Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella smiled and kissed him. "I love you Mac, and whenever you feel empty or dead, you always have me to come back to. I'll be your little energiser bunny." she told him with a laugh. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed his cheek. "You've made me the happiest woman in the world Mac." she told him.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Mac laughed back at her comment. "I'm very lucky...and about the happiest man in the world right now. I never thought I would come to love someone so much ever again. I only regret not having the courage to tell you sooner how I felt."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom nodded a little and bit his lip. "It's to do with baby isn't it?" It had to be, she had to be losing it. That's what happened didn't it? Women got pains in their sides when they lost babies.
Re: Crime Of Passion

The nurse squeezed his arm and gave him a sympathetic look.
"She''s an ectopic pregnancy. I'm very sorry, but they've had to get the baby out...because Sara was in a coma for the past two weeks, the baby was able to grow and it's...big enough to cause a risk to Sara's life too."
She tried telling him in the gentlest way possible, but how exactly did you tell someone that their baby had no chance and that their girlfriend might not be that far behind. She couldn't quite believe how much bad luck and heartache these two had on their side. They'd already lost one baby, and now another, and Sara had already been in the position of fighting for her life then anyone could even imagine, yet she was still holding on.
"They're doing their best to save her."
She assured him, knowing that brought little peace.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom looked at the nurse in silence for a few minutes then nodded. "I've got to go" He bowed his head and closed his eyes. "If she wakes up, tell her I'll be back at some time but right now I just...I have to go" He let out a deep sigh and turned. He walked slowly and calmly, telling himself to wait till he was on his own before properly digesting the news.
Re: Crime Of Passion

The nurse watched him walk away, her heart wrenching for the couple. She wondered why they had so much bad luck on their side - what had either of them done to deserve it? Come to think of it, nobody deserved to go through what Sara had.

It was a couple of hours before the doctors finally managed to stabalize her enough to let her out of theater. She was on the Intensive Care Unit and the nurse who had grown so attached to them both watched her from behind the glass, that pain in her heart again. Generally, she didn't let herself get that involved with patients, it didn't do her any good, but these two were special. She couldn't help empathizing with both of them, and felt horrible having seen all they had been through together, and yet they still stuck it out.
When Sara slowly stirred, another three hours later, she wearily looked around the room, feeling a slight tug on her stomach from the stitches. It didn't take long for a nurse to come in and check on her.
"W-what's me?"
She asked in nothing more then a hoarse whisper, her throat dry and painful when she tried to speak.
"Ms. Sidle, I'm afraid...the surgeons had to remove the fetus. It could may not have survived much longer if they hadn't."
Sara's eyes filled with tears and she felt as if her heart had broken into a million pieces. Grissom wasn't there, her baby was gone, again, and she'd been faced with the prospect of dying, again. It was all just too much to take. She was now actually wishing her suicide attempt had been successful.
She didn't know what to say, so the nurse cut in for her, unable to look Sara in the eyes for fear of all the pain she knew she'd see there.
"It was an ectopic pregnancy, Ms. Sidle...I'm very sorry."
She said as gently as possible, wanting to just give the poor woman a hug. Sara looked up at her, feeling like she could throw up from all the pain.
She croaked, tears streaming down her cheeks. All she wanted right now was for him to hold her and tell her it would be alright. Somehow, she didn't think that was going to happen.
"He left whilst you were in theater, said he'd be back and if you woke up when he wasn't here, to tell you that."
Sara nodded numbly, shrinking down in the bed, wondering how much more her heart could take before she really did die of a broken heart.

((Whoa, long post. lol))
Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella smiled at his comments and then looked out to the beautiful view that they had. She listened to the music that was softly playing in the background. "So are we gonna have our first dance as an engaged couple?" she asked with a smile as she gazed into his eyes.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom drifted around his apartment like a ghost. His mind was in turmoil. He never thought he'd become a father, had even resided himself to never having his own child. Then just as he'd given up there it was, a flicker of hope. But life had dealt hima cruel blow once again.

He stepped into the shower and let the water wash away the aches of worry. He leant his head back and squeezed his eyes shut. It was soothing to feel the warm water splashing down his skin. After a while he stepped out again and got dry before changing into some clean clothes.

He wandered into the kitchen but his appetite had gone. He felt a little more calm, the facts of what happened to them had sunk in. He grabbed his jacket and drove back to the hospital.

Once there he found the familiar nurse and tapped her on the shoulder. "Excuse me ma'am, could you tell me how Ms Sidle is doing?" He asked softly, his brow furrowed with worry.
Re: Crime Of Passion

The nurse smiled and nodded toward her room.
"She's been awake for about twenty minutes. Asking for you alot. She's attached to machines but she's recovering from the operation now...I'm very sorry for your loss sir."
She said gently, wathcing as Grissom slowly approached the room.


Sara had stopped crying by now, and was staring blankly at the TV mounted on the wall, the colors all blending together. She was in so much emotional pain that she felt numb now. She felt empty, hollow. Like part of her had been ripped away. And in essence it had. Her heart wrenched for the baby she longed for. She wasn't sure if she could go through it again. The doctor had been in and told her she only had one fallopian tube and that she'd find it harder conceiving now. Couple that with the fact that she was over 35 years of age, she had little chance of ever being a mother. Those thought had haunted her mind since she had awoken. It only made it worse that she had nobody there to hold her. She was fearing that Grissom really couldn't handle it all anymore and had gone for good.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom stood in the doorway for a few minutes in silence, watching her. It broke his heart to see her like that, looking so lost. He wanted so much to reach out and wrap her up in his arms but something stopped him, something kept him standing at the doorway without even letting her know he was there. He had never hurt so much since letting go and letting things happen between them. Maybe it was a mistake? Maybe he should just retreat back into his own little cacoon. Everything is so simple when you only have yourself to look after and worry about
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara's gaze on the TV suddenly broke and she saw him. Her eyes filled with tears again.
She said in nothing more then a whisper. She felt like a horrible person. She felt as though whatever higher power gave the gift of children must think she didn't deserve one, and that made her heart break all over again. She'd gotten both Grissom's and her own hopes up and now they were, once again, left with nothing. The way he just stood at the door made her blood run cold and a knot tighten in her stomach. What....was he thinking of?
"Grissom, I'm's all my fault."
She whimpered. She kept telling herself that if she hadn't been at that convenience store she wouldn't have been here, and if she hadn't have attempted suicide in the first place, they could be waiting on the arrival of their first baby and could've actually been happy.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom shook his head a little, his gaze still cold and detatched. "It was an ectopic pregnancy, there was nothing anyone could have done" He said simply, still making no move in getting closer to her. He wouldn't let anyone know it but he was hurting, hurting badly. He had an acheing pain taking over him
Re: Crime Of Passion

She asked in a small voice. She felt as if he were pulling away from her. She couldn't stand for that to happen. She'd already lost so much.
"Can you...hold my hand?"
She asked, sounding like a little lost, frightened child. Truthfully, that's how she felt.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom hesitated. He looked at her for a few seconds before stepping forward. He placed his hand over hers. He didn't hold like he used to, he held it like he had to. He didn't want to love her anymore, he didn't want all the pain that seemed to follow her around. He didn't think he was strong enough to cope with that
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara blinked back tears. His heart wasn't in it, she could tell. She grasped his hand and looked up at him brokenly. He'd promised he wouldn't hurt her again, he'd promised he'd stick by her through it all. But she could tell he was trying to put those walls up again, the ones that had taken her so long to slowly break down.
"Grissom, please don't leave me..."
She whispered, nausea gripping her stomach as she fought back tears.
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