Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny was about to tell Mac what happened when Stella spoke afterwards. "Stella?! You in Vegas?!" Danny asked, his eyebrows shooting up. "Agh.. explain to me later.. But reason why I called was because Lindsay was shot at a scene. We were arresting a perp - we got him - but Linds was shot in the process." Danny took a moment to take in a deep breath, wondering what Stella was going to say. "She's awake and fine, so don't worry too much. I'm down at the hospital visiting her."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom nodded and stood up. He leant down and kissed her cheek. "I'll be right outside" He said softly before turning and walking away. A thousand thoughts ran through his mind. Was she sick? had they discovered some uncurable disease? Why did everything seem so set against them? he thought with a sigh as he leant against the wall.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella laughed a bit at Danny's reaction. Then when she heard that Lindsay was shot, her face fell. "Oh my god. Mac, hang a right." she said as she shot a glance at him. "Danny, we'll be right there." she said, shutting the phone before he had time to say otherwise.

Lindsay looked up at Danny, waiting for him to get off the phone. Damn, she wanted to just squeaze him right now, but she knew that would hurt too much.
Re: Crime Of Passion

The doctor told her everything. And she felt physically sick. How could it have happened?! She felt disgusting - she felt like she had gone against everything she ever believed in.
When the doctor left her alone and told Grissom he could go back in, she sat there in bed, staring straight ahead. Her eyes were full of tears she couldn't cry and she felt numb.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny frowned, pulling the phone from his ear and looking at it. "Well goodbye to you too," he said, hanging the phone up. "I have a feeling Stella is overreacting.. You feel okay, right Linds?" he asked, returning to her side a moment later.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom walked back into the room and took a seat at the end of the bed. His eyes studied her for a few seconds before speaking. "What did he say Sara?" He asked, his voice gentle and soft as he placed his hand on her leg. The silence was uncomfortable. "Sara? Talk to me pleas!" He spoke again, his voice soft but determined.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay was beginning to believe that that was an understatement. She felt pain. It wasn't just subtle pain either, it was immense pain, she just didn't show it. She went to move, but it must have struck a nerve or something. Or at least that was what she thought. Her heart monitors started beeping vigorously and Lindsay was now crying with pain. Doctors rushed in, forcing Danny out of the room and sedating Lindsay. They couldn't even move her to an OR, it was so bad, that they had to find out what was going on in that same room. It didn't take long to find out the problem, since doctors knew where to look.

A few minutes later, one of the interns came out of the room. "Are you Lindsay's husband?" Since Danny had been the first one to show up, she had assumed they were married.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"I...oh God I'm a murderer..."
She whimpered, covering her face with her hands whilst the tears still refused to free themselves. She was choked up and had never felt so guilty before.
"I killed our...."
She couldn't manage to finish her sentence before a sob wracked her body and the tears finally flooded. She turned over and buried her head in her pillow, her body trembling as she cried. She couldn't look at him. She felt like he'd blame her.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom furrowed his brow as he frowned. What the hell was she talking about? He stroked her leg gently, trying to soothe her. "What do you mean Sara?" He asked softly, his heart breaking as he watched her sob.
Re: Crime Of Passion

(*jaw drops* Sara and Grissom had a child?!?! @_@ My Lord..)

Danny was trying to fight back to get into the room, but soon gave in, taking to pacing in the halls. When the intern came out, Danny looked over to her. Danny was about to answer yes, but thought against it. "Co-worker. We're from outta town," he replied, his New York accent giving that away. "What happened? Is Lindsay okay?"
Re: Crime Of Passion

"I was...I was having our baby!"
She sobbed. She was ready for him to walk out, to never speak to her again and see her for the murderer she felt like she was.
"I was pregnant! I killed our baby..."
Her voice cracked and she could speak no more, her heart aching so much for the life she'd destroyed that it felt like it was going to burst. She'd tried to kill herself and instead had ended up just killing the inncent life she hadn't known was inside her.
Re: Crime Of Passion

(Aweh, Danny so wants to marry her.... lol)
The intern sighed. "We don't know. We looked further into it and found that the bullet infected one of her majior artories. We've treated her with antibiotics, but we're not sure if they will help or not. She might not make it through the night." she said. "I'm sorry, you can go see her now, she still a little drowsy from the sedatives, but you might be able to get some kind of response out of her." she said.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom looked down at his hands, trying to process what she'd said. She was having his baby? He shook his head gently, this was too much for him to take in.

(sorry if my replies are getting shorter and shorter, I'm tired and full of cold)
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny's eyes widened a bit when the intern said that, looking over to stare inside the slightly open door of Lindsay's room. "Do you have the bullet?" he asked. In the back of Danny's mind, he knew Mac was going to kill him for not taking backup. It was a stupid rookie mistake.
Re: Crime Of Passion

The intern nodded. "I can get Dr. Bailey to send it to you." she said with a nod. "Well, sir, you're chances of Lindsay surviving are better than we have seen before. Usually there is a 10% chance that they'll make it through the night, but Lindsay's percentage is 40."
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