Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

(......sorry Laruen *bows*)
The nurse nodded. "Yeah, she's a fighter though, just keep her going, give her something to live for." she said. "The woman in the next room was just proposed to, sort of a bribe to get her to fight against cancer, it's funny what people will do when faced with death." the doctor said as she placed her chart on the table and then left the room.
Stella smirked to him. "You got it Mac." she said with a smile as they approached the hospital.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Mac smiled back as he suffered through paying for a visitor parking pass and snaking through the garage looking for a place. "Just as bad as the one back home" he grumbled, finally finding one to pull into and killing the engine.
Re: Crime Of Passion

((lol - yeah, him and Steven Fry used to be a double act and they rocked. I'm in love with Hugh Laurie's acting etc. Not in the crush-love way but in the awe-love lol))
Re: Crime Of Passion


Danny smiled weakly to the nurse, nodding a bit. He watched as the woman left before turning his attention back to Lindsay, squeezing her hand gently. "We'll both be fine.." he said quietly.

((So do I, Cordelia :D))
Re: Crime Of Passion

(In otherwords *Bows to you*)

Lindsay had heard him say nothing to the nurse reguarding the fact that they weren't married. It gave her a sort of new strength. She squeazed his hand a little harder this time, and flickered her eyes open real fast, before losing the strength to keep them open.
Re: Crime Of Passion

(I know that.. But why??? o_O)

Danny felt Lindsay's hand squeeze his again, smiling a bit and reaching over to stroke her cheek. "Sleep Lindsay.. Save your strength.. I'm here to stay," he told her quietly.
Re: Crime Of Passion

(No that was my fault, sorry.)
Lindsay took the strength to shake her head. "No." she said. "Fight."
Stella hopped out of the car and ran around to the other side, grabbing Mac's hand. "Come on." she said as she pulled him into the hospital.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny smiled almost sadly. Honestly, the best thing for Lindsay to do was rest, but he wasn't about to start a fight with her. Not with her in this state. "If you feel it's best for now," he said.
Re: Crime Of Passion

(NP) Mac followed her, hoping Lindsey was all right. After losing Aiden and almost losing Flack, he didn't need another lost team member.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay held his hand tight. She rolled her head to the side, and then felt weak again. She tried to stay awake, but she ended up just working herself up. Her heartrate went up, and she was starting to sweat. "I can't..." she whispered.
Stella went to the desk and asked for Lindsay's room. The woman pointed to the room. Stella dragged Mac, and looked in the window. She saw that Lindsay was with Danny. "Let's give them a few minutes." she said.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Mac nodded, concerned by the look Lindsay had...she didn't look good, he thought.

(drat I have to remember the AY thing...EY is Cath's daughter and I keep forgetting, though there's definately no question who it is, unlike the other game. That was confusing lol)
Re: Crime Of Passion

(Actually.. They are both spelt AY.. o_O)

Danny gently kissed the back of Lindsay's hand, oblivious to the fact that Mac and Stella were behind him. Danny reached out and ran a hand through Lindsay's hair again. "Linds, please rest. Sleep is the best thing for your body to heal and stress is the worst."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom didn't know what to say. He fiddeled with the hem of his shirt and sighed. "I don't hate you Sara" He said, quietly, weakly. "It's just alot to process"
Re: Crime Of Passion

"I'm so stupid...oh God...Gil, I-I killed a baby...I killed our baby..."
It was too much to process for her too. She didn't know if she was going to get through this. She couldn't bear it if he looked at her with that sadness in his eyes for all the time they were together. Even if he didn't, she knew she'd still see it. She felt evil. She felt like one of the murderers they put away every single day.
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