Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella looked up at him. "Nah, you can drive." she said with a smile and a small laugh. She wondered what Mac's intentions were for tonight. He hadn't seemed himself since she knocked on his door, and she noticed that she wasn't quite herself either. She didn't know if it was the change of cities or the fact that she just realized that she had feelings for him. She just knew that something was diffrent and it bothered her so much.
Lindsay sighed before getting out of the car and going over to Danny and Catherine. If only Catherine knew what she was going through right now. Lindsay cringed at the mention of Sara. She didn't have anything against the girl, in fact, she seemed really nice, but she just didn't like "Danny" and "Sara" in the same sentence. It didn't help hearing that with her current state of mind.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Mac nodded. He, too, was wondering what was going on at the moment, what sorts of things they both were feeling right now. But, he didn't know how to verbalize it without making an idiot of himself. He just knew that something was different.
Re: Crime Of Passion

The doctors desperately tried to resusitate Sara but the damage to her internal organs was causing them to be unable to get her out of a critical condition. She was rushed upstairs to ICU and one nurse went to go and find Grissom.
"Sir? Sir...Ms. Sidle's been moved up to ICU...I'm afraid it's not good. The alcohol and pills that she digested...well, that's the reason there's a labelled warning on the front of pills like that. It's like putting potassium in water...that's what happened inside her body. It's a miracle she didn't die straight away and there's a high risk of her not surviving the next 24 hours. If she does, there's more chance of her recovering fully but there's no promises. She was mostly incoherent when they wheeled her upstairs but you are "Grissom", right? She was screaming for you."
The nurse tried to smile sympathetically and indicated over her shoulder.
"She's under alot of sedatives at the moment but she can hear you if you talk to her...would you like me to take you up?"
She asked gently. She didn't know what was between the two but it looked as though they were either dating or married. That's what she assumed anyway.

Catherine explained the situation as she knew it to Danny before feeling her phone buzz in her pocket. Lifting it out quickly, she answered, knowing it was Grissom.
"Gil! How is she? I've been trying to call you."
The worry was obvious in her voice but she managed to keep her calm enough to speak coherently and slowly.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella got into the passengers side of the car and buckled her seatbelt. She looked straight ahead and zoned out. She had only been here for a few hours and things seemed so diffrent then they had been in New York. Maybe it was because they had been apart for about a day. They seemed inseperable at times, and maybe it was just making up for time missed, but she didn't know. She wished she could get into Mac's head, but she obviously couldn't read minds.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Mac glanced at her now and then, wondering what was going on in her head. "Jet lag getting you?" he asked when she zoned out.
Re: Crime Of Passion

All sorts of images ran through his head. Shaking slightly he shook his head. "I'll be along later. I need some air right now" He croaked. Later on, sitting outside, Catherines voice soothed him slightly. She was a constant steady influence in his life. "It's not good" He managed to whisper, closing his eyes and running a hand through his hair.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Catherine's hand covered her mouth and had to sit down, thankful nobody was around now.
"Oh God what did she do? Where are you...? I'll come down. I don't care what Ecklie says."
She could hear the coming and going of sirens and prayed to God it hadn't gotten so bad that they were at the hospital as she feared they were.
"Shit I can't believe this is happening."
She muttered, shaking her head. Grissom sounded distraught and she knew he didn't let emotion overcome him so figured it must be bad.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella was in the middle of thinking about taking it a step farther when he unknowingly interrupted her thoguhts. "Hmm? Oh, uh, yeah." Stella lied as she faked a yawn.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny motioned to Catherine to tell him when she got an update, soon grabbing his kit and heading inside with Lindsay. His brow was furrowed. "I wonder what happened. It sounded bad," he said quietly.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay just shyly nodded. She picked up her kit and walked into one of the evidence rooms, laying what she had picked up on the table and examining it closely. It was a pen, and it had a fingerprint on it. Maybe the perp dropped it when he leaned over her to stab her.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"She um...overdosed on pills and alcohol then on the way to the hospital she threw herself out the back of the car" Grissom ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "It doesn't look good" His voice was as broken as he felt.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny soon was silent as well, going over evidence and running a DNA analysis along with a shoe tread search. Until those were finished going through, Danny was looking at what Lindsay was doing, wondering if she would give him orders to do something else.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay lifted the print and then ran it through IAFIS. It came up to a Jimmy Knoll. "Looks like we need to have a chat." she said. "Run the DNa against Jimmmy Knoll and see if you can't get a hit. The guy was arrested two years ago for insubordination." she said.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Something tells me it's more...But I don't know what to say. I don't want to damage anything between us or make a fool of myself...But I know I'm feeling...things...too. I just wonder if you are also..." He trailed off.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella couldn't help but smile a bit. "I thought I was the only one, I just didn't know if it was from being so far away from each other for that long or if it was something else...."
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