Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara felt a painful pull in her chest. Her heart was breaking for him. She hated seeing him hurt, and could read the heartbreak in his ice-blue eyes.
"We don't have to have a baby straight away Grissom...if you need time..."
She didn't want to rush into building a family with him - part of her was terrified of the concept, doubting her ability to be a mom. Heck, she couldn't even look after herself, how was she going to look after a child?! But then on the other hand, part of her yearned to have a baby with him, to do all the little things like going to the park as a family, and experiencing all the "firsts" - first sleepless night (not that that would have much afect on her), first smile, first word, first crawl, first step, first day of school and so on. She could make a list of all the firsts she could think of, and it made her heart skip a beat as she imagined them together - a happy family. That would be another first for Sara. She wanted to have a baby, and she wanted to give it the life she'd dreamed of ever since she was old enough to remember.
"I want us to have a family, Grissom..."
She said quietly.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom smiled. "Sara I've had time. Jennifer died about thirty years ago. I ignored how great it felt to love someone just because I knew how hard it was to loose them" He looked up at her, his eyes for the first time melting, flickering with hope. "But that's no way to live, I've discovered that the hard way" He said softly.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara nodded and slowly, almost tentatively, reached up to place a chaste kiss on his lips, letting him know how much she loved him and how desperately she wanted them to be happy.
"So...we're gonna have a baby?"
She smiled a little after pulling back from the kiss. A chill ran through her. It was a daunting prospect, but she was determined to at least try her hardest. That phrase kept repeating in her head though, and that was deterring her happiness from being complete - "all women turn into their mothers". It terrified the hell out of her. She couldn't bear the thought of turning into her mom. The last thing she could remember about her mom was visiting her at the psych ward. Bad idea. She was being restrained and looked so...wild. Sara had never seen her mom again after that. She'd been too scared. She couldn't bear the thought of striking that kind of fear into the heart of her own child. She tried to hide the fear in her eyes, but she knew he could read pretty much everything from her eyes.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom reached down and linked her fingers with his. "Some time in the future, yes" He smiled and nodded gently. Shuffling neaer to her, he wrapped his arms around her and held her close to his chest. "And you'll be a great Mom Sara, I know it" He whispered into her hair as he placed a kiss on her head.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"How did you know I...?"
She cut herself off, shaking her head. She didn't need to ask that. He was so in-tune with her that he seemed to be able to just read her like a book.
"I'm scared I'll turn into my own mom, Grissom...."
Her voice hitched and she was fighting off tears that threatened to overcome her.
"I can't be like her. I just...can't. I wanna be a good mom, but I'm terrified that it'll be a replay of my childhood...and I can hardly look after myself, let alone a baby. We can go slow, right?"
Maybe a baby could come on the scene in a couple of years.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom nodded gently. "Ofcourse we can" He thought for a few seconds. "Do you think your mom could have been a CSI?" He asked, knowing it sounded like a strange question. "Do you think she had what it takes?"
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara hesitated a moment, a little confused by the question. She slowly shook her head.
"No....I don't think so. She wasn't the science type."
She said quietly, wondering what he was getting at.
"My dad couldn't have either...according to my grandmother, I was the only "smart" one for loads of generations. I don't really believe that. I mean, a lot of intelligence is about opportunity. I'm surprised I've got as good a job as I have right now because my parents never pushed me. They were the opposite really - always telling me to chill out and be more laid back. When I got As on my report card, they discarded them. Like my work meant dad told me I should stop trying so hard because they weren't paying for me to go to college or university or anything like that."
She bit her lip, the memories washing over her as she blinked back tears.
"I was determined though. I've always been pretty stubborn."
She managed a small, rueful smile.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom smiled, she'd proved her point well. "Well if neither of your parents could be CSI but you could then whats to say you'll be like them as a parent? You obviously have enough determination to do anything you want" He said with a smile.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara couldn't help the smile that lit her face. He always knew exactly what to say to make her feel better.
"Did I meantion that I love you?"
She said gently, reaching up and running a hand through his hair before pulling him down to kiss his lips tenderly.
"You'll be a great father Grissom. There's noone else I'd want to have a baby with."
And every word of what she said was true. If it hadn't been Grissom, she wouldn't have wanted a baby.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Thanks, Mac," Danny finished before hanging up and heading back into Lindsay's hospital room. When he walked back in, he smiled to her a little bit before telling her about what he learned.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom smiled against her lips and kissed her again. "And there's no one else i would rather have as my babys mommy" He said, laughing slightly. "I love you too Sara" He said softly, looking into her eyes,
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara felt her heart flood with warmth at his words and pulled him onto the bed next to her, snuggling into his hest.
"This is what I've wanted for so long."
She mumbled sleepily, stifling a yawn. The drugs they'd sedated her with earlier were kicking in and she felt drowsy again.
"Can you ask the docotr when I can go home...can I stay with you? Or you can stay at mine...I don't wanna be alone."
She asked, unable to remember if she'd asked that earlier.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"I would be, but only if you're comfortable. I want to see where this could lead, but I only want to do what you're ready for, what you're comfortable with." he said."I don't know...I guess so, as long as Danny's with her. There isn't anything we can do at the moment. And at least she's stable right now." he said.
(Sorry bout that.)
Stella looked at him while he talked on the phone. She didn't take it from him like she had the last time, but she had thought about it. She knew who was on the other end, but wondered what gave him that smile on his face towards the end of the conversation. "So, how is Lindsay doing, and what's with the smile?" she asked. "And yes, I still want to go to dinner."
Re: Crime Of Passion

"That was Danny. She's fine so far...still very hurt, but stable, and actually the doctors are supposed to release her in a day or so. She just needs to take it easy." he said. "The smile...He told me to kiss you for him" he chuckled. "I don't mind doing that anyway." He grinned at her.
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