Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom took a deep breath and thought of the most horrible things he could to control himself. He wrapped his arm lazily aross her shoulder and pulled her close. He tried to focus only on the movie and not the fact he had a practically half naked Sara lying across him.
Re: Crime Of Passion

whoooo *grins* Poor Griss, she's hurt and he's....well, you know. Can we say "UST?"

I hope they get to resolve it soon :D
Re: Crime Of Passion

(:)lol: Well, of course cos there's only so long they can stay unrestrained. But it's gonna stay PG-13 so you'll just have to go to the gutter in ur mind lol))

Sara couldn't suppress a smirk as she felt how tense he was. Even though he was atte,pting to make the movement of putting his arm around her casual, she could feel how fast his pulse was racing.
"What's wrong Griss?"
She asked innocently, seeing that he was staring blankly at the TV and was a little red-in-the-face.
"You look a"
She couldn't stop the smirk from lighting upon her lips and acverted her gaze to the TV as she felt his switch to her. Damn she loved what she could do to him without really trying.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom looked at her and laughed. "Oh I think you know exactly what is going on here Ms Sidle. I don't have to be a CSI to see you're just a tease" He laughed leaning over to kiss her neck. "But two can play at that game believe me" He smirked, running his hand up and down her leg.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara's leg involuntarily jolted at his actions and she smiled sweetly.
"I have no idea what you're talking about Mr. Grissom."
She said breathily, linking her fingers behind his head as he devoured her neck.
"That delivery guy certainly got an eyeful."
She laughed at the image of the kid's eyes practically popping out as he strained to look past Grissom. Sara felt Grissom tense a little in her arms. Oooh, possessive Grissom. That could be...interesting. Maybe she'd play on it.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom closed his eyes and ignored what she was saying about the delivery kid. Yes he was proud that the whole world could see that she was his yet he was also a little insecure about it too. Tilting his head he caught her lips into a fiery kiss and leant back, pulling her down on top of him
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara responded, liking the fire of possessiveness in him. She finally managed to pull back, struggling to open her eyes. Her lips were swollen from his kisses and her hair was tousled. She looked down into his ice blue eyes and realized that their positions had shifted. His kiss had been so intense that she hadn't even registered moving. Now she was straddling him, knees on either side of his thighs when she pulled back.
"Grissom, that was...intense."
She whispered huskily, her voice filled with both love and lust. At this point, it was prodominantly lust. He brought things out in her that no man had before. She didn't want to ever spend a night apart from him.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom nodded in agreement as the words wouldn't quite reach his lips. He grinned and leaned up to kiss her again. He couldn't believe he waited so long to get the chance to do this, to hold her, to kiss her, to know her intamitly. She amazed him in every way and his love for her just grew with every minute that ticked by.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella laughed a little and wrapped her arms around him as well. Her heart was beating out of her chest, and for a moment, she thought she was dreaming. This was what she had always wanted out of Mac, a relationship like this one.
Lindsay smiled and then wrapped her arm around him when he got into the bed. "Thank you Danny." she said softly as she scooched a bit closer and snuggled into him. He was like her big fluffy teddy bear that loved her no matter what.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny gently hugged her to him, being mindful of her sore side. He smiled to her for a moment, gently running a hand through her hair. "Tell me if you need anything, okay?" he asked.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara hummed a sound of pleasure into his kiss before reluctantly pulling back. Her face was red and there were little beads of sweat starting to form on her hairline.
"Shall we skip the rest of the movie?"
She grinned, nodding her head toward the bedroom. She'd had a feeling they wouldn't watch the movie. But what they had planned was much more fun.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay nodded and closed her eyes. Right now, she had a pounding headache, but she didn't want drugs, she wanted to tough it out, just to prove to herself that she could. She let her breaths even out, and deepen, and then fell into a soft sleep in Danny's arms.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom smirked and nodded. In one wuick movement he rolled her over. Then after letting her wrap her long legs around his waist he lifted her gently off the sofa and carried her to the bedroom. He laid her down gently on the bed and began to place kisses over her skin.
Re: Crime Of Passion

It made Danny smile to see Lindsay fall asleep, glad that she was, for the most part, comfortable. He gently stroked his hand through her hair, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay could feel everything he was doing in her sleep. She smiled as he ran his hand through her hair, and kissed her forehead. She dreamed of being his wife while she slept. She was at the alter, saying her vows. Unknowingly, when she was sleeping, she muttered an 'I do', verbalizing her dream.
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