Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

"Yes we hav" Grissom whispered softly, running his fingers through the ends of her hair gently. He leant down and placed a soft kiss on her head. "You know you can tell me anything, I'll always listen"
Re: Crime Of Passion

"How do you do that?"
She said softly, pulling back to look into his eyes.
"One touch and you make it feel like nothing bad in the world could ever happen...I never wanna leave here."
She whispered, clinging to him a little. She'd been a little touchy lately, and she hadn't told anyone why, but she felt like she really could tell Grissom anything and wondered if she should just get it off her chest.
"My mom's coming back Grissom."
She whispered, fighting tears as she buried her head into his chest.

((Yeah, I know I used this kinda plot in HS but with this one it's gonna be alot more confrontational and Sara's not gonna be easily won over by Laura))
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom sighed and kissed the top of her head gently, knowing how hard this would be for her. He reached down and moved one of her hands so that he could link his fingers with hers. "You're not alone this time" He whispered softly. "I'm here this time"
Re: Crime Of Passion

She nodded tearfully and let herself get lost in his touch. Two days and she'd be here. The very thought terrified the hell out of her. A week before, her brother had visited her and told her. She'd almost gone off the rails. She'd drank herself into unconsciousness in an attempt to stop feeling all the emotions that were making her head and heart both hurt.
"Please don't leave me...I don't know if I can do this Grissom...she killed my dad last memory of her is seeing her screaming insanely as the cops took her away...any good memories I had were wiped away by that...the day I got taken into care...that's my only memory of her. D-don't they say that women always turn into their mothers...?"
She looked up at him again, her eyes full of fear. She couldn't turn into Laura, she just...couldn't.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Ofcourse I'll always be here Sara" Grissom soothed tilting her chin up so that she was looking at him. He smiled a little. "You may have a bit of a short fuse Sara but i know you'd never hurt a fly. You're too good for that"
Re: Crime Of Passion

Her lip quivered a little. Her pain and torment was obvious behind her brown eyes but apart from that she looked just as strong as ever she was. She knew how to hide it all inside, but Grissom was the one who could always bring it out of her, who could make her feel so vulnerable that she had to talk to him.
"Daniel turned up two days ago and told me...she's due here in two days. I really can't handle seeing her again wanna know where I get my alcoholism from? I watched her and my dad when I was little...all my mom ever did was drink herself silly so that she wouldn't feel it when my dad...but I didn't have that. I felt everything."
A tear cascaded down her cheek before she could stop it. And then another followed. She fought against her emotions but she'd kept them bottled up for so long that she didn't have the strength to fight them anymore.
"I was taught not to show anything I felt though. When he...hit me, he knew exactly where nobody would be able to see. I had bruises on my legs and my arms but he made sure I wore enough clothes to hide them...I'm surprised he even bothered really. Other then hitting me, he never even seemed to notice I existed."
Her voice hitched in her throat and she had to swallow down the lump there before she managed to continue.
"My mom saw it all, she knew what he did to me....but she didn't even try to stop him. She just pretended like nothing was happening and turned to the drink. I don't actually remember ever seeing her sober. I guess when I got out of there, it was kind of a relief...but I always got those looks, y'know? From the other kids when I was in foster care. They kept their distance. I was "the anorexic kid whose mom killed her dad". I think some of them were actually scared of me, like the violence was genetic or something...I don't know if that's true or not, even today."
She wasn't crying anymore, just staring at a spot on the ceiling as she lay on her back, her expression distant but her eyes holding all the pain she was feeling.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Mac didn't mind them rooming together although he had an inkling what was going on with them. He was just wishing he could have Stella there with him. He really did want to say things to her that he didn't know how to express or even if it was right. So he'd kept quiet. He wondered what she and the others were doing now back in New York as he decided to try adn get some rest himself.

(I'd have him call Stella for some Smacked goodness but she's not in the RP, right? )
Re: Crime Of Passion

(it's up to either IloveGrissom1 or Iheartnickcath...they're my two Stellas...or whoever else if they want her.)
Re: Crime Of Passion

(It drives me nuts when that happens...)
Stella walked into the hotel that Mac was suppossed to be staying at and adressed the man at the desk. "Is Mac Taylor staying here?"

"Yes, room 102." she said. "Thanks." Stella said as she walked up to his door and knocked on it. "Guess who?" she said from behind it. "You forgot your badge and phone Mac....." she said.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom didn't know what to say. Instead he just watched her for a few seconds before he wrapped his arms around her tightly, holding her close to his chest. He felt safe with her in his arms and he was hoping she felt the same way. "But in ways it wouldn't have made you the woman you are now. The strong, determined, passionate woman I fell in love with" He soothed.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny watched for a moment as Lindsay fell asleep, a small smile tugging at his lips. Despite the pounding headache, seeing her in that peaceful state made him happy. Danny rested his back against the wall and slid down it, collapsing into a small heap against the wall, bunching his coat under his head. At least the floor was cold.
Re: Crime Of Passion

About twenty minutes later, Lindsay was sweating and thrashing about the sheets. "No, Danny, help!" she screamed as she twisted and turned in the sheets. She was dreaming of Danny, Sonny, and Louie. Sonny and was beating Danny up in the corner and Louie was in his car driving away. Lindsay was sitting in the back seat of Sonny's car watching helplessly with her hands tied behind her back. The dream was scaring her so much that she was almost pale.
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