Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

"She tried to OD by mixing drugs and alcohol."
Catherine explained before she tried to rush into Sara's room but a nurse held her back.
"I'm sorry but you can't come in here right now. The doctors are doing their best."
Catherine nodded numbly. Then she heard a sound that chilled her right through.
"Charging 180. Clear."
For a moment there was no other sound coming from the room other then the irons charging.
"Charging 270. Clear."
Catherine couldn't listen anymore. They were losing her. A tear escape her eye and cascaded down her cheek as she stared blankly at the half-closed door of Sara's room.
"Charging 360. Clear...."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny heard the paddles charge, soon removing himself from the hallway and walking towards Lindsay's room. He couldn't bare to stand and hear that. Danny soon stepped into Lindsay's room, seeing her sleeping. He didn't say a thing, instead thinking how Sara may be lost by now and how he almost lost Lindsay. Danny was hunched over, his head in his hands. Oh, please God.. he thought.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom didn't know what to do with himself. He wandered numbly down to the cafeteria and sat in the corner, craddling a coffee cupHe didn't want to say anything, do anything, he didn't even want to feel anything. It would have all been so much easier if he'd just kept hold of his solitary existance. It was much less complicated. He was so lost in his own world he didn't even notice Catherine take a seat opposite him.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Catherine had stood fearfully by Sara's door listening for the docotrs words. Her eyes widened and she felt sick. Not waiting to hear anymore she shot after Grissom. Sitting down opposite him, she was overcome with numb sorrow.
She said gently. She didn't want to break news to him. She didn't want to see him fall apart, lose the last thread of sanity he was holding on to. Sara meant the world to him, and he'd meant the world to her. But they were both either too scared to do anything or were too proud to admit that they needed each other. It was Grissom's fault mainly. He'd pushed her away and pushed her away for years. Catherine was surprised she hadn't given up after 4 years. But she didn't. She hadn't.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissoms train of thought broke and he looked up over his coffee cup at Catherine. He remained silent, preferring to let his eyes do the talking. They showed a deep broken sorrow. He felt likehe'd broken into a million tiny pieces. He realised how Sara must have felt and even resented her in a way for trying to take the easy way out. If she died then that was it, she'd be in peace. However he'd be left to live with a permanent feeling of numbness.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Grissom, I don't know how to tell you..."
Catherine's tears were starting to flood down her cheeks and she covered her face with her hands, the doctor's words still ringing in her ears:
"Cameron! Cameron....there's nothing we can do...let her go...."
She hadn't waited around to have the doctor say how sorry he was and how his team did everything they was too much. The doctors hadn't even left her room when Catherine had fled to find Grissom.
She broke down, unable to continue. She could tell by the sheer look of pain in his eyes that he knew what she was trying to say.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom eyes darted upwards, locking with Catherines. Was she trying to tell him what he thought she was? He shook his head gently. "No, you're wrong" He whispered, his voice breaking and his eyes stinging. He blinked hard to try and stop the impending tears. "No" He repeated. It was becoming harder for him to breath, he felt like he was drowning.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"I-I wish I was..."
She whispered, her hands covering her face again as a sob escaped her lips.
"I heard them...they said to let her go...oh God Grissom...we've lost her."
She couldn't talk anymore.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom closed his eyes, taking slow, deep breath. He felt a tear slide down his cheek, then another. She couldn't be. He tried to block out images of her the last time he'd seen her. She was only a baby, she couldn't be. He wiped his eyes roughly with his sleeve and opened them to look at Catherine once again.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Catherine tried to compose herself, tried to stay strong for Grissom. But it was so hard when the world felt like it was falling apart. Nobody had been to find them yet to force the news upon them...but they didn't need to. Grissom and Catherine already knew the bad news. She wondered how Greg was going to react to this, and Nick. And the others as well. Sara was a well-loved member of the team, even if she didn't see it. Nick would be distraught - they were best friends and they'd always been there for each other. But Grissom's heart was broken, that much was obvious. In all the years Cath had known him, she hadn't once seen him cry.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom moved out of his seat and walked around to Catherine. He opened his arms to her and let her sob into his chest. Holding her tightly he let his own tears fall once more. How could something like this happen so quickly? His head hurt by the whole thing.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Catherine fell into Grissom's reassuring embrace and sobbed until she had no more tears left to cry. She and Sara had slowly become close over the years. They'd had their ups and downs but they're friendship was strong. Now she was gone.

Suddenly, a nurse appeared at the door, looking frantic. Her eyes darted about the place until they finally rested upon Catherine and Grissom.
"Sir? Sir! I think you need to come upsatirs."
She said impatient with nerves. She didn't exactly look like she was about to announce a death...
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom looked to Catherine, then to the nurse. Hesistantly he got to his feet and followed her. He reached his hand behind him for Catherines and gave it a reassuring squeeze as they walked. What the hell was going on? His breathing was becoming quicker as he felt himself become even more nervous.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay woke up some hours later to find Danny hunched over her. He looked really upset. She hoped he wasn't like that because of her. She was going to be okay. Then she remembered that Sara was in here as well. Something must have gone wrong. She remembered their fight, and how Danny tried to convince her that he loved her. But she still wasn't sure. He hadn't even been there when she was taken out of the OR. She concluded that he must have been in Sara's room since Grissom and Catherine were outside when she passed them. She suddenly got very upset, and although she wasn't sobbing, tears were flowing down her face.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Catherine felt a slight bit of hope at the woman's urgency and quickly followed her, her hand held tightly in Grissom's. It was time's like this that she didn't know where she'd be if she didn't have his friendship.
"Can you tell us what's going on?"
Cath slowly asked and the nurse talked over her shoulder to them as she ushered them upstairs.
"Ms. Sidle...we lost her and...Dr. Cameron was just about to pronounce time of death when the heart monitor that another doctor was about to disconnect from her started bleeping. Only once or twice. But Dr. Cameron shocked her again and...she's back with us. It's a miracle. I've never known anyone so strong. She's not awake and she's attached to alot of machines but...she's alive."
The kindly nurse didn't want to add "barely" to the end of that sentence.
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