Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny nodded, turning back to the computer and running the DNA to Jimmy Knoll, smirking when the computer screen flashed affirmative. "Well.. One of two things happened with our Mr. Knoll. Either he was out there for no particular reason, or he had a hand in this."

Danny took a moment to check the size of the shoe tread with Knoll's shoe tread. "Hey, Linds.. Tell me, what do you see?" he smirked a bit, motioning towards the computer screen.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Catherine sighed and shook her head, rubbing her forehead with all the anxiety she was feeling swirling around it.
"Oh God...she's gonna make it...isn't she?"
She asked worriedly. By this time she was already in her car, starting the engine and gunning toward the hospital.
She felt physically sick with worry and didn't know how Grissom would hold up if Sara took a turn for the worst or...didn't make it.

The nurse from before came hurrying back out to him, keeping him up-to-date with Sara's condition to the minute.
"Sir...I think you should get up there...I'm not sure she's going to last much longer and she keeps whimpering your name even through the sedatives..."
Re: Crime Of Passion

A mixture of the nurses and Catherines words drifted through his mind. "Just get here quick Cath" He replied, as tears threatened his eyes once again. He closed the phone and looked at the nurse for a few seconds, hesitant about seeing her in that state. He nodded and stood up, indicating for the nurse to take him to her.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella giggled a bit. "Yeah, I hope it's something good too, that could kind of suck if it just meant nothing."
Lindsay looked at the computer screen and smiled. The treads were a perfect match. "I think it's time to get a warrent for his shoes." she said with a smile as she walked off to get a warrent. "Meet me by the car, and don't forget you're gun, this guy could be dangerous." she said before waling out completely.
Re: Crime Of Passion

(o__o Caught it)

Danny nodded to Lindsay, packing everything back up and putting it into the evidence vault. Soon grabbing his coat and going outside to meet Lindsay at the car, checking his gun over quickly. "This is almost too easy.." he frowned a bit.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay picked up the warrant she asked for and headed out to the car. She checked over her gun, making sure it was clean and wouldn't misfire and then stuck it back into her holster. "You ready to get going?" she asked shyly as she got into the drivers seat.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Yep, I am. You?" Danny asked, climbing into the passenger side. Danny reached over and checked the warrant over to see all of what it covered, smiling a bit.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Linday started up the car and drove off, she made various turns and such as he read over the warrent. Before they knew it, they were at the perps door. "It's open." Linds said as she went up to the door and saw that it was cracked a little. For a police officer, that was an open invitation to poke around. She nudged the door open with her gun, checking to make sure no one was in her sight before walking in with Danny following her. "NYPD!" she screamed through the seemingly empty house.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara was struggling against the restraints they had on her. The sedatives were wearing off now and she was hysterical. They injected her again and she fell limply, sobs shaking her body.
She sobbed. Then she caught sight of him stood at the door, watching her with that look of heartbreak on his face. She couldn't hold her arms out to him like a child, as she wanted to, but she hoped he would see how much she just wanted to be held, to make all this stop.

Catherine had never broken the speed limit with such force before. In fact, she pretty much pummelled it. Arriving at the hospital she rushed in, being directed to Sara's cubicle in ICU. As soon as she heard the word ICU her heart skipped a beat. It was serious.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom took a few steps forward towards her bed. He leant down next to her and gently stroked her cheek. "Shhh" He soothed. "It's going to be ok" He bit his lip and tried to fight back tears. It broke his heart to see her in such a state. What if he lost her? He couldn't handle that.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny followed Lindsay in, hollaring out NYPD and LVPD, gun drawn and at the ready. Danny nodded towards one hallway before he pointed at himself, motioning that he was going down the other, starting to clear the rooms carefully.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara weakly pulled him closer to her, needing to feel safe. She was terrified. She felt every little bit of her fit and it had hurt, to say the least. As she was softly crying into Grissom's chest, the doctors slowly filtered out and Catherine appeared looking flushed and worried.
"Sara...oh God."
She whispered, taking a few hesitant steps toward the woman she regarded as a friend and to some extent, a little sister that she needed to look after. Well, that was maybe just her motherly streak coming through.
"Why did you do this to yourself honey...?"
She said softly, sitting down on the other side of Sara, knowing she should let Grissom and Sara have their moment. He needed to prove he could be there for her and that he loved her as much as Cath knew he did.
Re: Crime Of Passion

(I'm going to have fun with this)
Lindsay cleared the hallway, bathroom and den until she got to the bedroom. She thought she heard something scuffling around, so she poked her head in to see anything before actually walking in. It might have been an animal of some kind, but she wouldn't know until she looked in. She walked into the room, keeping her gun out in frong of her and keeping as quiet as she could. She heard a noise that sounded like a footstep.

Lindsay turned to see what it was and found herself staring into a gun. She pulled the trigger on her gun, but for some reason it misfired. She looked at her gun, but before she could see what was wrong, a shot rand out, and Lindsay fell to the floor. She saw his face, and knew that it was Jimmy. She had a sharp pain in her stomach. She felt like she couldn't breathe and it hurt her so much. It wasn't long before she was gasping for breaths and coughing up blood. She was unable to speak because of the shock, but she was screaming for Danny on the inside.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom sat on the edge of the bed, holding Sara in his arms. He hushed her gently, rocking her like a small child. As Catherine sat down next to him he reached out his hand to her. It all didn't seem real. He couldn't believe she'd want to do this to herself so badly.
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