Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom laughed and shook his head. "I'm starting think you should just stay here permanently, it would save us the journey every time" He joked, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "Joking aside, I don't honey, you were out a pretty long time" He said sadly.
Re: Crime Of Passion

She laughed and shook her head.
"No way am I getting a permanent residence in this place. We'd never get any privacy."
She joked. When she heard his last comment her face fell.
"H-how long?"
She asked, a little scared of what the answer would be. If she couldn't leave yet, she'd just have to get a pregnancy test from the shop or something. She didn't want to ask one of the nurses because if she was in fact pregnant and by some miracle hadn't lost it in the shooting, then Grissom would surely find out about it and she'd rather let it sink in herself before she told him.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Two weeks" Grissom answered quietly. "You gave us quite a scare" He looked down at his hand holding hers and sighed. There had been moments when his confidence in her fighting instinct had wavered and he'd thought he'd lose her and quite frankly it scared him to death
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara let out the breath she didn't know she'd been holding and fought back tears.
"God why has all this happened to us?"
She said quietly, looking down at their joined hands.
"C-can I...go to the shop?"
She suddenly asked, looking at him hopefully.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom pulled a face. "I don't think you're strong enough honey" He said, suddenly worried. If he could wrap her up in cotton wool and make sure she was never left on her own he would but he knew that was ridiculous. he couldn't protect her from everything in the world. That had become very clear since they had gotten together.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"I'm plenty strong enough."
She argued, struggling to get out from under the sheets. Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, she clenched her jaw and wobbled on her feet as she stood. Inwardly, she was screaming in pain but to the outside world it looked as if she was perfectly alright.
"See. I'm fine."
She said through gritted teeth, her nails digging into her hand as a way to distract herself from the pain in her sides. When he tried to steady her she shrugged him off.
"I'm a big girl Gris, I need to do this on my own. There's no use babying me."
She said matter-of-factly. She could handle the pain, and she was too damn stubborn and independent to let anyone see her struggle, even Grissom.
Eventually, she pursuaded him to let her go on her own and she made to the restroom before returning to her room. Sat on the seat, she looked down at the stick and felt a mixture of joy and fear. It was positive. Tears sprang to her eyes but she admonished herself for it and stood up shakily, making her way back to the room.
Once there, she was a little relieved to see Grissom had gone either looking for her or had gone to get a coffee. It gave her time to think about everything that was happening. Wincing at another sharp jolt, she put some pressure on the side that was giving her the most pain and realized it wasn't the side she'd been shot on.
When Grissom finally returned, she smiled weakly.
"Gil...I have something to tell you."
She said quietly.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom walked back into the room and took his usual seat, craddling his cup of coffee to his chest. He could tell she'd been crying so frowned and tilted his head to one side. "What is it?" He asked quietly, bringing the cup to his lips and taking a sip.
Re: Crime Of Passion

She finally managed to utter, wondering what he'd make of it after all that had happened in a mere few weeks.
"That's why I went to the shop - to get a test. And that's why I was at that convenience store that night."
She explained quickly, hot tears burning her cheeks as she furiously blinked them away. He had said he wanted them to have a family, but after the trauma they'd both endured, she wasn't sure he'd want to do that anymore.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissoms eyes widened. "You're...pregnant?" He muttered, shaking his head a little. Everything to be moving at a 100 mph. He ran a hand through his hair and took another sip of coffee, hoping the caffeine would clear his head. "What do you wanna do?" He asked, looking down at his cup, the news not quite sinking in yet.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara bit her lip. Was he asking her what she thought he was asking her?
"I-I'm keeping it...are you...mad at me?"
She asked quietly. She'd never ever have an abortion - she didn't even eat meat - and by the sound of his tone, he wasn't too pleased at her revelation. That frightened her. She couldn't be a single mom!
Re: Crime Of Passion

(Let's take them on a dream date lol)
Stella smiled up at the stars. She was always good at winning things. She had won a dinner for two at a five star resteraunt at a chinese auction she had gone to. And of course she chose Mac to go with. "I love this place." she said, looking around. They were on a rooftop, just the two of them. Soft music was playing and the food was amazing. "It's so romantic." she said, fiddling with one of the petals on the roses in front of her.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Very" he replied, smiling. These past couple of weeks had been a whirlwind, and Mac was overjoyed that he and Stella were actually a couple. He wasn't very worried about Lindsey, Danny was stuck on her it seemed, and the case was going along okay as well. He could hardly believe he was spending every night now with Stella, making dreams come true. And now it was time for another.

"There's only one thing that would make this night happier." He pulled out a litttle velvet box he'd maanged to sneak out and get without her knowing during the two weeks, and opened it. "And that's if you'd do me the honor of becoming my wife." he said, looking into her eyes.

(lol it's happened in all but one other one, so why not do it here too?)
Re: Crime Of Passion

lol right

Stella looked at him from across the table. Her jaw dropped to the floor when she saw the rock that was on that ring. "Oh my God, Mac, I....I don't know what to say, this is .....amazing." she said, astounded.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Yes, I hope" he replied, noting her shocked expresion and hoping she'd say yes. "Nothing would make me happier than to spend the rest of my life with you."
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