Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara grasped his hand and shook her head fearfully.
"I don't wanna close my eyes...they'll get me..."
She whispered, her terror showing clearly in her eyes. The doctors filtered out slowly, unsure as to whether she was mentally stable enough to be alone with someone who didn't know how to administer the sedatives if needed.
"Please don't let them get me..."
A sob wracked her body and she clung to his hand, her only pillar of physical support.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny still hadn't looked up, mumbling to himself again. "Oh, Lindsay, I just hope you're going to be okay.." he said quietly, his voice telling that he was extremely upset, even if his constant rubbing of his eyes to remove his tears didn't say that all ready.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom sighed and stood up. He sat on the edge of her bed and swung his legs up so that he was lying next to her. He then wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. It's ok Sar, I'm right here. You can ever feel me when you close you're eyes can't you" He said quietly.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsays face was almost completely soaked with tears. She found the strength to lift her hand and place it over his. She swallowed hard, wondering if he meant that as a friend or if he really loved her. She wished she could just jump into his mind so that she knew for sure that he did, but if there was one thing that she learned when she was working for the New York crime lab, it was that people lie, and some people were really good liars. She knew in her heart that Danny wasn't one of those people, but her mind had her doubts.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara nodded a little and hesitantly closed her eyes. After a moment when she was sure nothing was going to drag her out of consciousness for good, she relaxed in his arms a little. She didn't dream this time, she just rested. It was what she needed, even though she was so reluctant because of what closing her eyes could mean. When she was little it had meant that she could dream of having parents that loved her and it made her numb to the beatings. But now it reacreated all of that when she closed her eyes. She didn't let go of Grissom's hand, part of her mind staying completely conscious so that she could pull herself into the world again if she got scared.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny's head shot up at Lindsay's touch, looking at her hand before following along her arm to her eyes. His eyes were red and puffy, also glassy with tears. Danny smiled a bit, all though it was a slightly sad one. "How long have ya been listenin' to me?" he asked with a weak laugh, standing up and going over to her, wrapping his arms around her softly.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay wrapped her arms around him as well. "Since you started talking about Sara." she whispered, since she still couldn't really talk much. She then pulled away and turned to her side, wincing a bit as she did. She let out a small noise of pain and then let another tear fall down her cheek. "Is she okay?" she asked.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Don't move.. Don't move.." Danny whispered softly, catching the small noise and the wince. "I know they revived her.. I know that much," he soon replied. "I didn't stick around, because one, I'm worried about you, and two, I couldn't bare to listen."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Linds looked up at him sadly. "Do you like her?" she asked him point blank. She just wanted to know the truth. She knew that in this condition, and him seeing her in this current state, he wouldn't lie to her, no matter how good of a liar he was. If Lindsay knew anything about Danny, it was that he had a thing for women in distress. And Lindsay was definatly in distress right now. She closed her eyes, hoping if the answer was one she didn't want to hear, she at least couldn't invision him saying it in her mind when she thought about it later.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"I was able to talk to Sara before I came in here.. We agreed on being friends and nothing more. I have you, she has Grissom, and God forbid if anything ever changes that," Danny replied to her, being completely serious and honest about it all. "I only have eyes for you, Lindsay.."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay looked at him, eyes ready to cry again. She reached out and held his hand. She now knew that what he said was true. She loved him, and he loved her, just like he had told her. "I'm sorry." she said, first tear dropping down her face. "I'm sorry for not believing you in the first place." she told him as she let out a small sob.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Don't be sorry.. You had every right to be unsure," Danny replied to her, squeezing her hand. His free hand raised and gently wiped the tears from her cheeks, smiling to her a little as he blinked back his own tears.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay smiled at him lightly. She knew in her heart all the time that he loved her, it just took her mind a little bit longer to comprehend it. She just wanted to up and marry him right now. "I love you Danny." Lindsay said through another sob.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"I love you too, Lindsay.. I'm so glad you're okay," Danny replied. In all honesty he was. Danny was just about devistated to learn that Lindsay might not have made it because of the blood loss, but he was extremely happy to hear she did.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay smiled to him. "You know, deep down in my heart I knew you loved me, that's probably why I'm still here, I knew you loved me, so I fought for you." she admitted. "I knew that someone out there cared for me and would be lost if I had died, so I didn't let myself give in. I fought as hard as I could Danny." she told him.
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