Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny basically clung to Stella, almost like an anchor. He began to cry, sobs wraking through his whole body and making it shake. "I was so stupid, Stella.. It is my fault. If I had called for backup and followed protocol, this might not have happened. It's all my fault, I'm so sorry," Danny told her, his hand moving up to remove his glasses, but his hands were shaking too bad to even get a grip.
Re: Crime Of Passion

It was then that the doctors got her heart rate steady. Dr. Bourke came out, with a smile on his face. "Guys, she pulled through last minute, she's going to be okay." he told them. They looked upset. "I'm sorry for the scare, she's even awake." he said happily.

Stella's heart was lifted. "See Danny? She's okay." Stella said as she clung to him. "She's gonna be okay Danny, she fought for you."

"You can go see her if you'd like." the doctor said.

"Go on Danny." Stel said as she gave him a kiss on the forehead and sent him off. She immidiatly clung to Mac. "God I was so scared." she whispered to him.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny pulled himself together as best he could before he went in to see Lindsay. His eyes were still watery as he walked over to her. "Lindsay.."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay was a little out of it, but her eyes were open, and she smiled when he entered the room. She was aware that her heart had given out on her, but she had fought so hard. She fought hard for him so that they could spend the rest of their lives together. "Danny." she said in a whisper as she looked up to him.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Tears began streaming down his face again as he took her hand in his again, squeezing it gently. "How ya holdin' up..?"
Re: Crime Of Passion

Tears also were coming down Lindsay's face when she saw him. "I'm doing okay." she told him. "I tried Danny, I fought so hard." she said with a cracky voice. "I'm so sorry, I tried."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny smiled softly, gently rubbing the tears from her face. "It's okay.. Don't appologize.. You're still here," he told her softly. "Lindsay.. Sleep for me, please? Get your rest and build up your energy. You need it." Danny was relieved she had replied to him, happy to hear she was okay all concidered.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay nodded and wiped the tears away from his face in return. "Okay." she told him as she let her hand rest there a little longer than needed. "Danny?" she asked, pausing. "Kiss me first?"
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny smiled softly, leaning down and gently pressing his lips to her's in a soft kiss. Danny gently let his hand run through her hair for a moment, not caring that Mac and Stella were just outside the room.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay smiled through his lips. She felt amazing every time he kissed her. Out of all the places that she had been, every smile was a new horizon on a land she'd never see. Danny was that smile. Her reason to live. She pulled away slightly and gazed into his eyes. "That's more than enough to live for, just one more kiss, one more smile, one more glance, it's all I need." she told him.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny smiled at Lindsay's words, gently caressing her cheek before kissing her forehead. "Sleep, Lindsay.. For me, please?" he asked her with a soft smile.
Re: Crime Of Passion

(Thank god Danny and Lindsay are happy in this one lol)

Lindsay nodded and turned on her side, getting comfortable. After a few minutes, her breathing evened out, and she had fallen asleep, just like she was told.
Re: Crime Of Passion

(Quite the contrast isn't it?)

Danny smiled softly when Lindsay had fallen asleep. He sat back down in the chair after righting it again, sitting back before looking over to Stella and Mac. He held up his hand, giving the okay sign.
Re: Crime Of Passion

(It's like complete opposites lol)
Stella smiled and walked into the room, dragging Mac with her. "How is she?" she asked, concerned for her friend.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"She's okay all concidered. She's a fighter," Danny replied to Stella with a weak smile. "I got her to get some rest at least."
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