Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

"You did great, Lindsay.." Danny soon said, smiling a little more. Glad to hear Lindsay had fought. "Thank you.."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay smiled up at him, glad that he was thankful for her. She wasn't about to leave this world without exploring what it was that she felt for him. She might get married to him one day, and she wasn't about to give that to another girl. She wasn't about to let some other woman have her way with him when it should be Lindsay that he spends the rest of her life with. "Well, I can't let you go off with another woman now, can I?" she asked with a small smile.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom soon found himself closing his eyes too, the days events finally taking their toll on him. Holding her close to him he let himself slip into a strange broken sort of sleep. He felt a little more relaxed than before. She had a long way to go but atleast she was alive and that's all that mattered to him
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny laughed softly at what Lindsay had said. "You're too cute, Montana.. Even if you're in a hospital with a bullet wound," he said to her. "Hey, I have a question.. Do you want me to phone up Mac and and tell him what happened? Or do you want to wait for a bit to hear what the doctors say about your release date?"
Re: Crime Of Passion

Catherine popped her head in to see how they were doing, having heard the hysterics that had occured, and a smile lit her face when she saw how perfect they looked. Sara was wrapped in Grissom's arms and he was holding her protectively. Cath's heart warmed at the sight. She left them alone to go and call Warrick with an update.

Sara was actually relaxed, and it was all thanks to being in Grissom's arms. He made her feel so safe, so loved, and she never wanted him to let go.
It was two hours later when she woke up. Seeing Grissom was still asleep, she just watched him. She didn't want to disturb him. Not that he looked peaceful, but because she could see emotion crossing his face every now and then and it intrigued her as to what he was dreaming of. She fell in love with him all over again as she just watched him sleep.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay shrugged. She forgot that she had to tell Mac about it. "You could call him I guess, my guess is he's going to want to come in here though if you call's up to you." she told him.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom woke with a start. He jumped slightlyas his dreams slid away. What the hell? He scanned the room quickly. Sara? She was... He breathed a sigh of relief as he looked down into his arms and saw her looking up at him. Sara was safe. He leant down and kissed her gently, letting heart rate steady again. "Sleep well?" He asked softly.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Me too" Mac replied to Stella. "Because I sort of like the way it's feeling." (do we have them get a call about our wounded one?)
Re: Crime Of Passion

She nodded and reached up to gently caress his cheek, seeing the fear he'd awoken with.
"I just wanna get out of here."
She said gently, before searching his eyes and trying to recognize his fear.
"Gil...what's wrong?"
She asked with tender emotion in her voice, moving close to him and wrapping her arms about his waist. She was due to get all her test results back today, or at least some of them. Little did they know that one of those results would be a hard blow for both of them...

(mwahahaha I love all this suspense :devil:)
Re: Crime Of Passion

((Gawd dammit, Codelia! I already thought Sara died, before! You had me thinking so at least.. >.<))

Danny looked at Lindsay for a while before sighing. "He's our supervisor, he has to be informed of things like this," he soon said. Danny stood up straight, motioning for a minute and going over to use the room phone to call Mac. What he didn't know was Stella had flown into Vegas as well so he didn't think twice about phoning Mac.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella just smiled at him. She noticed that they were driving and his phone had rang. Stella snatched it from him. "Mac, you're driving." she told him. When she got a wierd look from him she smiled at him. "I'm just looking out for our safety." she said with a shrug. She looked down at the phone and saw that it was Danny. "Hey Dan, what's up?" she asked.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom took a few deep breaths. "Just a bad dream" He said, shrugging slightly. Part of his dream was a reality but atleast the part that scared him most had not happened, even if they had just come really to close for comfort. He kissed her cheek gently. "You look alot better this morning" He said, smiling a little.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Thanks. I feel alot better. When do you think they'll let me out?"
She asked hopefully, knowing it wouldn't be today. She'd nearly died, twice, for heaven's sake! Yet she wanted to just get back on her feet and get on with life. Typical Sara Sidle.
Before he could answer, the doctor came into the room, knocking lightly on the door. The srious, almost grave, look on the woman's face scared Sara. It was bad news with one of the tests, she could tell.
"Sir, I think it's best if I talk to Ms. Sidle alone just for a moment."
She said softly, looking down at her paper that had the results written on them.
Sara's stomach did somersaults and her eyes darted from the doctor to Grissom.
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