Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Jess looked up at him and smiled. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say that." she told him as she cupped a hand to his cheek. "You really mean it?" she asked.
Re: Crime Of Passion

(Bwahaha!! I mean.. ahem.. You've been hanging around the other RP to long, dontcha mean Lindsay? :p)

Danny nodded slowly. "I do mean it," he replied with a soft smile. "Honestly, I do." Something in the back of Danny's mind told him not to say things like that, but he didn't care anymore, all he cared about was taking care of Lindsay.
Re: Crime Of Passion

(Shut up! I had a hard day *grumbles* lol I didn't even catch this until *looks at watch* an hour and a half after you posted.)
Lindsay smiled up at him. "So you really wanted a relationship between us? How long?" she asked him as she nuzzled her head underneath his chin.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom sighed and poured himself and Sara a cup of coffee. Placing hers on the table he walked back over and took his into his hands, leaning up against the counter. He'd never been any good at talking about how he felt. He took a sip of his coffee and shrugged. "I don't know." He said quietly, not knowing what else to say. He had never been the most experienced dater, had always perferred his own company so this was all new to him really.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara looked up at him, her heart skipping a couple beats. "I don't know" as in he was having second thoughts? That possibility made Sara feel sick. She felt stupid for opening up to him so much if he didn't even want to pursue a relationship.
"So...this isn't going anywhere..."
She said shakily, trying to convince herself that that didn't hurt, tears springing to her eyes. She stood up quickly, feeling mortified at having opened her heart and soul to him. The blanket dropped from around Sara's shoulders as she looked at him brokenly. Before he had chance to say anything, she was gone. She didn't know where she found the strength as she bolted to her car, just sitting there and staring ahead for a couple of minutes, trying to clear her head. She was well and truly messed up. She'd just told Grissom she loved him and told him some of her darkest secrets...she'd taken his "I don't know" to mean he was doing what he always did - closing her out and bringing his walls back up. Yeah, she was insecure, but she was so confused about where she stood with him. As ever, nothing was as easy as it was in her dreams.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom sighed and closed his eyes slowly. He took a few deep breaths and opened them again. Nope, she was still there, this was real. He ran a hand through his hair and tried to clear his thoughts. What about your carear, your job, your life? His head screamed at him. Why was he throwing all reason to the wind for this woman? No not a woman, a ticking bomb. Sara had always been like that, ever since he'd met her. She was a walking disater, everyone knew it. It will only cause more trouble Gil, he'd remembered Catherine telling him. And she was right, Catherine was always right but something know had changed. he used to think of those problems Sara would bring with her as just that problems but know they seemed more...of a learning curve. he wanted to laugh, hearing how strange that sounded in his head. Except whenever he wanted to tell her how he felt, his head always managed to out scream his heart. "I..." He began, trailing off a little. "I don't know" He repeted. Guess his head had won out again then.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara backed away from him a little.
"I should...go. You need time to get your head straight, I can see that..."
She said quietly, only just managing to hold back the pain from her voice.
"You know where to find me...I need to clear my mind so I'm gonna go."
She repeated, turning quickly and making for the door, all the way fighting tears. As she pulled the door open, she spoke over her shoulder to him, not looking back.
"We need to work this out Grissom. You need to figure out whether you really do want me 'cause I can't do this much longer. I've got...alot of things to worry about at the moment and I don't need to be screwed around more. I-I'm not accusing you or trying to push you into anything, I just need to know so I can get my head straight."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom never got angery, he prided himself on it even. But something inside of him snapped. He wasn't mad at her, far from. He was furious at himself. The coffee cup in his hand hurteled across the room and smashed against the kitchen wall. Turning he rested his hands on the edge of the counter and kicked the cupboard door with his foot. Why couldn't he just tell his damn head to shut the hell up!He rested his elbows on the kitchen counter and put his head into his hands. Just a few minutes ago, he'd promised himself never to let anyone hurt her, and here he was doing just that. The hurt he'd seen etched into her face had broke his heart. "No!" He said, raising his voice just a little. Realising the nager still in his voice, he softened it. "Don't go"
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara had jumped back, startled and frightened when Grissom had hurled his cup at the wall. It had shattered on the wall next to her and fallen to the floor. She thought that meant he was angry with her and hot tears started to fall down her cheeks as she backed out of the door.
When she heard his voice calling for her not to go, she faltered and looked back. She'd never been frightened of Grissom before, but then again, she'd never seen so much anger on his face and it had sent chills through her.
"I-I'm sorry..."
She whispered, thinking she was the one that had made him angry. She kept moving toward her car but she stopped when she felt his hand on her arm. Turning warily to face him she looked down at the floor, both angry and confused. She didn't know why he'd thrown a fit just then, but she'd assumed it was her ultimatum and had quickly retreated.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"I said don't go" Grissom repeated, looking at her, the anger quickly turning to sadness. His eyes widened when he saw the look on her face. Was she scared of him? Letting go of her arm he stepped back away from her. "I'm sorry" He whispered, looking down at the floor. "I didn't mean to scare you and it's not you I'm mad at. I'm mad at myself"
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara almost broke down. Moving forward to him, she buried her head in his chest, the feel of his arms around her soothing her a little, making her forget that harsh world they were in.
"This shouldn't be so hard..."
She mumbled into his chest. Pulling back, she looked up at him.
"Do we have to face the others yet?"
She asked softly, a little bit of fear in her voice. She couldn't deal with people right now. She couldn't put on a brave face any longer when everything had caught up with her.

((Wish me luck for tonight guys!! :D))
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom shook his head. "Not if you don't want to. I left Nicky in charge and he's more than capable of handling everything" He looked down at her, so weak and vunerable in his arms. He tilted her chin up and placed a kiss on her lips. "Why don't we get inside?" He asked softly.
Re: Crime Of Passion

" want..." Mac was a little nervous. "You wanna room with me?" he asked, hoping she wouldn't get angry. "Or you can get your own, I just thought I'd offer."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay was glad that he wanted them to work. She wished that she hadn't found out in such a hard way, but at least it was something. She was glad that she was with him now. She wrapped her arms around him and held him close to her. She wondered how deep his feelings were for her. She knew that she loved him, but she wasn't about to tell him that just yet. She wasn't even aware that she loved him until she saw him flirting with Sara. The pain that she had felt just then was unbearable, but now it was gone, and she was glad that he was there for her.
Stella turned and smiled. "That's a generous offer Mac, I'll take it." she said with a smile as she walked back up to him. "Are you sure?" she asked.
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