Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella giggled a bit. "Well, aren't you going to do it?" she asked him with a sarcastic smile on her face. She didn't really expect him to, she was just joking around. They walked out to the car. "I'm not driving." she told him.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom smiled. "You're coming to stay with me, no questions asked. I'm going to take time off work and look after you" He said softly, cuddling close to her. "Why don't you try and get some sleep" He whispered.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara looked up at him.
"You don't have to have time off, Grissom! I'd understand, really."
She said, touched by his offer as she revelled in his arms around her.
"You and you're work - I didn't think anyone could part you from it."
She joked, tracing idle patterns on his chest.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"When I'm not driving" he replied. "So I don't risk joining Lindsay anytime soon...or putting you in there" he replied. Then when they got out, he did it, leaning over to give her a kiss. "That was nice" he said, feeling a little tingle.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella felt a tingle go down her spine when their lips ever so lightly touched. She stood there, mezmorized for a bit before being able to move again. She looked up at the diner. "This place looks nice." she said as she held Mac's hand, subconciously again.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom alughed, she knew him too well. "Then I'll cut my hours down, work at home mostly. We have a wonderfull invention called the cell phone now" He said with a smile as he placed a soft kiss on the top of her head
Re: Crime Of Passion

Mac noticed but said nothing, though he enjoyed it. "Yeah...You know, one of these days when we get home, I should have you come over and let me do the cooking...let us have a break from takeout for a change. Or what about got any tasty Greek recipies to try on me?" he said with a laugh.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella took him as seriously as she could about the whole Greek recepe thing. "I've got a whole years worth of recepies up my sleeve Mac, I'd be glad to make you some." she said with a grin.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Sounds good to me" he replied with a grin. "I know a few Italian...I ever tell you I was half Italian?" he asked.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"You'd...really do that? Grissom, I wouldn't expect you to cut back on working. We're soa like in the work aspect - you can't change workaholics. I'd not hold it against you if you carried on at work. I'm a big girl - I can look after myself...sort of."
She joked, trying to make him see that she didn't want to be all demanding and forceful. She wanted them to be in this relationship wholeheartedly, and she knew that if she was stopped working, or felt obliged to cut back hours, she wouldn't exactly be all chipper about it. She didn't want him to cut back hours and then resent her for it later.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"No Sara" Grissom said sternly. "I'm staying at home and looking after you, don't argue with me I'm not changing my mind" He said, feeling strange to hear those words actually leaving his lips. He was taking time off work? He'd never thought he'd see the day. But then again he never thought he'd see the day that he fall in love either.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara was taken aback by his firmness and determination, but she nodded and after a moment a smile graced her lips.
"It means alot to me."
She said softly, looking up at him and reaching up to caress his cheek. She never thought anyone would be able to coax Grissom into taking time off work. She felt honored to say the least.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella furrowed her eyebrows. "No Mac, I didn't know you were. Maybe you can cook for me too, or maybe we can mix it up a little, you can cook a main dish, and I'll cook a side dish." she thought out loud. "I can't wait to eat though, I'm hungry." she said as they entered the resturaunt. "Two please." she told the waiter.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom smiled and placed his hand over hers. "Well i need you back to full health so who better than to nurse you back to health?" He laughed slightly and pulled her closer.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Oh yeah, and do you have some ulterior motive for wanting me back to full health?"
She smirked, wondering what his reaction to that innuendo would be. She'd always been good at making him flush red, but at the moment, he seemed to be pretty laid back and easy-going. It was weird. This was one of those times where she could act the innocent if he didn't respond, or play it up if he did. She liked teasing him, loving the reactions she got.
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