Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara cried out in pain at the realease of pressure from her hand being moved away, and then the quick reassertion of his hand. She answered his question with a shake of her head.
"I don't...think so. There was only me...and the here when...they shot us..."
She was forcing her voice out and it just made the pain worse. Her eyes were getting heavy and all she wanted was to give in to the lull of sleep that was beckoning her. She tried to fight it but it was out of her power to stop her eyes from slowly falling shut. She gripped his hand, her heart racing with fear.
"Don't...let me go."
She managed in nothing more then a whisper. She didn't want to die this time. She had the possibility of being pregnant and was with the man she loved more then life itself...but as usual, whenever anything good happened to her, bad times were always at it's heels.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom held her hand tightly. "I'm not going anywhere, now you got to stay with me Sara" He said, trying his best to keep his voice steady even with the rising panic filling him. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. Quickly he dialled 911 and gave the details. He tossed it to one side and turned back to her. "It's ok Sar, they're on thier way, just a little longer" He soothed, squeezing her hand and pressing the coat against her wound.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"I just anna...close my eyes for a little while..."
She mumbled sleepily, her whole body softening in his arms as unconsciousness tugged at her.
"Just for a little while..."
She finally stopped fighting and her eyes closed slowly, a soft sigh escaping her lips.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom shook her gently. "NO Sara!" He said sternly, still shaking her. "If you close your eyes then you don't need me, so I'll go. If you want me to stay, keep your eyes open!" He barked, not meaning a word of it but hoping it was enough to rouse her.
Re: Crime Of Passion

His words were fuzzy but she just about made them out and whimpered as he shook her.
"D-don't leave me!"
She cried in a panic, grasping for him and giving a scream of pain as she invounatril bolted upright before falling back into his arms and sobbing softly, the pull on her eyes getting increasingly harder to fight.
"Grissom I don't wanna die..."
She sobbed, tears streaming down her cheeks and splashing onto the floor, mixing with her blood.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Mel23 said:

Mac let out a moan around the kiss as it deepened, and he said something almost before he realized he was doing it. "I love you...." he breathed.

Here's a repost. Was going to do something with Mac giving chase to the car but they're at the hotel already so forgettaboutit.
Re: Crime Of Passion

(Thanks I didn't know you had something planned, you should have told me!)
Stella pulled back and gazed into his eyes. Was it true what she had just heard? Was it true that Mac loved her? She had always wanted that. She had always wanted just to be loved by him. "What did you say?" she asked, her eyes begging for the truth.
Re: Crime Of Passion

(I didn't know what was gonna happen with teh other storyline until last night and it was already too late)

"I love you" he repeated, looking back at her. "I want you with me for ever and ever"
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom shook his head and held her closer to his chest. "You're not going to die baby" He said softly. He rocked her gently in his arms and leant down to kiss her cheek. "Shh" He soothed, wondering where the hell the medics were.
Re: Crime Of Passion

The sirens in the distance set Sara's heart racing faster. There was light at the end of the tunnel. Just Grissom being there, soothing her and encouraging her through it made her find strength she didn't know she had.
"I love you..."
She whispered. But she couldn't stop it now as consciousness left her.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"I love you too Sara" Grissom whispered desperately and he found himself being dragged away by medics. "Sara! Wake up" He pleaded, his hand still gripping the curled up coat they had been using to stop the bleeding.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara was only away of the blackness that engulfed her as her eyes closed. She felt Grissom being tugged away from her and tried to cry out but found she was unable to do so. She had no way of communicating with them whatsoever.
The medics loaded her into the hospital and bolted to the hospital, where transfusion was immediately alerted. It was all a mad rush, and only one kindly nurse - the one who had dealt with Sara when she had been in last time - took pity on Grissom.
She approached the man, who was stood looking dazed and disoriented by the reception desk, and gently put a hand on his arm.
"Mr. Grissom? You're here for Sara, aren't you...? They've taken her into the OR for emergency surgery..."
She couldn't even reassure him with a "she'll be fine" because, in all honesty, they both knew the risks. Transfusion mix-ups occured and killed patients...would Sara be just another statistic?
Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella's mouth dropped open. She never in her life thought that Mac would reflect the feelings that she felt for him. She soon shut her mouth, and smiled softly at him. "wow Mac......." she contemplated saying it, but what did she have to lose now? "I love you too." she said with a smile as she put a hand on his cheek, gazing into his eyes.
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