Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

"I know!" Grissom said, snapping slightly. "No need to keep repeating it, I heard you the first time" He looked as shocked as she was by his outburst. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed deeply.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay shook her head. She just didnt' want to fight anymore. She didn't see what there was to fight for. "I don't want to fight." she told him. "It hurts too much."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara shrank back into the bed. She wouldn't blame him right now if he wished her dead. Heck, she was still at that stage. She'd thought she could get through almost dying herself, but to find out that her child had died because of something she'd done sent her back to hating herself. She realized she wasn't breathing as she pulled the covers up to her chin, blotting out tears as they fell silently. She didn't know what to say to him to make him see how sorry she was, how unbearable evil she felt.
"I should have died...I wouldn't have to put everyone I love through this then..."
She whispered to herself, her inner voice escaping her lips.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny sighed weakly. "Lindsay, don't give up completely.. Don't give up on me," he told her. "Please.. Don't do this to us," he soon said in almost a pleading voice. "Lindsay, we're going to make it through this."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay squeazed a tear out of her eye. "Danny, it hurts." she told him as she tossed a little bit under the sheets.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom shook his head, something inside of him had snapped. "Stop feeling so damn sorry for yourself Sara, that's what got us into this mess. I love you ok? Now stop making it worse for me and stop talking like that. Don't you think this is hard on me too? But unlike you I don't try to take the easy way out" He felt crushed but he hadn't meant to be so hard on her.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Every word Grissom said was like a bullet to the heart. That had stung. She could see he was upset, and so was she. Fighting over it, taking it out on her - even though it was her fault really - wasn't making things any better.
"You're not the one that's gonna have to live with it for the rest of your life!"
She cried hoarsely, hardly any more then a whimper as she sank down further into the bed. She just wanted this to all be over. She felt sick and hurt and like she'd never pull through. She'd been depressed before, and she knew that was what this was leading to. She could only take so much. And she couldn't promise that she wouldn't try to take her own life again if things didn't get better. The counsellors always said to "work through" the problems, but what if those problems just kept coming and coming until you felt like you couldn't breathe? That's exactly how Sara felt at this moment. Grissom had never yelled at her before, not like he just did. It scared her, and hurt.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay.. Please don't say those words.. Danny thought to himself. "I know it does, and I wish I could take that pain away but I can't. Lindsay, I love you.. Don't give up," he pleaded with her. "Stay with me please.. Don't leave me." Danny's hands were tightly wrapped around hers as he gazed at her.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Oh really?" Grissom said as he stood up, laughing bitterly. "You don't think i blame myself for all this? I pushed you away Sara! Goddamn it! This is my fault ok, now stop moping around and get yourself better!"
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay started to lightly sob. She wanted to just give up, and take the easy way out. She wanted the pain to go away. "I love you Danny, I'm sorry." she said as she passed out, and her heart flatlined........
(bum bum bum)
Re: Crime Of Passion

"You wouldn't have wanted a baby anyway Grissom!"
She cried angrily, her voice a touch higher then usual.
"You would have backed off and put your walls up again! I'm not stupid, I know you! You don't realize how much you hurt when you do that! So maybe I do feel like a murderer - but maybe it's better that the baby will never be born!"
She meant it, but she didn't mean for it to come out like that. It was her emotions taking over again and she feared that he'd walk out on her right there and then. If he did, she wasn't sure he'd come back.
She'd always imagined having a family with him, getting married and having that perfect little fairytale life. But she knew fairytales weren't real, that they never happened in real life. Well, not in her real-life anyway. She had long resigned herself to the fact that she would never be a mother, and probably never get married. Grissom wasn't the marrying type and how could she marry anyone else when her heart was so lost on him?

((Everyone's dying!! lol))
Re: Crime Of Passion

(*nose crinkles* ..>.<)

Danny's hand flew out and hit the emergency call button on the wall. He stood up so fast that the chair behind him toppled back onto the floor, his hand tighting on Lindsay's. "Lindsay! Oh God... Lindsay!" he called out loudly. He was desperately hoping this was all a bad dream. When the doctors rushed in, Danny fought tooth and nail to stay in but he eventually wound up on the floor in the hallway, nursing his shoulder, and effectively locked out. "Goddamn it!" he screamed.
Re: Crime Of Passion

In the room, doctors tried desperately to get her back. Eventually, it got to the point where they sent the intern out again to tell him that she was dead.

"Sir.....she didn't make it." she announced sadly.

But back in the room, the doctor tried one last thing. No one even knew what he was doing, but whatever he did, it worked. That's good old Dr. Bourke for ya. Lindsay's heart started to pump again. No one made a move to go tell Danny though, they had a pulse, but it was very slow, and they needed to get it up.
(oh I'm in such an evil mood....:devil:)
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny stared at the intern before looking over to Stella and Mac with a horrified yet upset expression. He couldn't believe that had happened, what he just heard. "Mac.. Stel.. I didn't.. I.. I'm sorry," he finally got out, his voice cracking a bit. "I didn't call for back up.. it was a stupid mistake. And that mistake killed her.. I'm sorry.." Danny soon got up from nearly lying on the floor to on his knees in front of Stella and Mac, his eyes beginning to have tears run down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry.."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella's jaw dropped when the intern told them that. It felt like someone had just punched her in the stomach. "Oh my God." she breathed. She then looked down at Danny, who was apologizing. She pulled him up and into a hug. "It's not your fault Danny, it's not your fault." she looked to Mac, a tear rolling down her cheek. "I know it doesn't feel like it, but everything is going to be okay." she said. She had to stay strong for Danny, like she always did for everyone else. She wished she didn't have that responsibility, she wished she could vent to someone, but she never seemed to be able to.
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