Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny heard the shot rang out, quickly pulling out his cell and calling in for help. Danny saw Knoll making an escape for the back door, instinctively firing one shot into the other's leg and one into his shoulder. Danny swiftly cuffed the man and went to find Lindsay, seeing her on the floor with blood seeping from her stomach.

"Lindsay! Oh God.." Danny crouched down next to her, sending out a 911 call for an ambulance, holstering his gun and pressing his hands to Lindsay's wound. He realized he was shaking, worried as hell. "Lindsay, you're going to be okay," he told her, his voice wavering a bit.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Catherine gripped Grissom's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. To the outside world, it looked like two parents at the bedside of their daughter, but it was such a different situation. Grissom was Catherine's best friend. He was there for her and she was there for him. He'd supported her through her marriage breakup, and he loved Lindsay dearly. But there was no spark between them - they were the definition of "just friends". Sara was the only one Grissom could ever see and Catherine felt the same way about Warrick. But she hadn't told him that. Now, seeing the position that kind of thing got others in, she made a promise to herself to let Warrick know. Eventually. Turning her attention back to Sara, she rubbed the younger woman's back gently, her heart breaking as she saw the emotionally inept Grissom fighting tears and looked so terrified. Sara had given up fighting the tears and she let wave after wave hit her head on. It felt good to be able to just cry.It made her head hurt but it made her feel better emotionally then she did when she bottled things up.
"Will you stay with me...i-if I get out of this place?"
Sara asked Grissom in a small, frightened voice. She didn't know if she could stand sleeping alone. All she wanted was someone to hold her tightly whilst she fell asleep, making her feel safe and not all alone in the world.

((oooh, wouldn't it b good if they all found each other at the hospital!! Danny could maybe be brought back into the whole Sara thing!! Pwitty plz?))
Re: Crime Of Passion

Linday coughed up more blood, still unable to speak. She looked up at Danny with fear flooding her eyes. She felt so tiered, and she wanted the pain to stop. Danny pressing on her wound wasn't helping much. She was still gasping for air, and she was getting cold. She started to shiver and her face was pale. Closing her eyes, she wanted to pass out, but she knew she couldn't. She had to stay awake until someone came for help.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"No" Grissom said simply, hearing her question. "You're moving in with me. No discussion about it Sara. Once you start getting you're strength back I'll go round to your place and move some things into mine" He continued to rock her gently. Leaning down he placed a kiss on her head.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Lindsay, stay with me," Danny spoke firmly to her, trying to stop the bleeding as best he could. "I know it hurts.. but bare with it for a little," he then said. It was only seconds later that Danny could hear sirens and see lights from the ambulance and police cars. "In here! We're in here," Danny called out to the paramedics, his voice cracking a bit.

Danny was forced back from Lindsay, fighting back to try and stay with her but the officers restrained him from doing so. This was the fourth time he'd seen someone he cared for taken away on a gurney. Louie, Stella, Flack, and now Lindsay. Once the ambulance had gone and the suspect taken to the hospital under supervison, Danny was released, having to make a statement of what happened.

Danny looked at his hands. They were covered in blood. Lindsay's blood. Danny shook his head, taking a breath before calling up Mac and explaining what had happened. It was basic instinct for him to call Mac. Danny did a once over of himself, soon telling Mac that he was going to go change then head over to the hospital, his hands still shaking.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay was oblivious to anything that was happening around her when the medics took her away. She had passed out in the ambulence from loss of blood. They took her as fast as they could to the hospital and got her into the OR. The interns and nurses were standing around, looking as if it were just another patient, but the doctors recognized her, since she always came in to question people and collect their statements. Many doctors would have given up hope at that operation table, but Dr. Bailey wouldn't give up on her, because she knew her personally, and after a few minutes of concentreation, the bullet was out of Lindsay's body, and they were beginning to sew her up. They gave her an extra pint of blood and then began checking her out for any other injuries.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara managed a small smile and still clung to Grissom. She wasn't going to argue. She never wanted to wake up alone and the very thought scared her. She hadn't expected him to make the decision of moving her in with him, but she liked that decision nevertheless.
Catherine watched them, a small smile coming to her own lips. She was glad Grissom was finally seeing sense. She was going to give him a long lecture in awhile about how he would never hurt her or push her to this again and if he did she'd make sure he saw the consequences through. He was damned lucky that Sara hadn't die earlier when she had started fitting, and he seemed to have the heavens on his side...they both did at this point in time. She just wished it hadn't taken Grissom so long to get his head out of the microscope and reciprocate Sara's feelings. They had wasted so much time. It was probably Grissom's was probably definitely Grissom's fault. Sara had laid her heart on the line for him many a time and he'd broken it. Catherine was surprised she still had her sanity...then again, that could sometimes be argued.
But at least she was okay now...but would she be for long?

((Dum Dum DUMMMMM! Yes, I'm hinting!! :devil:
All we need is DANNY to show up and Grissom getting possesive muhahahaha *hint* lol!))
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny had arrived at the hospital in clean clothes, bagging the ones from earlier and leaving them at the hotel. He paced around in the waiting room, nervous to hear word from the doctors, and that's when it hit him. Sara must have been admitted here. He checked at the front desk to see where Sara, Grissom and Catherine were, making his way down a hall to Sara's room and knocking on the door.

Danny's heart was pounding, not wanting to spend too much time, but it was going to be a couple minutes till Danny was allowed to go in and see Lindsay, choosing to see if Sara was okay in the meantime. "Hey, guys.." he said to Sara, Grissom and Cath with a weak smile.

(( You asked for it... O__o; ))
Re: Crime Of Passion

(Well, he should be in the hospital soon since Lindsay is in there now. lol)

ETA: Wait, there he is. Lauren, I'll let you bring Danny back in when you want, that is, until I get bored and send a doctor in there for your ass :lol:
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara looked up and gave a weak smile to Danny. She felt Grissom tighten his arms around her and knew it was going to be difficult to say anything here.
"Griss, it's okay..."
She whispered softly. Catherine got up and tugged Grissom's hand, forcibly removing him from the room. Danny and Sara had things they needed to get out in the air.
Once alone, Sara twisted the hem of the bedsheet and slowly raised her eyes to Danny's.
"I'm okay...I just..."
She trailed off and sighed, shaking her head. She didn't very well feel like she could say, "I attempted suicide because I felt like I meant nothing in the world and I hated my life and myself so badly."
She didn't want him to be unsure of where they stood - she was in love with Grissom, but that didn't stop her being very attracted to Danny. If she hadn't been so stuck on Grissom when he'd arrived, she'd have certainly chased him. Somehow though, she had a feeling something had transpired in his life that had nothing to do with her.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny offered an appologetic smile to Grissom and Catherine as they left, walking over to stand next to Sara. "But you know now that Grissom loves you and wouldn't try to hurt you intentionally, correct?" Danny replied to Sara, smiling a little. "Sara, you don't have to explain anything or wonder about anything, 'kay? Lindsay and I are involved, and both you and I got a little tied up, making Grissom and Lindsay a little unsteady."

"We're friends, and that's as far as I'll let it stretch because of the relationships we have. I was worried to hear that you wound up in the hospital, but I'm happy you're okay. I'd be lying though, if I didn't tell the truth, saying that I came down here because Lindsay wound up in the hospital." Danny let out a slightly shakey sigh. "But I'm happy to hear that you're doing okay for a bit," he said, leaning over and giving her a friendly hug.

"Besides.. Grissom would rather hang, drawn, and quarter me than lose you," Danny winked with a reassuring grin. "Just friends."
Re: Crime Of Passion

A few minutes later, Lindsay was transported to a diffrent room after she had woken up. She passed Grissom and Catherine on her way to her room, waving at them before passing them and going into the room that was three doors away from Sara's. She wondered where Danny was.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara gave him a full smile this time, feeling better that he wasn't dwelling on anything. That would have been a nightmare.
"Just friends."
She said, reaching for his hand and giving a gentle squeeze, as much strength as she had in her weak body. She responded to his hug warmly. No matter who it was, it felt good to have arms around her, none better then Grissom's.
"I'm happy for you and Lindsay. She really likes you...wait, what's happened? She's in here?"
A worried expression crossed her face. "Montana", as Sara had heard Danny call her, was a sweet girl and she hoped nothing had happened. She could tell by the worry on Danny's face that it had though.
Before Danny had a chance to respond though, Sara's hand gripped his and she felt that feeling she'd gotten earlier right before....
Her breath caught in her throat just as it had done last time, and an agonizing pain felt like a stbbing to her chest.
"Danny...get help..."
She managed to wheeze before a fit overcame her. By the time the doctor got to her, she was convulsing violently and her eyes were glazed. The foam on her lips was mixed with blood this time...
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Sara? Sara!" Danny was taken aback when Sara started convulsing, wondering what had happened to her in the first place to make her end up in the hospital. He was forced back out into the hallway, looking over to Cath and Grissom. "She's convulsing.." he said to them weakly, a questioning gaze on them.

It was a moment later when a doctor from Lindsay's room came out and told Danny where Lindsay was and that she was conscious. "Cath, Grissom.. I'm going to go see Lindsay.. But, that convulsion looked like one from a drug overdose. Is Sara okay?"
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay saw doctors rushing around. Someone must be going down or something. She got tiered of waiting for Danny, so she turned to her side, and fell into a light sleep, letting her pain dissapear with her conciousness.
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