoulders. Lifting her slightly he stood up and walked with her to the kitchen. He sat her down on a stool and flicked on the kettle. He pulled out a few tissues and dabbed her cheeks for her before placing them in her hand.

He still couldn't believe he'd done it, he'd over stepped the mark he'd told himself he'd never cross. Many a night he'd told himself to stop thinking of her, to give up hope and just let it go. He was her supervisor and she was his subordinate. His carear had been his life and he was risking it all for a woman. A woman who had serious issuses, who didn't take well to authority and chose explosive relasionships. He was crazy he knew it, every part of him was screaming that it wasn't too late to change his mind. But he didn't want to, he couldn't.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara looked down at her hands as she clasped them on the table in front of her.
"I've never truly loved anyone in my life before. Not like I love you...and it scares the hell outta me. Just when I'd start to think that you couldn't possibly want me, you'd say something - even something really small that was so ridiculously ambiguous - like "I want you" or something when we're working a case and it made me doubt myself. Well, it made me doubt everything really. Every relationship I've been in has ended disasterously, and I used to just lie awake wondering if I'd be alone forever...then I'd think of you and think that maybe yeah, I would. But now...God, it's all so messed up that I can't even think straight. I flirted with Danny, and I don't know if I led him on or what he feels; I'm in love with you - always have been - and here we are...where do we go from here Grissom?"
She asked quietly, dreading the moment he'd realize everything that was at stake here and try to gently pull back from any kind of commitment.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny smiled weakly to Lindsay for a moment, keeping her held close to him. Something in his mind wasn't letting him let her go, instead just keeping her as close to him as possible. "I made a stupid mistake when we came here.. I'm sorry," he appologized. "I actually wanted this to work, but I was being blindsighted for a while.."
Re: Crime Of Passion

"You wanted what to work?" she asked. "Us?" she wasn't sure if he was actually intending to ask her out or anything, but right now, she was very confused. She had gotten mixed signs from him for the longest time, and now she was sort of still getting them, all though they were a whole lot clearer. When Danny answered her question, she would know for sure.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny paused for a moment, looking at her for a very long time. "Yes.. I wanted us to work," he admitted quietly.
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