Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom blushed slightly but covered it with a smile. "Why Ms Sidle i think you're getting better by the second" He said with a smile as his fingers played with the ends of her hair. "And I think you know the answer to that" He smiled, sounding just as innocent.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"I love it when you do that."
She smiled. She loved the way he'd delicately stroke her hair as if she were made of glass and could break at any second. It made her feel precious. Loved.
"And maybe I don't know what you mean Mr. Grissom. After all, I'm so innocent and sweet that I wouldn't have the faintest idea of what you could mean!"
She said with mock innocence. She felt happier, lighter, now. She could feel herself getting better every moment he was by her side.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom laughed and tilted her chin up to look at him. "Are you sure sweetheart?" He whispered, placing a soft kiss on her lips. "Because if it's really that forgetable then..." He trailed off smirking slightly as he shrugged lightly.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Hmmm, I'm starting to understand what you mean."
She replied quickly, a sparkle in her eyes as she tugged him back down into a kiss.
"And believe me - it's anything but unfortgettable."
She smiled mischeviously, running her hand down his chest and stopping at his waist. Her heart was skipping quite a few beats and every time he touched her she got that tingle that shot up her spine. She'd wanted this for so long and now that she had it, she couldn't have even dreamed of how good it would be.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom mumbeled against her lips slightly. Pulling back reluctantly he smiled. "Get better for me soon Sara please, I want you home" He said, surprised at how much like begging he sounded. He blushed slightly and looked down.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara noticed how he called his place their "home" and a warmth spread right through her. She smiled up at him and nodded.
"I want to go home too."
She said softly, a soft sigh escaping her lips. She wanted to just lie in his bed all day with him, just relaxing. She couldn't relax in hospitals. She'd never been able to, and this time was no different. They always reminded her of death and pain. She wanted those chapters out of her life.
"And we've got all the time in the world together then."
She smiled.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom smiled and held her close. "Yes we do" He said softly. his mind flicked for a second back to Jennifer and how he'd thought the same thing. but life was to short to wait for something bad to happen, you just had to make the most of the good while it was still around.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara felt utterly relaxed in his arms and soon drifted into a peaceful sleep. She didn't wake up for three hours. When her eyes fluttered open, she had to adjust a moment before se realized where she was. She was still in Grissom's arms and couldn't help a smile from appearing on her lips. It was early morning now, and all Sara wanted to do was go home.
Re: Crime Of Passion

He nodded as she talked. "I'm a little hungry too, didn't eat much on the flight. Partly because, you know, airline food, and maybe it was partly because I was missing you" he smiled as he said it.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom drifted into a sleep after watching Sara for quite a while. The events of the past few days had still left him exhausted. Holding her close, he could feel her heartbeat and it reassured him. His sleep was peaceful and steady.
Re: Crime Of Passion

When she awoke, Sara did what she had grown used to doing in the three times they had fallen asleep together. She watched him sleep, a contented smile on her lips as she gently brushed a little curl of hair off his face.
She was looking forward to spending every morning doing this.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom opened an eye and looked around. Seeing Sara he smiled and opened his other eye. He smiled and reached up to his her lightly on the lips. She was just as beautiful in the morning as she was at every other time of the day. He ran a hand sleepily through his hair and sighed. "Hey, good morning" He said softly.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Good morning sleepy head."
She smiled her hundred watt smile and snuggled close to him. She couldn't get enough of being able to do that.
"When can we go home?"
She pouted a little, fighting off her smile at his obvious amusement.
"See something you like mister?"
She teased, noticing that he wasn't tearing his eyes from her and had a dreamy look in them. It made her melt. She was happier then she'd been in a long time, which was ironic really seeing as she was in hospital because she'd attempted to kill herself. And because she was in such a happy mood, it shone through and made her flirty and playful.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom laughed softly and kissed her again. "I love you Ms Sidle" He smiled. He wrapped his arms around her a little tighter. "And I like what I see because I love every part of you" he whispered. He hated being in the hospital with her, it made him feel nervous. He couldn't wait to take her home and put her in his own bed.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"I love you too."
Tingles swept through her body at his whispered words and she closed her eyes, a smile on her lips as she leant her head against his chest. Pulling back to look at him, she bit her lip.
"Think they might let me out today? I just wanna be in a proper bed."
The hospital bed wasn't in the least bit comfortable - it was rock hard and the covers were so scratchy. His bed was so much nicer.
As if on cue, a nurse gently tapped on the door and entered, checking the board at the end of her bed and then checking all her monitors. Switching a couple of machines off she turned to the couple with a smile.
"Once the doctor's been in to make sure you're alright, we can discharge you. As long as we know you'll look after yourself and you know how much medication to take, then there's no reason you have to stay in another night."
Sara felt like hugging the woman, but instead, she gave her a warm smile and snuggled into Grissm.
"Let's get outta here."
She grinned, slowly sitting up and swinging her legs over the side of the bed.
"Whoa, hang on there Sara. Once the doctor's given the all-clear, then you can bolt out of here."
The nurse laughed, before disappearing out of the door and reappearing ten minutes later with the doctor.

A half hour later, the doctor was convinced enough to let Sara sign herself out. She had the medication, and the support from Grissom gave her all the stregth she needed.
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