Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Her heart beat a little faster as her imagination dropped her in the gutter. For a moment or so she drifted away from conscious thought and blushed deeply when she realized it. Shaking the thoughts away with a smile she unclipped her own belt and climbed out of the car, waiting for him to reach her before linking their hands, noticing how loved it made her feel that he'd happily hold her hand in front of other people. She wondered if he'd be so easy with it with the guys. Sara knew Catherine had figured them out now anyway.

Looking through the movies, she was spoilt for choice and settled on letting him choose one. If his comment was anything to go by, she really wasn't going to be caring what they got. She grabbed a bowl of the "microwave in minutes!" popcorn that were permanently in stock at the front of the shop, as well as a tub of ice-cream.
"If you're planning what I think you are, should I pop next door and get"
She asked quietly, close to Grissom's ear so that the whole shop didn't have in on their plans. Next door was a convenience store that definitely sold the things she was hinting at. But she wasn't sure how soon he wanted to start this whole "planning a family" thing and she didn't want to just assume and go buy a packet. So she gave him the choice. She just wanted to get back home and snuggle up to him in the sofa and "make out like love struck teenagers". Love-struck, yes. Teenagers, unfortunately not.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom blushed a little, not used to being asked such intimate questions. He leant in close to her ear. "That's up to you honey, I don't mind either way. But I mean if the first time was anything to go by maybe it would be for the best for a little while." He whispered. If they'd managed to get pregnant the first time they were together it didn't mean that they necessarily would again but it showed that it was possible.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara nodded and kissed his cheek.
"You pay for these and I'll go get them, cos hell knows you'll just get all embarassed and stutter-y if you go for them."
She joked, a smile on her lips as she unloaded the popcorn and ice cream on him before dashing out of the shop before he could think of a comeback.

Returning a couple of minutes later, she saw him heading toward the door after having paid for their items.
"Got em. I can't guarantee how good they are."
She laughed, shaking her head. The ones she'd bought had been the only ones left and the shop assistant made a point of telling her that they weren't exactly the top of the market. But all Sara could think of was getting him alone again and relaxing with a movie and popcorn.
"Let's go. I've had enough of other people already,"
She added after a woman on a cell phone bumped into her and gave her a dirty look before striding off.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist as they walked. He pulled her close, enjoying the feeling of her next to him. It was starting to get dark and he noticed how beautiful Vegas was at that time of the evening. He felt like being with Sara had opened his eyes, showing his everything he'd been to busy to take notice of before.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara felt a warmth flood through her as an old couple hobbled past and gave them a sad sort of smile, like they were reminiscing from when they were Sara and Grissom's ages. She smiled back at them and slid her arm around Grissom's waist as they headed toward the car.

As they were driving back home, she watched him curiously, noticing that small frown on his face that he got when he was thinking hard about something.
"What are you thinking about?"
She asked softly, reaching over and squeezing his knee as he had done to her earlier.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom let out a deep breath. he didn't want to dampen the mood but he knew she wasn't one to let the question drop till she had the answer she wanted. "Jut thinking about how we got here" He said softly. He smiled a little. "And how great it feels to finally be here"
Re: Crime Of Passion

"And everything that's happened up to now..."
She said softly, looking out of her window as her hand subconsciously moved to her stomach. She'd never forgive herself for what had happened. The best she could hope for was to make it up as best she could when they started their family.
"I'm sorry for everything I've put you through Gil."
She said in a quiet voice, knowing it would give out on her if she said it any louder.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Hey no don't talk like that" Grissom said softly, reaching over and taking her hand that was over her stomach and linking it with his. "that's the past Sar, I'd much farther think about the future. But not too far ahead. Thinking about how perfect this evening is gonna be is about as far enough for me" He said with a smile as they pulled up outside his apartment.
Re: Crime Of Passion

It was still taking some getting used to hearing him use her nickname that usually Nick was the only one to use. Letting out the air she hadn't realized she'd been holding, she nodded.
"You're right. And whenever our child is born, we're gonna be good parents. I'm not gonna turn into my mom. I want our baby to have the childhood I always dreamed of. It's not gonna be easy, I know that....but anway, let's just think about tonight."
She said softly, squeezing his hand before getting out and, once again, waiting for him. They walked up to the door hand-in-hand again and she promised herself that she was going to stop dwelling on what had happened, and concentrate on what was going to happen instead. Just the thoughts of being with him made a smile light her face. This was her dream, and she prayed she'd never wake up.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Mel23 said:
"okay, okay" he laughed, leaning over and kissing her, slipping his arms around her.


(I was only on at night; didn't know what was up except to be annoyed I couldn't RP. I feel cut off when that happens hehe)
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom smiled he unlocked the door and pulled her inside. She fell against him slightly and he leant down to kiss her. Shuffling back wards while still kissing her, he sat back down on the sofa and pulled her down on top of him. Pulling back after a few minutes for air he smiled and reached for the bag they'd dropped on the floor. He smiled as he heard the doorbell ring. They'd called the takeout while they were out and he smiled at their precision timing. "You sort the movie and I'll go get the food" he smiled as he stood up and slipped her off his lap onto the sofa.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara was a little disoriented from their little make-out session and it took her a moment to register his directions. Finally, she snapped back to earth and reached for the movie, kneeling down by the TV to put it in the DVD player. The trailers started to play whilst she got a bowl for the popcorn and one for the ice-cream.
By the time he'd paid the take-out guy, Sara had managed to quickly change into a sexy little black lace nightwear set and was sitting on the sofa, twirling a strand of hair around her finger. She felt a little self-conscious but she reminded herself that it was Grissom. All he did was make her feel beautiful and cherished, so she had no need to be shy.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny stood and dimmed the lights till there was only one on in the corner. He made his way back over to her, looking at her curiously. "If you want me to, I can. Sure," Danny replied. Removing his glasses and setting them on the table, Danny soon crawled onto the hospital bed beside Lindsay, lying on his side to allow her room.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom saw the take out guys eyebrow raise slightly as he paid him but didn't realise why until he turned around. He was a little taken back at first by what Sara was wearing but slowly a smile spread across his face. She really was stunning. "When did I become such a lucky guy?" He asked with a smirk as he leant down to kiss her as he sat down next to her.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"When you stopped being such a closed-up asshole."
She joked, melting into his kiss and tugging him down next to her.
"Now let's get this movie started before we decide to just skip it."
She settled in beside him, entwining her long legs with his, knowing exactly what that would be doing to him, given the fact that her legs were bare right up to the top of her thighs. Yeah, she could be a tease alright.
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