Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny let out a somewhat relieved sigh, soon closing his eyes as he sat there. He began to think what happened but a moment later found himself dozing off. Today had been a long, stressful day, and was happy that Lindsay was okay at the least.

((u_u my hands are tired from RPing in the other thread so I'm going to rest from this one for a bit))
Re: Crime Of Passion

(That's actually quite alright with me)
As it would turn out, Lindsay beat the odds, she stayed asleep the whole night, and woke up the next morning, although she didn't open her eyes until about ten minutes after she woke up.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"How can you say that Sara?" Grissom replied, raising his voice a little. "How can you wish a baby dead? We work with death every day and you wish it on yourself?I'm getting older Sara, who knows if I'll ever become a father. But I'm damn sure my time to be one is running out. Do you think I don't wanna be a dad?" His voice broke slightly on the last sentence as he looked at her searchingly.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"I don't wish anyone dead! Especially not our child! But I know what you'd have done if I hadn't lost the baby."
She looked away from him. This was tearing her apart...tearing them both apart.
"You'd have freaked out. Hell, a sleeping with me was a big enough responsibility for you to get cold feet and break it off! So don't even try to tell me you'd have been thrilled that I was pregnant because that's a lie."
She was getting choked up again and she pulled her knees up to her chest, hugging them tightly.
"If you seriously want to be a father and you're not gonna leave me because you get second thoughts at the last minute...we can try..."
She looked down at her knees and rested her head on them. She was both emotionally and physically exhausted.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Mac found himself chuckling at Danny's comment. He was still concerned for Lindsay but glad she was fighting hard. "Exploring...I like that" he said to Stella when they got outside.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella blushed a little. "Well...I didn't want to exactly call us a couple yet unless you and I were both comfortable with it." she paused for a minute. "You think it's alright to go to dinner?" she asked, looking into Lindsay's room.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny was dozing peacefully albeit a little uncomfortable in the chair beside Lindsay's bed. His glasses had been rediscarded onto the table and his hand never once left Lindsay's as they both slept there, and it was just about a long needed sleep at that. Danny's mind began to twist what happened at the perp's place from memory into a dream, different variables changing along with their outcomes.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay finally found the strength to open her eyes. She didn't realize what had happened yesterday until she looked at Danny. She felt a smile creep onto her face as she looked at their hands. She shook his hand a little. "Danny." she called softly. "Danny, do you want to come lay up here with me?" she asked, seeing it was probably not too comfortable in the chair.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Hnn?" Danny's eyes slowly opened, looking over to her. His mind had just finished running a 'senario' that had him calling for backup and Lindsay didn't get shot. Danny was soon wishing he had called for backup, still mentally berating himself. "I'm okay for now.." he told her in a sleepy tone, shifting a bit.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"I would be, but only if you're comfortable. I want to see where this could lead, but I only want to do what you're ready for, what you're comfortable with." he said."I don't know...I guess so, as long as Danny's with her. There isn't anything we can do at the moment. And at least she's stable right now." he said.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay looked to him sleepily. "Are you sure Danny? There's room up here, and you know you like being next to pretty little country girls." she joked, trying to enlighten her position a bit. "Especially ones that you have quite a thing for." she said with a wink.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny rubbed his eyes a little before looking to her, smiling a little. "For now, I'm sure.. I might take you up on it later though," he replied to her with a grin.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay smiled and nodded. "Okay." she told him as she sat up in the pillows a bit. "I beat the odds Danny, they told me that I might not have made it through the night, I think having you here helped." she said.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny smirked a bit. "I was sayin' to the intern.. I'd rather have forty-sixty than ten-ninety," he told her before letting her hand go for a moment to stand up and stretch.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay nodded. "Well, either way, there was still a good chance of me not making it through. I have to say I'm pretty poud of myself for making it through." she said with a smile.
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