Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny smiled to her, leaning over and giving her a soft kiss before heading out to ask the doctor when Lindsay could be released.. Given he could find the doctor first. While he was looking, he thought through how to call Mac, for some strange reason. It's not like he had a major confession, but he'd have to ask what Lindsay would be assigned to doing, given that she'd been shot.
Re: Crime Of Passion

(She's.. long gone for tonight o_O; ^_^ I'll give ya somethin' ta do for now.)

Once Danny had learned Lindsay had to stay overnight in the hospital, for safe precaution, Danny stepped outside and decided to call Mac up and give an update. He pulled out his cell phone and punched in his supervisor's number, knowing it by heart now.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Taylor" Mac said, answering, hoping Stella didn't take it over like the last time. Not that he'd minded, really.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Hey, Mac, s'me," Danny said, a small smile coming to his lips even though Mac nor Stella could see it. "Lindsay's awake.. Been awake for about a half hour. I checked with the doctor and he said he wanted to keep Lindsay in for one more night but I'm wonderin' what she's gonna do once she's discharged."
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Well, if we were home, I'd make her take off and then keep her on desk duty for a while, but...I guess it's mostly up to her and how she feels. Naturally I won't let her out in the field, but I'm wondering if there'll be any light work she might be able to help with after she's had a couple days rest." Mac said. "desk work..."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny had began pacing a bit to keep the blood flow going. It may be just the early hours of the morning, but it was still cold as heck. "She can do the paperwork on the case," Danny joked a bit. "What 'bout me, Mac? What would you like me to do?"
Re: Crime Of Passion

(argh I'm stuck...what *should* he have Danny do?)
"Take good care of Lindsey for one..." He sighed "I hadn't really had time to think about it, actually."
Re: Crime Of Passion

(..That's why I asked you.. o_O.. *had just been reading something funny, head having hit the desk and now getting a bump*)

"I plan to do that, no need to tell me twice," Danny laughed lightly. "Well.. When you figure it out, you know where to find me. Are you and Stella gonna come back to the hospital or go to the crime lab?"
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara saw the pain and it shocked her, to say the least. She wondered silently what had happened to this girl he had been in love with. Obviously something had, otherwise his life would be completely different. She could see he was bottling it all up, she she reached up and softly touched his cheek.
"D'you wanna talk about it?"
She asked gently, looking up at him with complete tender love in her eyes. All the times she had wondered why he was so scared of getting into relationships, she had figured there was some kind of trigger. And she'd been right. He'd been burned badly. And so had she. She still had 3rd degree burns from both her childhood and her early adult life. All through her life she'd had more heartache then she thought she could reasonably manage. But she was still standing. She was a fighter and Grissom had told her that that was what he loved about her. It had stuck with her.
Patting the bed, she indicated for him to sit down, and when he did she wrapped her arms around him, reassuring him that she was there for him if he wanted to vent.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"We were going to get some dinner and then we might come back if Lindsay wants us to...otherwise, probably the lab" Mac replied.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"A'right, Mac.." Danny replied. "Give Stella a kiss for me, ah? I owe her," he chuckled. "Call me if ya need me."

(Appologizing for the short posts)
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom sighed. "I was at home one day and two men knocked on my door. They were CSIs. She'd been ran down on the way to class. Witnesses had said it looked like the drivers sped up deliberately. We later found out it was an ex of hers" He looked down at his hands and sighed again. "I guess that's what pushed nme to become a CSI" He said softly.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara placed her hand over his and gently rubbed it reassuringly.
"I'm sorry Grissom."
She said genuinely. She could see how much this was paining him. She was actually finding out about his past, and it explained quite a few things really. Just like she was sure her past explained alot of things about her, in his opinion.
"She must have been a really special far gone was she?"
She didn't know if she should ask, but she had found during her counselling (sp) that it helped to talk things out. She'd been unwilling at first, but as soon as she'd started to let people help her, all her pain and torment that she'd hidden over the years was finally free and came flooding out in torrents. It had been building up and just getting harder to hide in her everday life, and the only route she'd been able to escape it with was...well, the scars on her wrists were what she'd been driven to many times. As well as the alcohol.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"4 weeks" Grissom said quietly. "We hadn't even chosen a name, we hadn't even told anyone. I didn't want to have to put "Jennifer and child" on the headstone so I named her Maria. Jennifer said she had the strongest feeling it was going to be a girl" He smiled slightly, but it was a pained smile.
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