Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

(lol nice)

"I'm glad...I've been afraid for a long time that you wouldn't feel the same way. I couldn't be happier that you do feel that way."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella smiled and shook her head. "Mac, I've loved you since I met you. When you married Claire, I slapped a happy face on, hoping that no one could see through it, and no one did. When she died......." Stella was a little touchy about the subject, but she pressed on. She felt that it was needed. "When she died, I hated seeing you that way, I couldn't stand it. I went home and couldn't sleep because I was so worried about you. I hated seeing you broken Mac." she said, starting to get teary-eyed just thinking about it.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom nodded and stood up from the seat he'd taken in the waiting room. "Can I ask you in complete honesty if you think she'll survive?" He asked weakly, sounding defeated and lost. It was all happening to fast. He didn't know why or how but she was slipping away from him again.
Re: Crime Of Passion

The nurse looked at him sadly. Her eyes held the answer. No, she didn't think Sara would survive this. She'd just lost too much blood. But she hadn't the heart to tell him that.
"We've got the best surgeons we have working on her, sir."
She said softly. Then an idea came to her. She wasn't sure if she should do this, but she didn't know if she'd be able to bear it if someone had to tell him that she died.
"Would you like to be with her? I can get you some scrubs..."
She knew she could get into trouble for this, but technically, he was a doctor...not the same kind as were in the hospital, but he still held that title.
"I have to tell you though, sir, she's...under anesthetic and you may find it a little upsetting to see her like she is..."
Re: Crime Of Passion

"No" Grissom said, shainking his head. "I want to be there" He couldn't think of anything he wanted more than to hold her hand tightly in his and tell himself that she'd be ok. He needed see with his own eyes that she was still there, that she was still holding on, however weak her grip was.
Re: Crime Of Passion

The nurse nodded and quickly led Grissom up to the OR. She got one of the assistant surgeons' attention and he came to the door. She explained the situation and eventually, Grissom was permitted to enter the theater.

Sara was completely out of it. They were removing the bullet, but she'd suffered massive anaphylaxis - her body reacting to the foreign object present. She'd hemorrhaged continuously and the surgeons were now undertaking a large-scale tranfusion, desperately trying to save her.
The heart monitor starting to bleep angrilly and there was a panic to get her stable.
The intern who was manually keeping air flowing through Sara's body tried to keep her calm and was doing a good job of it.
After another hour and a half, the chief surgeon turned to Grissom.
He started, his voice grave. All the other surgeons were slowly stopping their efforts and Sara lay there, looking so defeated peace.
Re: Crime Of Passion

arrrrgghhh....don't leave me hanging!!!

"I never thought I would feel this happy again" Mac replied. "You make me feel things that I haven't felt since before her death." He didn't say it aloud, but he thought Claire would have been happy it was Stella he'd fallen in love with now. "I want you with me for the rest of my life."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom shook his head. "No she's a fighter, she's stronger than this. Keep going, I promise you she'll get through this" He said defiantly, trying to hide the panic inside of him. What if she didn't? No he thought to himself. He knew Sara, she wouldn't let something like this stop her. Not when they had such a future planned together.
Re: Crime Of Passion

((My God, I swear I'm psychic! lol - I came online about a minute after u posted Saranna!))

The chief looked down at Sara and then back at Grissom. He signalled for the surgeons to step away and they did so.
"Sir, she's gone..."
He said gently. The intern removed the oxygen supply from Sara's mouth and slowly started to dettach the machines. As some surgons started to leave, and the intern came to the last monitor - the heart monitor - she gasped and called frantically for the chief, who ran back in.
"We just got a signal!"
The intern cried, and in the blink of an eye, three surgons appeared again and they frantically started up their efforts. She was in a critical condition, but she was hanging on...barely.
She always seemed to do this - put up a big fight just as everyone gave up hope for her.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom tilted his head to one side and shrugged. "What did I say?" He said with a proud smile. "That's my girl, she's going to get through this" He said with a confident nod. He wished he felt as confident as he sounded but it was mainly just wishful thinking
Re: Crime Of Passion

It took 2 weeks for Sara to wake up. She was in HDU and the doctors were constantly monitoring her. So far, she'd given them three scares, but she was still fighting.
Her eyes fluttering open, they darted about the room before falling on Grissom's sleeping form next to her, his hand clutching hers. There were flowers at the bottom of the bed, along with a fair few cards.
Not wanting to wake him, she just watched him sleep for a little while. She felt a bit nauseous and lightheaded but she figured that was from whatever she was being drugged with, and there was an intense pain in her side when she tried to sit up. So she didn't. She stayed lying down, content to watch Grissom and realize she was falling in love with him all over again. He obviously hadn't been home much - h looked tired and bedraggled and desperately in need of a good night's sleep. There was a fold-up bed in the corner and she wondered if he'd slept there next to her. That thought touched her heart and she smiled.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom had spent the past two weeks in the hospital with the occassionaly trip home when he was sure she was safe and Catherine was by her side. He hadn't slept, hardly eaten, hhe hadn't shaved and Cyherine had made many a remark about him looking like a caveman. He didn't like to sleep, just incase something happened to her and he wasn't there to help her. But finally sheer exhaustion had taken over and he'd fell asleep, half way through talking nonesense about the case the team were handling with them gone.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara felt a slight pain in the opposite side to her gunshot wound but thought nothing of it. She watched Grissom sleep for another half hour until he started to stir.
The doctors had said she had a 50/50 chance of not ever waking up, but because she was a fighter, as she had proved on more then one occasion, they also said that if she did wake up, that they wouldn't be overly surprised and that she had a good chance of making a full recovery.
"Hey there."
She said weakly, a smile softening her face, as he woke.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom smiled and rubbed his eyes. He yawned a little and sat up. "You're awake" he beamed, not caring if he was stating the obvious. "How are you feeling?" He asked, leaning forward and kissing her cheek. He felt a wave of relief splash over him seeing her beautiful brown eyes looking back at him.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"All the better for seeing you."
She smiled, squeezing his hand and looking at him lovingly.
"My side's really sore but other then that and a bit of nausea, I'm fine. When can I go home?"
Typical Sara Sidle. Desparate to get on her feet again and she'd only just woken up. Truth be told, she wanted to do that damn pregnancy test that had gotten her into all this mess in the first place.
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