Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

((U watch Grey's Anatomy? :lol:))

Sara was crying softly now. Why was all this happening to them? She felt like if her heart broke anymore it would surely kill her. She never thought anyone could really die from a broken heart but she now knew how it felt.
She turned back over slowly to face him, her eyes red and her cheeks stained with tears. He looked so...confused. And she was scared.
"Grissom...say something....please, d-don't hate me."
She whimpered brokenly, wanting to reach for him, wanting to hide in his arms and feel that safety he brought her. She just wanted to hear him tell her everything would be okay...basically, she wanted him to lie to her.

((Right, I'm oficially an angst-whore lol!!!))
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Forty-sixty.. I'll take those odds anyday.." Danny said quietly, sounding as if he'd spaced out for a moment. "Th..Thank you," he soon said to the intern before going back into Lindsay's room and going over to her. Danny picked up her hand gently and held it, softly whispering to her. "Hey Linds.. Stop giving me so many scares.." he said with a weak laugh.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Even though Lindsay was still pretty out of it, she could still hear him. She wanted to tell him that it would be okay, and that she would fight for him, and to tell him that she was sorry, but she wasn't awake enough to. The only thing she could do right now was squeaze his hand, almost lifelessly. She wondered if he felt it at all.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny took a seat in the chair next to her, gently running his thumb over her knuckles. "Sleep.. I'll be here when you wake up.." he told her quietly, reaching out to stroke her hair for a moment. "If not.. Stella probably forced me out to talk with her and Mac."
Re: Crime Of Passion

((Hehehe, it's my other obsession - along with CSI and House lol. I love GEORGE! He's my baby!!! Bless, I couldn't stop laughing when he got syphillis!! lmfao!!))

((Oh...that was really off-topic....don't get me started on Grey's - I totally love it. As does my mom. She starts whining when it goes off. I'm gonna get her a boxset lol))
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay did as she was told. A smile smile found it's way to her face when Danny started to stroke her hair. She found being with him right now very comforting, and she was happy to be with him. Just then, a nurse walked in. She took one look at Danny and assumed the same thing the intern had. "So I'm guessing you're her husband?" she asked as she walked in. "Lindsay is doing good for right now, her blood pressure is a little low, but that is to be expected."
Re: Crime Of Passion

((House? Did someone say HOUSE?! *is immediately in tune with the conversation*))

Danny smiled a bit when he saw Lindsay's own smile. He soon sat back and looked up at the nurse. Danny figured he was going to get that a lot, so he just gave up on correcting right then and there. "I was told by one of your interns that the bullet infected an artery?"
Re: Crime Of Passion

((Yep I certianly did. Three shows I watch religiously - CSI, House and Grey's. LOVE all of em. Got my mom hooked on Grey's and the folks got me hooked on House. I just love Hugh Laurie. He's a legend))
Re: Crime Of Passion

"What happened?" Mac asked. "I know it was Danny, but then you cut in and I didn't hear. But, you were right, we don't need me having an accident."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella was worried now. "Lindsay's hurt." she said, in a scared tone. "Head for the hospital."
(I LOVE Dr. BOURKE! I know he's not the hottest one on the show and all, but I loved his whole speech with Christina....."You are a slob, and you are stubborn and ignorant, but I love you lol" "I just sold my apartment.......")
Re: Crime Of Passion

((lol. My mom always swoons over Burke lol. I love Dr. McDreamy aka Derek - he's HOT! lol. But I love George too, cos he's so darn adorable!! I swear I'll get back on-topic when Saranna replies lol))
Re: Crime Of Passion

"All right. In that case I really didn't need an accident" he sighed. One CSI in the hospital was bad enough without the team leader joining her for cell phone distraction. "How bad is it? Do you know?" he asked.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella shook her head. "I don't know. Danny just said that she was shot, he said that she was okay, but I just want to make sure."
Re: Crime Of Passion

(Hugh Laurie is a legend O.O He can hide his British accent so well, you'd never think he had one! I almost thought he was American until I remembered he played Stuart Little's father. o_o)

**Jess you forgot me, dammit >.<
Re: Crime Of Passion

"I see. I do hope she's okay" Mac said. "By the way, just consider dinner postponed, as long as she's not too bad. I still don't want to pass up an opportunity like that" He smiled.
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