Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom lsughed at her sudden shyness. "Ok honey" He said softly, kiss her again and reaching to do what he need to. He was quick and not as thorough as he'd have wanted to but he hated being away from her kisses for too long.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay woke up at the sound of her name. She took a deep intake of breath and then let it go when she saw Danny. She just looked at him, trying to calm herself from her dreams. She eventually did calm down, her breaths were still a little heavy, but she was better now. "Danny....." she whispered.
Stella's smile faded into a content visage. She wrapped her arms firmly around him and then deepened the kiss a bit. She was really surprised that this was happening. She never thought that it would come to this, after all her hoping; but it finally had.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Giving him a few seconds, she waited patiently before returning her kisses to his neck. It wasn't long before they were past the point of no return and her heart was pounding as she struggled for breath. They were both near the brink of exhaustion and as they were almost finished, Sara's eyes suddenly widened, her mouth dropping open.
"Was that...did it..?"
She quickly disentangled herself from him and a hand flew to her mouth when she realized her fears were confirmed.
" broke."
She whispered, fear creeping into her voice. This time they'd been careful, yet they'd still had it thrown back at them.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom groaned and nodded. It had broke. Damn! He looked up at Sara, into her eyes and noticed the fear. "Hey it will be ok" He soothed, leaning forward to kiss her gently. "It will be ok right?" He asked, needed confirmation from her.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara was frozen with fear for a moment but as she heard the worry in his voice, she snapped back into reality and nodded numbly.
"I-It'll be ok."
She repeated, trying to make herself believe it. Blinking back tears she looked at him.
"If....if I get pregnant this time, maybe it means we're meant to have a baby this soon..."
She said, her voice slightly hitched and she linked her fingers with his, seeking some sort of reassuranace that he would stay. She trusted him with her life, and he'd told her he wanted a family with her, so she believed him. But she still had that little bit of insecurity in her that made her doubt every good thing in her life.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom lay back against the pillows and lifted his arm for her to cuddle next to his chest. He lay his arm over her and stroked her shoulder gently. "You're right. What happens, happens. All the matters is that we'll have each other through this" He said softly.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara snuggled into him, scared but at the same time excited. It could just all be in her imagination, and probably was, but she felt as though they'd just conceived a baby. And that thought made her feel...complete, in a way. She wanted to have his baby, and she'd realized this when they found out they'd lost one before.
"Maybe I shouldn't be saying this but...I kinda hope I am pregnant."
She still felt that void the other baby had left behind, and she could see in her mind's eye the perfect little family they'd have.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom smiled and kissed the top of her head. "I know I shouldn't be saying this but I feel the same way" He whispered back, cuddling close to her. He had never exactly pictured himself as a family man but he'd never not wanted kids at the same time. Then once he'd past a certain age he'd pretty much given up on ever having a family. But being there and lying with Sara made him think maybe he hadn't missed his chance.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Good, I'm glad to hear that. And even if I'm not...maybe that's for the best. We kinda need time to plan for a family. Not that I wouldn't love a little one if it popped up on us."
She laughed, tracing lazy patterns on his bare chest. She could feel the pull of sleep on her eyes and she yawned tiredly. He'd exhausted her!
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom nodded sleepily. "Uh huh" He replied, half yawning. He closed his eyes and let her movements be the only thing he focused. Slowly but surely sleep overcame him and breathing steadied out. He whispered a "I love you" Just before he fell asleep with her in his arms.
Re: Crime Of Passion

(I'd love to see Grissom as a dad...that stage where kids seem to like playing with bugs would be reeeallly interesting lol)

Mac let out a moan around the kiss as it deepened, and he said something almost before he realized he was doing it. "I love you...." he breathed.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sometime during the night, Sara's consciousness returned to her and she woke sleepily. Her eyes settled on him and a smile tugged at her lips. She was so in love with him it was untrue. Her hand subconsciously moved to her tummy and she rubbed it a little. She was surprised at herself just how much she wanted to be pregnant. But they wouldn't know yet. She'd have to get a test and all that jazz. But it was...3am and most pharmacies weren't likely to be open. But hey, this was Vegas. Technically, she could most likely slip out of the house and go to one of those 24hour places, get the test and get back to bed before he even realized she was gone. That idea crossed her mind but she wondered what he'd think if he woke up and she was gone. Nah, he wouldn't wake up...would he?
Sliding out of his arms, she reached for her clothes and pulled them on. Before she left the room, she looked back at him with a smile on her face. Everything was so perfect in her life right now....

((Hmmmmm, I could probably sort that out :devil:...))
Re: Crime Of Passion

(Oh I'm sure you could!)

Grissom was vaguely aware of something moving but he was too lost in sleep to notice. He'd never told anyone but he had never been a good sleeper. He'd toss and turn then when he'd finally fall asleep he'd dream troubling dreams that would scre him into consciousness again. But falling asleep with her by his side was different. He slept so peacefully and happily.
Re: Crime Of Passion

As she got to the store, Sara had that feeling that something was on the horizon. It made her debate whether to just forget her little trip and go back to Gil. But she shook off the feeling and went into the deserted convenience store, where only a sleepy-looking cashier sat dozing behind the counter.
Grabbing a pregnancy home kit, she headed toward the front of the shop when suddenly a loud yell cut through the air.
"Get on the ground!!"
Fear gripped her as she quickly did as she was told. She wasn't risking her life now - her thoughts kept going back to Grissom asleep in bed, completely unknowing that anything was happening, believing her to be asleep next to him.
Sara looked up to see a figure looming over her, a balaclava masking his features.
"Please...please let me go."
She whimpered. All she could think about was Gil at home, blissfully unaware that she was in danger...and possibly their child.

((See, told ya I could fix it mwahahahaha :devil: Will she get out of it alive like last time? Ha! ETA: Can't be bothered going down the kidnap route now, what with all that's gonna happen later...mwahahahaha.))
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