Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny smiled. "There's no reason to give up.. There's always someone or something waiting for you no matter what happens," he said to neither him or Lindsay, but almost like a piece of advice to follow.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindasy smiled and nodded. She thought about what he had said. "It was you." she told him. She watched as he gave her a confused look. "When I was dying, that's all I saw, I saw you. It was like God's reminder that someone cared for me."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny grinned a bit when the confusion passed, gazing at her. "It's not just me though.. Mac and Stella were worried. They came in right after you fell asleep."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay gazed up at them. "They did?" she asked with a smile. "I guess more people cared then I thought." she told him. "It feels good to have people like you guys."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny chuckled. "They did stop by, yes.. They decided to head out though to leave us to rest.. Give them an update later."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom sighed deeply not knowing what else to say. He ran a hand through his hair and stood up. He hesistated between running for the door or going and holding Sara. Taking a deep breath he spoke quietly. "Do you think I'd make a good dad?" He asked, his eyes pained and sorrowful.
Re: Crime Of Passion

She hesitated before answering.
"I don't know. Would you stick around?"
She asked, not meaning to sound that harsh.
"But it's one thing I'm terrified of Grissom - being a mom. I've always feared that if I ever became a mom I'd turn into mine...I can't turn into my mom....maybe I'm just not meant to have kid. I had a miscarriage once...."
She cut herself off, her hand flying to her mouth as her eyes grew wide. She hadn't meant to let that slip.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom nodded gently and sat down next to her again, placing his hand over hers. "I know how it feels" He whispered softly. His eyes looked up at her and they locked, both so sorrowful and weak, but finding comfort in the way the others matched.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara felt a little relief that he hadn't walked out and left her on her own.
"Grissom, I love you. And if you want kids, then...we can have kids. I'm just scared is all."
She said quietly, squeezing his hand a little before letting her eyes close. A sigh escaped her lips and she opened her eyes again, all the pain and fear and hope showing clearly in her eyes.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay nodded. She was glad that she had some visitors. She was even happier that Danny was with her while she was here. Now that she had beat the odds though, she was exhausted and just wanted to go home. "When do you think they'll let me go home?" Linds asked, knowing that she might have to stay overnight again. "And if they don't let me leave, you're making a trip to McDonalds or something because I'm not eating the hospital food." she said stubbornly.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"I need you to understand me Sara" Grissom said softly looking up at her. He took a deep breath and looked down. "I've only ever been in love once before and well...I mlost her. It makes you scared, scared of giving your herat out like that again incase it gets broken just like it did before" He voice was broken and pained as he but his lip gently.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"I know what it's like to have your heart heart broken, believe me. You know I do. We can take it as slow as you like. You know now so I may as well tell you. I thought I was in love. But I wasn't. The guy slept with me and when I woke up he was gone...and I was pregnant. I've always had issues with trust and that really set me back. When I had a miscarriage...I didn't feel a thing. I was hurt because it was a baby, but I knew that it hadn't come from love. Our baby...I couldn't be more in love Grissom."
She said ently. She didn't know how he'd react to hear that she'd been pregnant before.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom nodded slightly and felt tears ting his eyes again slightly. "I was almost a Dad once" He admitted quietly. "I was in love with her, she had this spirit, a determination in everything she did" A familiar smile crept to his lips. That had been what had first drawn him to Sara. That flicker of determination behind her eyes reminded him of her. "We were in college, sweethearts really. We moved in together. I gave my heart away. She found out she was pregnant, it wasn't planned but we were happy" His eyes suddenly clouded over,becoming to pained to speak.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny chuckled when Lindsay said that. "If you want, I can go see how long they want to keep you. Though, if they release you today, I suspect Mac'll wanna talk to you about it and about resrictions," he replied to her with a small smile. "Can ya hold tight for a couple minutes?" he asked, standing and stretching out his legs and back.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay sighed at the mention of restrictions. She didn't want to be restricted from her work, and she sure as hell didn't want to do paperwork. "Yeah, I can sit tight for a few." she told him as she crossed her arms over her chest, being stubborn about missing work.
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