Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella glared at him. "Nothing Mac, get over here and make a move already." she said with a laugh.
Lindsay put on a fake smile and nodded. "yeah." she said as she painfully reached for another peice of pizza, hoping that she didn't wince at all.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"okay, okay" he laughed, leaning over and kissing her, slipping his arms around her.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny finished off the rest of his crust, still not entirely convinced. "If you say so," he replied. Danny ate one more slice of pizza before sitting back, wiping his fingers clean with a napkin.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay sighed in relief. She was glad he dropped it. She finished off her slice as well and then rolled to her side, trying hard not to wince, but instead having a tear fall out of her eye. She quickly wiped it away so that Danny couldn't see it.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Do you want the lights turned off? You look a little tired," Danny said quietly. "Do you need anything else?"
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara smiled and nuzzled his neck where her head was resting.
"I'd love that. Which movie should we watch?"
She asked, lookingup at him with eyes full of love and contentment. This was her heaven. She'd dreamed about a moment like this for so many years. Just doing ordinary things like cuddling and kissing and eating take-out whilst watching a movie...all the stuff regular couples did - that was what Sara had always dreamed about. She'd never wanted to be a movie star or travel the world like alot of little girls dreamed of doing - all Sara had wanted in her life was to feel loved. And now, it seemed, her dreams were coming true.

((Awwww. lol))
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom chuckeled a little. "Well as you can probably imagine I don't have the most extensive movie collection" He smiled, stroking her shoulder gently. "How about we drove down to the store and we can get one? Then we can pick up a take out and get some popcorn or whatever it is you want" He said softly, smiling to himself. He was surprised how relatively easy it was for him to slip into doing couplely things.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara nodded enthusiastically and wrapped her arms around him.
"I love you Gil."
She said quietly, looking deep into his eyes. After a moment, she disentangled herself from him and got up off the sofa-turned-bed, straightened herself down and held her hand out for him.
"Let's go. And I demand that you hold my hand in public."
She joked, a sparkle of amusement in her eyes as they headed for the door.
Re: Crime Of Passion

(here too a repost, Jess? I know they're hard to find way back in the other pages, so I don't mind)
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom laughed and followed her out of his apartment. "Holding hands I can do, but I really do draw a line at making out like love struck teenagers. And Sar?"" he said, laughing slightly as they reached his car. He stopped her as they got to the car and turned her around. He kissed her lightly and smiled. "I love you too" He said with a smile
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara laughed and nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, let's leave the making out like love-struck teenagers to them shall we. Although, when we're on our own..."
She smirked and followed him to the car. When he turned her round and kissed her so softly, her heart fluttered and she was sure she wouldn't be able to stop smiling for at least the rest of the night.
"Since there's nobody around here..."
She reached up and captured his lips again, more passionate this time. After a minute or so she pulled back, flushed and breathless.
"God, I think we'd better get on opposite sides of this car before we end up back in the house."
She laughed, pulling open the passenger door.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom smiled and caught his breath again as they got into the car. His smile on his face hadn't faded since he'd brought her home. He started the car and pulled into the road. As they stopped at a red light he reached over and gave her knee a light squeeze. "So what kind of movie do you want to get?" He asked, smiling still.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Tingles ran up Sara's leg at his touch and she looked down at his hand with a smile before looking up at him.
"I dunno. I'll watch anything. A romance? Or horror? Anything that's not about bugs."
She teased lightheartedly, amusement dancing on her face as she intertwined her fingers with his, instantly missing the contact of his hand on her knee.
"By the way Grissom? If you'd quit looking at me, you'd see that the light turned green ages ago."
She laughed, looking over her shoulder as the cars behind honked their horns impatiently. She couldn't help but laugh as his face flushed.
Re: Crime Of Passion

(Could you Mel? I feel like a part of my brain is missing, I wasn't even on the computer at all yesterday, although I hear the site was down all day.)
Lindsay nodded to wanting the lights off, and then squeaked out a 'no' for needing anything else. But then she thought of something. "Danny?" she paused. "Can you come lay with me?" she asked, motioning to the empty space on the bed.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom laughed and turned his eyes back to the road, his cheeks flushing a pink colour. Before long they pulled up outsdie and he unclipped his seatbelt. he leant over and kissed her again gently. "And nothing with a plot you have to follow to closely because I have a feeling we may be distracted for some of it" He said with a grin.
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