Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom stopped in his tracks and turned to look at Catherine. The same hopeful glint that was in his eyes was mirrored in hers. Smiling just a touch, he wrapped his arms around tightly. "She's alive" He whispered gently into her ear as lifted her up slightly.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Catherine was smiling through her tears.
"Don't waste another minute with her Grissom."
She said as she looked down at him. Once he let her out of his embrace they raced up to Sara's room. The sight they saw was nothing that they could have prepared for. Sara looked so small and vulnerble lying in that bed attached to more wires then she had fingers and toes. She was a deathly pale and the only sign that she was still alive was the slow, steady bleep of the heart machine and the persistent beeping of other minitors.
Catherine hung back, not wanting to intrude on the time Grissom needed with her. She'd had hope when the nurse said she was alive...but looking at how fragile and close-to-death she appeared, Catherine's hope faltered. There was a very large chance that she'd die, and it wouldn't entirely surprise Cath if her friend did die in the next 24 hours.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom turned to look at Catherine one last time, a weak smile on her lips. "Atleast she's alive" He said weakly. "And like they said, there's no one stronger than Sara" He turned again and walked over to her bedside. Pulling a chair up beside her he took her hand in his. He leant down and placed a light kiss on her palm, the other part he could see with out any tubes in it. "I'm still keeping my promise" He whispered before leaning back in his chair and closing his eyes, still holding her hand lightly.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Catherine nodded her agreement before turning toward the door.
"I'll give you some time."
She said softly before she left, sitting in a chair in the corridor, head in her hands.

Despite the fact that she was half-dead and had a couple hundred wires and tubes attached to her, Sara looked at peace for once in her life. She was pale, but to Grissom's eyes she looked so beautiful. No frown lines or tears or eyes that held pain. She was weak, everyone could see that, but she was still a fighter. She'd been a fighter her whole life and now that she had something to live for, someone to live for, it seemed to have given her the ounce of strength she needed to pull through. For him.
She didn't stir from the peaceful world she was lost in, but Grissom was there and they were together, happy. Half of her didn't want to leave but the other half was telling her that it was all just an imaginary world and that the real Grissom was waiting for if she pulled out of it. She was struggling to get to him - seeing his face in the mist of her dreams - and she could almost reach him. So near but so far.
A small frown was on her face as she tried her hardest to get back to him. She was trapped and the dream world was starting to scare her. She felt like she was trapped in her own mind and that was a haunting thought. A small whimper escaped her lips but she was still too far out of his world for to know if he heard her.
The word left her lips on nothing more then a sigh.
Re: Crime Of Passion

It was the quiestest of sounds but to Grissom it was like an explosion. He smiled and sat up a little straighter, watching her with a fondness he'd never felt for anyone before. She was still there, she was still with him. He had always been a patient man, a man of strong self conviction so he was happy to sit there and wait for her to come back to him, secure in the knowledge that she would somehow find a way.
Re: Crime Of Passion

It would be a long, long road to recovery but if she had him there beside her she knew she could do it. She didn't know if he could hear her but she wanted to at least try.
" you."
And that was all she managed. Everything was silent in her mind, and he was slowly fading away from her, disappearing from the mist and she called out but couldn't find her voice. Terror that she was losing him gripped her.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Shhh" Grissom soothed, leaning down to kiss her palm again. "I love you too" He whispered softly, as if speaking any louder would shatter the moment. He smiled, feeling a little reassured and leant back against the chair. SHe was going to make it, he knew it!
Re: Crime Of Passion

The doctor appeared once mroe to check her stats and was convinced of her stability.
"Sir, if she gets out of here alive, she's going to have a long road to recovery...she'll never be the woman she was before this."
He was trying to gear Grissom up for the heartbreak of anything that could happen at any point. She was weak, and if she had another convulsion, the docotr knew that was it.

Sara was drifiting in and out of hearing the voices surrounding her and suddenly she felt as though she were being jolted through an invisible barrier.
Her eyes flew open and she bolted upright....
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom shook his head. "It doesn't matter, she's my Sara and I know she'll get through this" He said with a nod. He turned back just as Sara sat up. He turned to the doctor once more and raised an eyebrow. "See?" He said with a smile.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Get off me!!!"
She screamed, tugging frantically at the tubes. She was hysterical and the doctor tried to calm her but she was screaming and trying to get out. To her, she was still trapped in her mind and disfigured monsters were pushing her down, restraining her to a cold bed where she couldn't move.
She couldn't be calmed and even Grissom there wasn't Grissom to her eyes. The mixture of drugs in her system was making her hallucinate and it was terrifying her. She couldn't see Grissom anywhere and as she thrashed against the doctor, she felt a sharp pain in her hand and saw blood. She'd torn the tube out of her with such force that it had ripped the skin it had been carefully inserted through. The doctor was frantically trying to get a sedative in her but she knocked it out of his hand, her terror-filled screams piercing the air. She wasn't peaceful anymore.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom moved a doctor out of the way and leant down to her ear. "Ssssh Sara" He whispered softly. "I'm here" He reached down and took hold of her hand" Right here, just like i promised" He placed a gentle kiss on her cheek.
Re: Crime Of Passion

ilovegrissom1 said:
Lindsay woke up some hours later to find Danny hunched over her. He looked really upset. She hoped he wasn't like that because of her. She was going to be okay. Then she remembered that Sara was in here as well. Something must have gone wrong. She remembered their fight, and how Danny tried to convince her that he loved her. But she still wasn't sure. He hadn't even been there when she was taken out of the OR. She concluded that he must have been in Sara's room since Grissom and Catherine were outside when she passed them. She suddenly got very upset, and although she wasn't sobbing, tears were flowing down her face.

Danny's whole body and state of mind was distraught. He hadn't realized Lindsay had woken up, but he was mumbling to himself, hearing Sara's immistakable scream drift through the door. "What the hell happened today?" he asked himself quietly. "First Sara has a drug overdose and nearly dies, now Lindsay get's shot. It's like I'm a freakin' bad luck magnet for the ones I try to be even friendly to," he muttered. "Jesus Christ, this can't be happening." Danny's glasses had been removed and were sitting on the counter, rubbing his eyes to get rid of the tears.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"NO!! Get away from me!! G-GRISSOM!"
She was sobbing now, her head spinning from everything that was going on. She was hallucinating badly. To her ears it sounded like, "He's not here. He's not here and he promised."
The sedative was in her now and she was trying to struggle but her body was betraying her and all she could do was whimper as tears rolled down her cheeks like waves Her hallucination faded a little and Grissom's face came into sight. She sobbed and tried to reach for him but she couldn't move. They'd restrained her. She felt trapped again.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay said nothing, kind of wanting to keep listening. She didn't register that he had said he tried to only be friendly to Sara. It just didn't stick to her brain. She still throught he was flirting with Sara. She gasped when she heard that she had almost died, she hoped everything would turn out okay. Tears were still rolling down her cheeks as she looked up at him, wondering if she should tell him that she was awake, or just let him find out for himself.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom kissed her cheek one last time, his heart aching. "Rest now baby, and when you wake I'll still be here" He said softly, not caring whether or not she heard him. He placed his hand gently over hers again and sat back down.
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